Strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights
Human rights defenders have struggled to find relevant Human Rights Council documents related to their cause. The documents are openly available, but there's been no way to easily search and utilise the information without additional, and often costly, resources. So unfortunately, those with the least resources have had the most difficulty finding the human rights information they need.
Our goal is to strengthen the visibility of the Human Rights Council's resolutions by making all related documents more accessible, faster and more efficiently than ever before.
RightDocs users can also utilise the information more dynamically, with filters by topic, State, agenda item, session, date, and an overview page for each State.
Full text resolutions, amendments, and reports
By topic, agenda item, country (coming soon) and date
Voting patterns on topics over time
Prospective cosponsors or supporters to approach
Save time
For using your results dynamically
And more features coming soon!
RightDocs is freely available to all - civil society, diplomats, researchers, and anyone interested in learning more about the United Nations Human Rights Council's procedures, documents, and resolutions. The information accessible through RightDocs utilises official UN documents, publicly available.
RightDocs is open source and built on user feedback, so it's always evolving. Try us on any device, and tell us what you think.
RightDocs is a HURIDOCS innovation, developed in collaboration with Universal Rights Group and was generously supported by Permanent Mission of Denmark to the UN in Geneva. HURIDOCS solves information challenges to maximize the impact of human rights organizations across the world.