22/63 Report of the independent international factfinding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
Document Type: Final Report
Date: 2013 Feb
Session: 22nd Regular Session (2013 Feb)
Agenda Item: Item7: Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories
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- Against
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Human Rights Council Twenty-second session
Agenda item 7
Human rights situation in Palestine and other
occupied Arab territories
Report of the independent international fact- finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem*
The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 19/17,
in which the Council decided to establish an independent international fact-finding mission
to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the human rights of the
Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
* The annexes to the present report are circulated as received, in the language of submission only.
Paragraphs Page
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1–9 3
A. Mandate .......................................................................................................... 1–2 3
B. Terms of reference and methods of work ....................................................... 3–9 3
II. Applicable law ........................................................................................................ 10–17 4
III. Context ................................................................................................................ 18–30 6
IV. Implications of Israeli settlements on the rights of Palestinians .............................. 31–99 8
A. Right to self-determination ............................................................................. 32–38 8
B. Equality and right to non-discrimination ........................................................ 39–95 10
C. Impact of businesses ....................................................................................... 96–99 20
V. Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 100–111 21
VI. Recommendations ................................................................................................... 112–117 22
I. Timeline: Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem ....... 24
II. Locations of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem .. 39
I. Introduction
A. Mandate
1. In its resolution 19/17, the Human Rights Council decided to establish an
independent international fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli
settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian
people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
2. On 6 July 2012, the President of the Human Rights Council appointed three high-
level experts as members of the fact-finding mission: Christine Chanet (Chairperson),
Asma Jahangir and Unity Dow.
B. Terms of reference and methods of work
3. The members of the mission convened for the first time in Geneva in August 2012,
and held meetings with the representatives of concerned permanent missions and other
relevant stakeholders. The mission adopted its terms of reference in the light of the mandate
conferred on it by the Human Rights Council, which it considered had clearly instructed it
to investigate all the human rights implications of the Israeli settlements for the Palestinians
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The mission interpreted its mandate to require it to
conduct its investigations within the legal framework of international human rights law,
together with other relevant bodies of international law. The mission notes that the Israeli
settlements also have other implications, including for the rights of those residing inside the
settlements and in Israel.
4. For the purpose of its work, the mission understands ―Israeli settlements‖ to
encompass all physical and non-physical structures and processes that constitute, enable
and support the establishment, expansion and maintenance of Israeli residential
communities beyond the Green Line of 1949 in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (see
annex I).1 The mission did not differentiate between ―settlements‖, ―settlement blocks‖,
―outposts‖ or any other structures that have been erected, established, expanded and/or
appropriated or any land or natural resources appropriated.
5. Guided by the principles of ―do no harm‖, independence, impartiality, objectivity,
discretion, transparency, confidentiality, integrity and professionalism, the mission
carefully analysed all available information that it considered relevant and credible.
6. To ensure the greatest availability of such information, the mission issued a public
call for written submissions, which it also directly shared with representatives of Israeli
settler communities. In response to the call, it received 62 submissions. The mission
analysed information received from Governments, intergovernmental organizations,
international and national non-governmental organizations, professional bodies, academics,
victims, witnesses and the media. The mission did not receive any testimony or submission
on an anonymous basis. All information received was treated with due confidentiality.
7. The mission had expected to undertake field visits to Israel and the Occupied
Palestinian Territory in order to observe directly the situation on the ground. It addressed
1 These include, inter alia, the ―wall‖ (denoting the physical barrier constructed by Israel since 2002);
checkpoints, closure obstacles, bypass roads, tunnels and the permit system; legal systems;
commercial and industrial infrastructure; and planning and zoning regimes. See annex II.
five requests for cooperation to the Government of Israel through the Permanent Mission of
Israel in Geneva. The Government did not respond to the mission‘s requests. The mission
regrets the fact that the Government did not respond and that, consequently, it did not have
access to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Alternative arrangements were
made to obtain direct and first-hand information in the form of a series of meetings held
with a wide range of interlocutors from 3 to 8 November 2012 in Jordan.
8. During its visit to Jordan, the mission listened to and collected information on a
wide range of relevant issues from more than 50 people affected by the settlements and/or
working in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel. It met with victims of human
rights violations, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jordan, officials from the
Palestinian Authority, and representatives of international and non-governmental
organizations and United Nations agencies. The mission kept a record of all testimony
9. The present report is the result of the mission‘s consideration and analysis of all the
submissions and information it received and gathered.2 The mission points out that a
number of interlocutors requested explicitly that their identity not be disclosed. The mission
is grateful to all those who extended their cooperation to it.
II. Applicable law
10. The international legal framework applicable to the issue before the mission is
primarily provided for in international human rights law and international humanitarian
11. Israel is bound to respect, protect, promote and fulfil the full range of the social,
economic, cultural, civil and political human rights of all persons within its jurisdiction as a
result of its being party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention against
Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the
Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol thereto on the involvement of children in
armed conflict, and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination. Israel is also bound by relevant international human rights rules that are a
part of customary international law.
12. The rights protected by human rights treaties must be available to all individuals in
the territory of or subject to the jurisdiction of Israel, except where the State has lawfully
derogated from them. The treaty bodies of the United Nations that monitor the
implementation of the applicable human rights treaties have consistently concluded that the
treaties to which Israel is a party are applicable with regard to acts carried out by Israel in
the Occupied Palestinian Territory.3 This was confirmed by the International Court of
Justice in 2004.4 Furthermore, the human rights obligations of Israel apply in both peace
and times of armed conflict. In the latter situation, they continue to apply alongside
2 For a list of sources consulted by the mission in the course of its work, see
3 For a compilation of selected conclusions and recommendations made by human rights mechanisms,
see www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/RegularSessions/Session19/Pages/IsraeliSettlementsInTheOPT.aspx.
4 Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences of the Construction
of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory of 9 July 2004 (see A/ES-10/273 and Corr.1), paras.
international humanitarian law to provide complementary and mutually reinforcing
13. A situation of military occupation prevails in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. As
the occupying Power, Israel is bound under international humanitarian law by a set of
obligations which are provided for in the Hague Regulations of 1907, annexed to the
Convention with Respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land, which are recognized
as part of customary international law, and the Geneva Convention relative to the
Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 1949 (Fourth Geneva Convention), to
which Israel is a High Contracting Party.
14. The applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention to the Occupied Palestinian
Territory was decisively established by the International Court of Justice,5 and has been
recognized and consistently reaffirmed by, inter alia, the Commission on Human Rights,
the Human Rights Council, the Security Council and the General Assembly.6 Under the
Fourth Geneva Convention, Palestinians living under occupation are ―protected persons‖
and thus the focus of the obligations of Israel under humanitarian law therein.
15. International humanitarian law establishes obligations on Israel concerning, inter
alia, humane treatment and physical integrity of the Palestinians as protected persons;
respect for their basic rights to education, a fair trial, family, health, religion, and work;
maintenance of public order and safety; respect for existing laws; respect for and protection
of real and personal property; and the management of public property, including natural
16. Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention also prohibits the occupying Power
from transferring parts of its own civilian population into the territory that it occupies. This
prohibition has attained the status of customary international law. The mission notes that
the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,
violate this provision and are, thus, illegal under international law.7
17. The mission also considered, where necessary, other international law frameworks
and principles. In a situation of prevailing impunity, the law on State responsibility for
internationally wrongful acts, including third-State responsibility, is relevant. International
criminal law enables the pursuit of individual criminal responsibility for conduct that
amounts to international crimes. In this regard, on 3 December 2012, Palestine addressed
identical letters to the Secretary-General and the Security Council. Citing article
8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, it stated that ―Israeli
settlement activities‖ constitute war crimes, and that Israel must be held accountable for
such acts.8
5 Ibid., para. 101.
6 See for example Commission on Human Rights resolutions 6 (XXIV), 6 (XXV) and 2001/7; Human
Rights Council resolutions 7/18, 10/18 and 19/17; Security Council resolutions 271 (1969), 446
(1979), 641 (1989), 681 (1990) and 799 (1992); and General Assembly resolutions 2546 (XXIV), ES-
10/2, 36/147 C, 54/78, 58/97, ES-10/18 and 66/225. 7 See for example the advisory opinion of 9 July 2004, para. 120; Security Council resolution 471
(1980); General Assembly resolutions 3092 (XXVIII), 47/172 and 66/225; Commission on Human
Rights resolution 2000/8; Human Rights Council resolutions 13/7 and 16/31; and Council of the
European Union, Conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process, 3166th Foreign Affairs Council
Meeting, 14 May 2012.
8 A/ES-10/573 - S/2012/899.
III. Context9
18. Israeli settlements are located beyond the Green Line of 1949 and include structures
in East Jerusalem and in Area C of the West Bank. The Oslo Accords established Area A,
comprising approximately 18 per cent of the West Bank and encompassing urban
Palestinian areas under the full control of the Palestinian Authority; Area B, representing
some 22 per cent of the vast majority of Palestinian rural areas, under Palestinian civil
control, while the Israeli army has security control; and Area C, comprising an estimated 60
per cent of the territory, under full Israeli control for security, planning and construction
purposes. Settlements are generally located among the more vulnerable sections of
Palestinian society, predominantly agrarian villages.
19. The mission was informed that settlers may be divided broadly into three categories.
The first are those who have moved on quality-of-life grounds and live in settlements close
to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The second, ultra-Orthodox Jews, who constitute more than 25
per cent10 of the settler population, live in settlements largely isolated from other Israelis;
ultra-Orthodox Jews seem also to be motivated by economic incentives and cheaper
housing and are generally found in settlements closer to the Green Line. A third group
seems to be motivated by political and religious ideologies; they live in the central part of
the West Bank, often very close to Palestinian communities.
20. Since 1967, the Governments of Israel have openly led and directly participated in
the planning, construction, development, consolidation and/or encouragement of
settlements by including explicit provisions in the fundamental policy instrument (basic
policy guidelines), establishing governmental structures and implementing specific
measures. These specific measures include (a) building infrastructure; (b) encouraging
Jewish migrants to Israel to move to settlements; (c) sponsoring economic activities; (d)
supporting settlements through public services delivery and development projects; and (e)
seizing Palestinian land, some privately owned, requisitioning land for ―military needs‖,
declaring or registering land as ―State land‖ and expropriating land for ―public needs‖.
21. Government investment in the settlements has not been made explicit in the public
budget, but allocated through hidden provisions in a process described by the former Head
of the Israeli Civil Service Commission, Itzhak Galnoor (1994-1996), as (in 2007)
―partially secretive‖ and (in 2011) as ―a political tool‖. Government investment, excluding
military expenses, has fluctuated over the years, with an estimated peak of $795.8 million
in 2005.11 Quasi-governmental organizations, funded by the Government, including the
World Zionist Organization, also provide funds to the settlements.
22. A governmental scheme of subsidies and incentives has been put in place to
encourage Jewish migrants to Israel to move to settlements and to boost their economic
development. Settlements have been defined as ―national priority areas‖, and benefit from
housing and education subsidies and direct incentives to the industrial, agricultural and
tourism sectors.
23. Various sources refer to settlement master plans, including the Allon Plan (1967),
the Drobles Plan (1978) – later expanded as the Sharon Plan (1981) – and the Hundred
Thousand Plan (1983). Although these plans were never officially approved, they have
9 See also annex I.
10 Dror Etkes and Lara Friedman, ―The Ultra-Orthodox Jews in the West Bank‖, October 2005,
available from http://peacenow.org.il/eng/content/ultra-orthodox-jews-west-bank. 11 Jeremy M. Sharp, ―U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel‖, Congressional Research Service report, 12 March
2012, available from www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf.
largely been acted upon by successive Governments of Israel. The mission notes a pattern
whereby plans developed for the settlements have been mirrored in Government policy
instruments and implemented on the ground.
24. The first settlement established was Kefar Ezyon, in September 1967. In the early
years, the establishment of settlements followed a typical pattern. The settlers had access to
the highest ranking Government officials, played on their emotional ties to the land and
encouraged these officials to lead and participate in establishing and expanding settlements
through, inter alia, the seizure of land for ―military purposes‖.
25. In June 1967, Israel illegally annexed 70 km 2 of land incorporating East Jerusalem
and a number of nearby Palestinian villages into the expanded boundaries of the Jerusalem
municipality of Israel. It promptly built 12 Israeli ―neighbourhoods‖ that enveloped nearby
Palestinian quarters and villages. An outer layer of settlements beyond the municipal
boundaries were then built, thereby severing the geographical continuity of the city from
the rest of the West Bank. Since the 1970s, the Jerusalem municipality of Israel has openly
pursued a policy of ―demographic balance‖, most recently seen in the city master plan also
known as ―Jerusalem 2000‖. The master plan calls for a 60/40 demographic balance in
favour of Jewish residents.
26. Studies on settlements commissioned by the Office of the Prime Minister in 2005
(the Sason report) and 2012 (the Levy report) document the Government‘s authorization in
the establishment and expansion of settlements up to 1992, and indicate that settlements
built afterwards with no Government authorization (―outposts‖) were established with the
―full knowledge of all [authorities], starting with the government ministers and prime
minister, and until the lowest enforcing agencies (…) the denial had but one goal only: to
withstand criticism by various factors, mostly international‖.12 Sason concluded that
―unauthorized outposts violate[s] standard procedure, good governing rules (…) endanger
the principle of the rule of law [and thus] urgent measures must be taken to change [this]
reality‖.13 In contrast, the findings of the Levy report suggested the retroactive authorization
of ―outposts‖.
27. In September 2005, through the ―disengagement plan‖, Israel dismantled 21
settlements in the Gaza Strip (and four in the West Bank), evacuated the settlers residing
there and withdrew the army, while maintaining exclusive control of the airspace of Gaza
and continued to conduct military activities in the territorial waters of the Gaza Strip. The
―disengagement plan‖ was presented in Israel as an essential step to preserve its control
over the settlements in the West Bank. Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has been
quoted as saying ―in the framework of the ‗disengagement plan‘, Israel would strengthen its
control of those parts of the land that will constitute an inalienable part of the State of Israel
in any future agreement.‖14
28. Since 1967, some 250 settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, have
been established, either with or without Government authorization. The number of settlers
is estimated at 520,00015 (200,00016 in East Jerusalem and 320,000 in the rest of the West
12 Yehudit Karp, ―A harsh indictment‖, Haaretz, 27 November 2012. 13 Talya Sason, ―Summary of the Opinion Concerning Unauthorized Outposts‖, 10 March 2005.
Available from
14 Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, Lords of the Land: the War for Israel’s Settlements in the Occupied
Territories, 1967-2007 (New York, Nation Books, 2007). 15 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ―The Humanitarian Impact of Israeli Settlement
Policies‖, Update December 2012. Available from
Bank). According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, over the past decade, the settler
population has grown at a much higher rate than the population in Israel itself, with a yearly
average growth of 5.3 per cent (excluding East Jerusalem), compared with 1.8 per cent in
29. After years of court orders, the Migron and Ulpana ―outposts‖ were evacuated in
2012. Settlers responsible for appropriating private Palestinian land without Government
authorization were, however, provided after the evacuation with new homes in nearby
settlements. The Government paid for the transfer of their property and the rental on the
new homes.
30. The Government in office since April 2009 has contributed to the consolidation and
expansion of settlements. Government spending on the settlements during 2011 was 38 per
cent more than in 2010. 17
On 14 November 2012, the Minister for Finance, Yuval Steinitz,
stated ―we‘ve doubled the budget for Judea and Samaria [the West Bank]. We did this in a
low-profile manner, because we didn't want parties either in Israel or abroad to thwart the
IV. Implications of Israeli settlements on the rights of Palestinians
31. The mission notes that the impact of settlements on the human rights of the
Palestinians is manifested in various forms and ways. These are interrelated, forming part
of an overall pattern. The structure of the report is intended to reflect this reality.
A. Right to self-determination
32. The mission notes that, in its resolution 67/19, the General Assembly reaffirmed
―the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State
of Palestine on the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967‖.
33. In a report on the issue, the Secretary-General warned that (the demographic and
territorial presence of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory was put
at risk by the continued transfer by Israel, the occupying Power, of its population into the
occupied territory, observing that Israel had transferred approximately 8 per cent of its
citizens into the Occupied Palestinian Territory since the 1970s. He also recalled that the
International Court of Justice concluded that the construction of the wall, coupled with the
establishment of Israeli settlements, was altering the demographic composition of the
Occupied Palestinian Territory, and thus was severely impeding the exercise by the
Palestinian people of their right to self-determination. 19
34. The establishment of the settlements and the creation of dozens of enclaves have
also caused the fragmentation of the West Bank. The mission heard that the establishment
ecember%202012%20english.pdf. 16 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ―East Jerusalem: Key Humanitarian Concerns‖,
Update December 2011. Available from
17 Chaim Levinson, ―Israeli government spent NIS 1.1 billion on settlements in 2011, reports show‖,
Haaretz, 31 July 2012.
18 ―Like a thief in the night‖ Haaretz editorial, 14 November 2012.
19 A/67/375, para. 12.
of Ma‘ale Adummim and its expansion has had a much wider significance than the local
impact of most settlements by severing territorial continuity between Palestinian
communities.20 The Wall ―where it is built or planned, truncates and chops up Palestinian
space with ‗fingers‘ extending deep into the West Bank. (…) Its ―route threatens to divide
the West Bank into two separate areas and cut off East Jerusalem from the rest of the West
35. The Government of Israel has full security and administrative control over the
settlement areas, and effectively controls the external borders of the Occupied Palestinian
Territory. Regional councils composed exclusively of representatives of Israeli settlers
exercise planning functions in settlement areas. Neither the Palestinian Authority nor local
Palestinian communities have any control over the governance, administration and planning
of these areas.
36. The settlements, including the associated restrictions, impede Palestinian access to
and control over their natural resources. In his report, the Secretary-General noted that
Palestinians had virtually no control over the water resources in the West Bank.22 Eighty-
six per cent of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea is under the de facto jurisdiction of the
settlement regional councils. Settlements exploit mineral extraction and fertile agricultural
lands, denying Palestinians access to their natural resources.
37. In December 2012, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported
that, while the fenced areas of settlements cover only 3 per cent of the West Bank, in reality
43 per cent of the territory is allocated to local and regional settlement councils.23 There are
approximately 150,000 Palestinians living in Area C in close proximity to more than
320,000 Israeli settlers. In East Jerusalem, some 200,000 settlers have been introduced into
Palestinian areas with a Palestinian population of about 390,000. The negative impact of
Israeli settlements on the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people extends,
however, to the Palestinian people as a whole.
38. The mission considers that the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people,
including the right to determine how to implement self-determination, the right to have a
demographic and territorial presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the right to
permanent sovereignty over natural resources, is clearly being violated by Israel through the
existence and ongoing expansion of the settlements. The transfer of Israeli citizens into the
Occupied Palestinian Territory, prohibited under international humanitarian law and
international criminal law, is a central feature of the practices and policies of Israel.
20 ―The Hidden Agenda: The Establishment and Expansion Plans of Ma‘ale Adummim and their Human
Rights Ramifications‖, B‘Tselem, December 2009, available from
21 See ―Arrested Development: the Long Term Impact of Israel‘s Separation Barrier in the West Bank‖,
October 2012 (available from
http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201210_arrested_development_eng.pdf), and
―By Hook and by Crook: Israeli Settlement Policy in the West Bank‖, B‘Tselem, July 2010 (available
from www.btselem.org/download/201007_by_hook_and_by_crook_eng.pdf).
22 A/67/375, para. 14.
23 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ―The Humanitarian Impact of Israeli Settlement
Policies‖ (see footnote15).
B. Equality and right to non-discrimination
1. Inequality and discrimination in the application of the law
39. Information presented to the mission demonstrates that distinct legal systems exist in
the Occupied Palestinian Territory and are applied separately to Israeli settlers and
Palestinians. Broadly, Israelis in Area C are subject to Israeli domestic law enforced by the
police and courts in Israel. A patchwork of Israeli military orders and Ottoman, British and
Jordanian legislation is applied to Palestinians, who are also subject to a military court
system with a wide jurisdictional reach.
40. By ―channelling‖ Israeli civil law into the territory of settlements, ―legal zones‖
have been established within the West Bank where Israeli laws apply to settlers in order, for
example, to regulate the status and authority of governmental institutions within
settlements. These laws do not apply to Palestinians. Other Israeli laws are applied
personally to Israelis in the West Bank, giving them preferential legal status over
Palestinians. A matrix of military orders applies personally, by law or by practice, only to
Palestinians to regulate and control most aspects of daily life, including by restricting an
extensive range of rights. Israelis and Palestinians are also treated differently by the same
laws; for instance, some military orders designate areas in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory as ―closed military zones/areas‖. With the exception of military training or firing
zones, only Palestinians are prohibited from entering such areas unless they have a permit,
even if the area encompasses Palestinian land, thereby denying Palestinians access to or
ownership of land. The so-called ―seam zone‖ is closed to Palestinians, while Israelis and
foreign visitors have unrestricted access. Certain other Israeli laws expressly discriminate
against Palestinians. In 2012, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
reiterated its concern about the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary
Provision) that suspends, with rare exceptions, family reunification between an Israeli
citizen and a person residing in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, with a severe impact on
family rights.
41. The mission again noted the extraterritorial personal application of Israeli
legislation, with the application of Israeli criminal law to Israelis in the West Bank with
respect to offences they allegedly committed there.
42. According to the Secretary-General, lack of accountability permeates all types of
acts of violence committed by Israeli settlers against property and persons. 24
The situation
today closely resembles that described by the inquiry conducted in 1984 into action taken
with regard to settler violence headed by the then Israeli Deputy Attorney General, Yehudit
Karp. According to Yesh Din, an Israeli non-governmental organization that monitored 869
cases between 2005 and 2012, more than 91 per cent of all investigations concluded into
complaints of criminal offences against Palestinian persons and property in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory were closed without an indictment being served, mostly owing to
investigative failures.25 This is despite the fact that attacks and intimidation by settlers
against Palestinians are often carried out in daylight and in the presence of Israeli army or
police personnel, who frequently do not stop the violence or are ineffective.
43. The mission was informed that, when acts of violence are committed by Palestinians
against settlers, these are appropriately addressed, indicating that the lack of law
24 A/67/375, para. 39. 25 Yesh Din, ―The impact of the settlements on Palestinian rights in the West Bank‖, November 2012,
available from www.yesh-din.org/userfiles/file/Position%20Papers/Yesh%20Din%20Position%20to%
enforcement experienced by Palestinians is largely a matter of political will. Between 90 to
95 per cent of cases against Palestinians are investigated and go to court.
44. The failure to conduct effective investigations and prosecutions of settler violence
impedes Palestinians‘ access to an effective remedy. This is compounded by the multiple
barriers presented to Palestinians by the court system, including time, cost, language and
procedural barriers coupled with inadequate notification of relevant orders and declarations.
Fear and lack of confidence in the courts also act as deterrents to seeking redress.
Palestinians are also significantly limited from seeking compensation from the State of
Israel for certain conduct by its agents pursuant to the Civil Torts (Liability of the State)
Law 2005, as amended in 2012.
45. The Supreme Court of Israel sitting as the High Court of Justice does not offer
Palestinians a clear avenue for recourse. The High Court has consistently deferred to the
Government of Israel on matters relating to the settlements, and has rendered the question
of the legality of the settlements non-justiciable. While on occasion the Court has found in
favour of Palestinian petitioners, it has both substantially limited its oversight role and
provided a legal space in which the settlements have been developed. Additionally, where
judicial rulings have favoured the Palestinian petitioners, there is a consistent lack of
enforcement of them.
46. Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory endure a discriminatory
application of a military court system that does not comply with international standards of
fair trial and administration of justice.26 In testimony to the mission, a witness explained
that ―two individuals in the West Bank may commit the same offence. One is investigated
by the police in the West Bank and brought before a military court, and can be detained up
to eight days without seeing a judge. The Israeli who has done the same is investigated and
brought before a civilian judge, and enjoys all the safeguards of a modern criminal process.
Both face different penalties. The prevailing legal systems in Occupied Palestinian
Territory translate into stark inequality before the law.
47. Palestinians are routinely subject to arbitrary arrest and detention, including
administrative detention, mass arrests and incarceration. It is estimated that more than
700,000 Palestinians, including children, have been held in Israeli military detention since
the beginning of the occupation, many in prisons located within Israel.27 In 2012,
approximately 4,100 Palestinians were in Israeli military detention, of whom 143 were aged
between 16 and 18 years, and 21 were below 16 years old.28 It is well documented that the
military court system does not ensure Palestinians basic fair trial guarantees, including
minimum standards of independence, clear evidentiary or procedural rules, the presumption
of innocence or the duty to hear witnesses or examine all material evidence.
48. Most children are arrested at friction points, such as villages near settlements or on
roads used by the army or settlers and that run by a Palestinian village. From point of arrest,
they face multiple violations of their rights to liberty and security and fair trial through
interrogation, arbitrary detention and abuse, trial and sentencing. Approximately 90 per
cent of children plead guilty and are given custodial sentences. The mission heard
testimony that ―in short, pleading guilty is the quickest way out of the system, whether the
26 See CCPR/CO/78/ISR, para. 12, and CCPR/C/ISR/CO/3, para. 7. 27 A/HRC/7/17, para. 45. See also B‘Tselem, ―Statistics on Palestinians in the custody of Israeli security
forces‖ (2008 to 2012).
28 B‘Tselem, ―Statistics on Palestinians‖ (see footnote 27).
offence was committed or not.‖ Approximately 60 per cent of Palestinian children serve
their sentences inside Israel.29
49. The legal regime of segregation operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territory has
enabled the establishment and the consolidation of the settlements through the creation of a
privileged legal space for settlements and settlers. It results in daily violations of a
multitude of the human rights of the Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
including, incontrovertibly, violating their rights to non-discrimination, equality before the
law and equal protection of the law.
2. Settlers violence and intimidation
50. All spheres of Palestinian life are being significantly affected by a minority of
settlers who are engaged in violence and intimidation with the aim of forcing Palestinians
off their land. There was consistency in testimonies with regard to the following facts:
attacks and intimidation regularly take place during daylight hours; the identity of
perpetrators are well known, or perpetrators could easily be identified; the frequent
presence of police and army at the scene; the involvement and presence of settlement
security officers; the frequent existence of video and photographic footage of the incidents;
and the lack of accountability for the violence.
51. The mission heard testimonies on incidents of settler violence and intimidation
dating back to 1973. A report of the Security Council Commission established under
resolution 446 (1979)30 drew attention to settler attacks on property and acts of intimidation
that restricted access to water and obstructed children‘s schooling. The Commission noted
that the intent of these attacks was to pressure Palestinians to leave the land. Palestinian
deaths and injuries as a result of settler attacks have been recorded since 1980; the mission
notes the statistics compiled by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs that
show that, in the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, Israeli settlers injured 147
Palestinians, including 34 children.
52. The mission heard numerous testimonies on violent attacks by settlers, including
physical assaults, the use of knives, axes, clubs and other improvised weapons, as well as
shootings and the throwing of Molotov cocktails. The testimonies also recounted the
psychological impact of intimidation by armed settlers trespassing on Palestinian land, at
Palestinian water springs or in the midst of Palestinian neighbourhoods in Hebron and East
Jerusalem. In some cases, testimonies described years of violence and intimidation directed
at the same Palestinian family living in proximity to settlements that had pushed it to
abandon its properties.
53. The mission heard testimony of the impact of settler violence on children, and notes
an increasing trend in their death and injuries. In a submission to the mission, Defence of
Children International –Palestine had documented 127 cases in the West Bank, including
East Jerusalem, including four fatalities, since 2008. Settler attacks on schools and
harassment of children on their way to school has followed an upward trend since 2010.
Testimonies from residents of the village of Al Twanyi describe how children must have
Israeli army escorts on their way to and from school to protect them from settler attacks.
These escorts are not always provided by the Israeli army or, when provided, are often
29 See Defense for the Children International – Palestine Section, ―Children prosecuted in Israeli
military courts: update‖, 2 October 2012, available from www.dci-palestine.org/documents/children-
30 S/13679.
54. The mission also notes the impact of violence and intimidation on the lives and
livelihoods of Palestinian farmers, by preventing the access of Palestinians to their land
close to settlements through violence and intimidation; burning, uprooting and attacking
Palestinian crops; settlers taking over the land and planting their own crops; and fencing off
and building on Palestinian agricultural lands. The olive industry is a primary source of
income for Palestinian farmers; the olive harvest is therefore a particularly vulnerable
period of the year for Palestinian farmers and their crops.31 From 2005 to 2012, Yesh Din
monitored 162 investigations into vandalism against Palestinian trees (predominantly olive
trees); only one investigation led to an indictment.32 Figures for 2012 (until mid-October)
show that, during that period, more than 7,500 trees had been damaged or destroyed by
55. The mission heard testimonies on ―price-tag‖ attacks, a phenomenon considered
distinct from other forms of settler violence. The attacks aim at exacting a price on the
Palestinian population living close to settlements for any political or legal move that the
settlers interpret as being contrary to their interests. The mission understands that the intent
is to deter Israeli authorities from taking any action perceived to be against settlers‘
interests while at the same time to provoke Palestinians into a reaction. An-Najah
University identified 119 price-tag incidents from 2008 to September 2012.34 The attacks
most commonly involve vandalism and the burning of property, cars and houses, and are
often accompanied by racist graffiti. The Department of State of the United States of
America categorized three price-tag attacks on mosques and a Muslim cemetery as terrorist
56. The mission is concerned that specific programmes devised to deal with the impact
of settler violence on physical and mental health have had to be developed by non-
governmental organizations as a result of the failure of Israeli authorities to stop settler
violence and of the persistence of impunity in this regard. The mission notes with particular
concern the situation of children and the impact on their development.
57. Violence, verbal and physical abuses, inhumane and degrading treatment, forced
evictions, land and property grabbing, the destruction of property and housing and many of
the issues for which testimonies and information was gathered gravely affect the right to the
enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Depression,
anxiety, symptomatic stress, mood disorder and behaviour problems, and post-traumatic
stress disorders are some of the most current conditions reported by specialists. Impunity, a
feeling of injustice, the recurrence of events and anticipation of renewed abuses, especially
on relatives and children, compound these conditions.
31 The Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture estimates that 3.5 million olive trees have been destroyed
since the second intifada.
32 Yesh Din, ―Police investigation of vandalization of Palestinian trees in the West Bank‖, October
2012, available from www.yesh-din.org/userfiles/file/datasheets/DS%20Trees%20Oct,%202012%20
33 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Olive Harvest Factsheet, October 2012,
available from
34 An-Najah University, ―Outposts and Price Tag Violence: A Blow upon a Bruise ‖, September 2012,
available from www.najah.edu/sites/default/files/shared-uploads/outposts_and_price_tag_violence_-
35 United States Department of State, Country Reports on Terrorism 2011, available from
3. Restrictions on religious freedom and related intolerance
58. In the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem and Nablus all
host places of considerable religious significance for Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
While the impact of settlements is manifested in various forms throughout the West Bank,
the mission notes that both Jerusalem and Hebron have been targeted by particularly
aggressive settlement policies and practices owing to their religious significance.
Settlements have been established in the heart of both cities, disrupting the lives and the
development of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. In addition, major settlement
infrastructure has been built around Jerusalem and, to a lesser extent, Hebron, enveloping
them and severing social and economic ties with the rest of Palestinian society, while
linking the various settlements and the territory of the State of Israel.
59. The mission was also informed about archaeological excavations being conducted in
and around the Old City of Jerusalem and the construction there of a network of
underground tunnels, including those connecting settlement installations in the Palestinian
neighbourhood of Silwan with the Old City. It has been alleged that these archaeological
excavations are intended to emphasize Jewish cultural heritage while disregarding – or
worse undermining – the rich heritage of other cultures that have contributed to the
millenary history of the city.
60. The mission received numerous reports of Palestinians being denied access to places
of worship. Limited entry through checkpoints and area closures during holy days prevents
Palestinians from attending holy rituals at appointed times at places of worship. The
mission also learned that, since 2008, mosques and Christian churches have been targeted
in price-tag attacks, including at least nine price-tag arson attacks against Palestinian
mosques and 21 incidents where graffiti was used to desecrate mosques, churches and
burial grounds with provocative slogans of a racist or a sacrilegious nature, intended to
inflame the situation.36
61. The mission is concerned that policies and acts aimed at altering the composition of
Jerusalem and Hebron by erasing cultural heritage on the basis of religious affiliation,
together with redrawing municipal boundaries, are being carried out with the involvement
of the Government of Israel, with pernicious effects. It is further concerned that the
Palestinians‘ right to freedom of religion is being restricted by the settlements.
4. Dispossession and displacement
62. Dispossession and displacement featured in most of the submissions, reports and
testimony received by the mission. The information brought to light a number of different
mechanisms exploited to seize Palestinian land, as well as a discriminatory planning and
zoning policy that favours the development of settlements and, as the Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination concluded, breaches a range of fundamental rights of
63. Since the beginning of the occupation, Palestinians have seen over 1 million
dunams38 of their land seized, enabled by a combination of military orders and selective
interpretation of the Ottoman Land Code that ruled land tenure throughout the Ottoman,
Mandatory and Jordanian periods. In particular, land has been lost through seizure for
military needs, absentee property laws and the declaration of State lands.
36 An-Najah University, ―Outposts and Price Tag Violence‖ (see footnote34).
37 CERD/C/ISR/CO/14-16, para. 25.
38 One dunam equals 1,000 m2.
64. Seized lands are placed within the jurisdictional boundaries of local and regional
settlement councils, used not only for urbanization but also as buffer zones surrounding
settlements or turned into recreational and nature areas to which Palestinians have no
65. While the issue is critical throughout the West Bank, the mission notes the large
number of demolitions, demolition orders, forced evictions and ―relocation‖ plans in zones
identified for the consolidation of settlements, including around Bethlehem and the E-1
project, aimed at creating an urban continuum between East Jerusalem and Maale Adumim.
In this area, the Jahalin Bedouin community in Khan Al-Akhmar, which in the past has
experienced several demolitions, lives under the threat of forcible displacement.
―Relocation‖ plans are currently under discussion, including to a location near a landfill site
where, in 1996, Bedouins had already been relocated in connection with earlier settlement
66. Bedouin communities in general are particularly vulnerable to displacement and
dispossession. Eighty per cent of them live in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea area and
around Hebron, constituting the majority of the population in closed military training and
firing zones. Many of these communities have already experienced multiple displacements.
Many are food insecure, do not have access to basic services, and are not connected to the
electricity grid, the road network or water systems. More than 90 per cent face water
scarcity, living with less than one-quarter of the minimum standards set by the World
Health Organization (WHO).39 The Israeli army routinely demolishes their shelters and
property, including those provided by or built with the assistance of aid agencies and
international donors. In the South Hebron hills, eight villages are at risk of eviction to make
way for a new firing zone.
67. The processes of dispossession and displacement in the vicinity of settlements and
the seam zone include preventing access of Palestinians to their agricultural lands, the
takeover and demolition of springs and wells, and movement restrictions. Settler violence
and intimidation also play a significant role.
68. In East Jerusalem, multiple factors, such as discriminatory building regulations, the
large number of demolition orders, residence permit restrictions, the acute housing shortage
and violence and intimidation from settlers, put enormous pressures on the city‘s
Palestinian population. Cases of forced eviction in East Jerusalem, such as in the Sheikh
Jarrah neighbourhood, were also reported to the mission, including following successful
appeals by settler organizations, some of which linked to Jewish property claims based on
their pre-1948 ownership. Numerous testimonies spoke of settlers taking over individual
houses inside the Old City.
69. Absence of proof of registration (land registration was discontinued by military
order in 1968) makes it extremely difficult for Palestinians to obtain recognition of tenure
or permits. Besides, Palestinians are excluded from consultative decision-making processes
and are not represented in the special planning committees, which are made up of settlers
and are entitled to issue and enforce building permits.
70. Testimonies confirmed that building permits are rarely if ever granted; in the past 20
years, 94 per cent of permit applications were denied. Building without a permit is an
offence under military orders, and the execution of a demolition order is accompanied by a
large fine. The mission heard in this regard about ―self-demolitions‖, namely, of residents
39 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ―The Humanitarian Impact of Israeli-declared
‗Firing Zones‘ in the West Bank‖, August 2012, available from
demolishing their own houses to avoid having to pay a fines. Self-demolitions are not
recorded in statistics on demolitions.
71. As corroborated by testimonies, many Palestinians are forced to build without a
permit, thus living under the constant threat that their home or property may be demolished.
Many families and entire communities are at risk of displacement. In East Jerusalem alone,
where 33 per cent of Palestinian homes lack building permits, at least 93,100 residents are
potentially at risk of being displaced.40
5. Restrictions on the freedom of movement
72. The mission received information according to which the vast majority of
restrictions on the freedom of movement of Palestinians seem to be directly linked to the
settlements, and include ―restrictions aimed at protecting the settlements, securing areas for
their expansion, and improving the connectivity between settlements and with Israel
itself.‖41 The restrictions themselves come in many forms, including settler-only roads, a
regime of checkpoints and crossings (closure obstacles), impediments created by the wall
and its gate and permit regime, as well as administrative restrictions. The Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports more than 540 closure obstacles in 2012.42
Although there have been significant easing measures in recent years (which have
improved connectivity between the main Palestinian cities and towns), movement
restrictions reportedly remain in place in areas around settlements.
73. The mission notes that restrictions on freedom of movement have a detrimental
impact on the access of Palestinians to their land, and have direct consequences for their
ability to work and earn a livelihood. The outer expanses of many settlements incorporate
Palestinian private property, and access to this land is regulated through the ―prior
coordination‖ regime whereby the Palestinian landowners are granted a permit for access to
their land for a limited number of days each year, normally coinciding with harvest time
and based on prior coordination with the Israeli authorities. This regime is in place for
Palestinian landowners in some 90 communities with land in the environs of some 55
settlements.43 In some cases, the prior coordination regime is applied to private Palestinian
land that has been unilaterally fenced off by settlers without authorization by the Israeli
authorities. The widespread access restrictions in and around the wall in the form of gate
and permit regimes particularly affect access to agricultural land in the seam zone and, as
previously noted, these restrictions only apply to the Palestinian population (see paragraph
40 above).
74. Israel has extended the prior coordination regime to situations where Palestinians
face potential settler violence and intimidation. This response has been ineffective in
preventing settler violence, while it places the burden of restricting access to land on the
victims of settler violence.
75. The mission notes that discrimination is particularly evident in the movement
restrictions in Hebron and the Jordan Valley, where large Palestinian populations are
subjected to permit regimes and areas off limits to traffic and, in some cases, pedestrian
40 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ―East Jerusalem: Key Humanitarian Concerns‖
(see footnote 16).
41 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, West Bank Movement and Access Update,
September 2012 (available from
www.ochaopt.org/documents/ocha_opt_movement_and_access_report_september_2012_english.pdf), p. 2.
42 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ―Humanitarian Impact of Israeli Settlement
Policies‖ (see footnote 15).
43 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ―West Bank Movement‖ (see footnote 41).
transit. In the H2 area of Hebron, there are 123 movement obstacles are in place to facilitate
the movement of approximately 550 Israeli settlers in Hebron and 7,000 in the nearby
settlement of Kiryat Arba, at the expense of the Palestinian population (170,000).43 The
mission notes that the presence of these settlements has a direct impact on Palestinian
livelihoods, as military orders have led to the closure of 512 Palestinian businesses, while at
least another 1,100 have closed owing to the restricted access of customers and suppliers.43
76. The human rights treaty bodies have expressed their deep concern at restrictions on
freedom of movement, describing them as being targeted at a particular national or ethnic
group and amounting to gross violations of economic, social and cultural rights.44
6. Restrictions on freedom of expression and peaceful assembly
77. The mission notes that the settlements, including the wall, are the subject of
Palestinian demonstrations in places such as Bili‘in and Nabi Saleh, where the vast majority
of demonstrators are reported to be acting in a non-violent manner. The Israeli authorities
often respond to these demonstrations with restrictions on assembly, declaring areas closed
military zones, and employing violent means to suppress demonstrations by firing tear gas,
rubber bullets and, on occasion, live rounds. As in the case of closure obstacles that restrict
freedom of movement, restrictions on expression and assembly have at their core the aim of
ensuring that the daily life of Israeli settlers continues without interruption.45
78. The mission heard testimony that, since 2009, residents of Nabi Saleh, a village of
600 people, have protested every Friday against the takeover by nearby settlers of the
village‘s water spring. The witness described a litany of violent attacks by the Israeli army
on peaceful demonstrators that have resulted in one person being killed and more than 400
people being injured, including 195 children. On certain occasions, the army has reportedly
stopped demonstrations before they have begun by firing tear gas inside the village, forcing
all villagers to flee.46
79. The mission was informed that Israeli politicians, academics and civil society actors
voicing criticism of the settlements are discredited in public discourse. An example of this
includes the targeting of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory and who voice dissent with the official line of the
establishment. The mission acknowledges the valuable contribution made by members of
Israeli civil society in highlighting the denial of human rights to the Palestinians by the
presence of the settlements.
7. Restrictions on the right to water
80. Information and testimonies corroborate the impact of settlement expansion on the
right to water of Palestinians, including, as pointed out by, inter alia, the Committee on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the great discrepancy between water allocation for
Palestinians and settlers, and inequitable access.
81. The capacity of the Palestinian Water Authority to develop new water resources is
hampered by the water management arrangements governed by the Interim Agreement and
the Joint Water Commission that it established, in which ―fundamental asymmetries – of
power, of capacity, of information‖ give Israel predominance in the allocation of West
44 CERD/C/ISR/CO/13 and E/C.12/1/Add.69.
45 A/67/375, para. 40.
46 B‘Tselem, ―Human Rights in the Occupied Territories‖ 2011Annual Report (available from
www.btselem.org/download/2011_annual_report_eng.pdf), p. 50.
Bank water resources, of which it withdraws 90 per cent.47 The mission learned that a large
number of Palestinian projects are rejected by the Commission. In Area C, additional
approval is required from the Israeli Civil Administration, even for such small-scale
projects as wells or rainwater collection cisterns.
82. The ability of the Palestinian Water Authority to transfer water to areas facing water
shortages is severely inhibited by territorial fragmentation, since almost every project
implies movement through Area C. The mission received testimony about water resources
damaged or destroyed by the construction of the wall or lost to the seam zone, cutting off
villages from their wells, springs and cisterns. In the Jordan Valley, deep-water drillings by
Mekorot, the Israeli national water company, and Mehadrin, an agro-industrial company,
have caused Palestinian wells and springs to dry up. Eighty per cent of the total water
resources drilled in the area is consumed by Israel and the settlements.
83. The lack of availability of Palestinian water resources has led to chronic shortages
among Palestinian communities in Area C and a dependence on Mekorot, to which
authority over the West Bank water resources was transferred from the military in 1982.
84. Mekorot supplies almost half the water consumed by Palestinian communities. The
mission heard that Palestinians do not have access to Israeli recycled water available to
settlements, and have to use water from the more expensive drinking water supply for
irrigation purposes. In the event of a water shortage, valves supplying Palestinian
communities are closed; this does not happen for settlements.
85. The mission heard of situations where villagers must travel several kilometres to
retrieve water when closer water resources serve neighbouring settlements. Settlements
benefit from enough water to run farms and orchards, and for swimming pools and spas,
while Palestinians often struggle to satisfy their minimum water requirements. According to
testimonies received, some settlements consume around 400 litres per capita per day
(l/c/d),48 whereas Palestinian consumption is 73 l/c/d, and as little as 10-20 l/c/d49 for
Bedouin communities, which depend on expensive and low-quality tanker water. In East
Jerusalem, houses built without a permit cannot connect to the water network.
86. Water shortages are further exacerbated by restrictions on movement, the destruction
of infrastructure, expropriations, forced evictions and settler violence, which also largely
contributes to diminishing access to water for Palestinians.
87. Forcible takeovers and vandalism by settlers increasingly impede access to water.
According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in March 2012, 30
springs in the vicinity of settlements were completely taken over by settlers and 26 were at
risk, with settlers fencing them off and threatening villagers. Some of the springs seized
have become ―tourist attractions‖ or recreational sites, and receive support from the
Government of Israel.
88. According to testimony received, the destruction of water infrastructure, including
rainwater cisterns, by Israeli authorities has increased since the beginning of 2010, doubling
in 2012 the number of acts committed in 2011. The denial of water is used to trigger
displacement, particularly in areas slated for settlement expansion, especially since these
communities are mostly farmers and herders who depend on water for their livelihoods. A
47 World Bank, ―West Bank and Gaza Assessment of Restrictions on Palestinian Water Sector
Development‖, April 2009, para. 130.
48 The minimum recommended by WHO is 100 l/c/d.
49 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ―The Humanitarian Impact of Israeli-declared
‗Firing Zones‘‖ (see footnote 39).
number of testimonies highlighted that the cutting off from water resources often precedes
dispossession of lands for new settlement projects.
8. Impact on economic rights
89. The agricultural sector, considered the cornerstone of Palestinian economic
development, has not been able to play its strategic role because of dispossession of land
and the denial of access for farmers to agricultural areas, water resources and domestic and
external markets. This has led to a continuous decline in the share of agricultural production
in GDP and employment since 1967.
90. The expansion of settlements and the development of relevant infrastructure have
eroded Palestinian agricultural assets. Dwindling water resources, high transaction and
transport costs and shrinking markets have led to a decline in the size of agricultural
holdings. It has also resulted in a shift from irrigated to less profitable rain-dependent crops
and a decrease in productivity, given that the import of fertilizers into the West Bank is
banned for Palestinians. Besides the demolitions carried out by the authorities, villagers
suffer recurrent attacks from nearby settlements (especially during the olive harvest
season), the destruction of trees, water installations and livestock, putting them under
additional pressure to relinquish agricultural activities.
91. The wall has divided villages, cut off farmers from their lands and water and
curtailed trade with traditional markets, stifling the local economy. One example of this
pattern is the village of Nazelt Issa, where half of pre-existing businesses were destroyed to
build the wall, while other activities closed down, given that most of their trade was with
neighbouring villages now cut off by the wall. With few income-generating prospects left
in the village, unemployment is high, and young people leave to seek work.
92. The mission was informed by testimony received that ―Israeli settlement agriculture
is blooming‖. In the Jordan Valley, settlements set up in the 1960s and 1970s as farming
communities on land formerly cultivated by Palestinians have developed into a high-
technology irrigation agricultural zone and become major contributors to Israeli exports of
date palm fruits. In the central West Bank, many agricultural settlements have been
developed over the past decade, cultivating olives and grapes for winemaking in Israel.
Many Israeli cultivated areas correspond to lands that were cultivated by Palestinians until
the second intifada (2000-2005).
93. The inability of the Palestinian economy to expand and offer opportunities, high
unemployment rates and falling wages in the Palestinian labour market, inflation and
increasing poverty are factors that drive Palestinians to seek employment in the settlements
and in Israel, where wages are about twice as high as in the Palestinian private sector. A
stringent system of permits and quotas that determines employment in Israel and the
settlements lends itself to abuse by contractors and middlemen. Palestinians employed in
the settlements work primarily in the manufacturing industry and the construction sector.
Women are mostly engaged in domestic work and agriculture. 50
94. While wages might be higher, employment conditions in the settlements remain
precarious. Workers claiming their rights are easily dismissed, and supervision of
employers by the Israeli authorities in the settlements remains largely absent. In an audit
conducted in June 2011, the State Comptroller noted the ―lack of substantial supervision
and enforcement in the field of safety and hygiene‖, even in factories holding and using
50 International Labour Organization, ―The situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories‖, June
2012 (available from www.ilo.org/ilc/ILCSessions/101stSession/reports/reports-
submitted/WCMS_181071/lang--en/index.htm), para. 87.
dangerous materials. It was noted that, between 2006 and 2010, only four audits were
conducted in the 20 industrial zones/settlements operating in the West Bank.
95. The employment conditions of Palestinian workers in settlements are subject to a
system characterized by legal uncertainties. Palestinians are contracted under the far less
favourable pre-1967 Jordanian labour laws, while Israeli citizens in the West Bank are
employed under Israeli labour laws. Although the High Court of Israel ruled in 2007 that
Israeli labour laws also applied to Palestinian workers, the ruling – which left open the
possibility for the parties to agree otherwise – is often not enforced. Numerous interlocutors
told the mission that this ―cheap labour‖ from the numerous Palestinian villages within
convenient commuting distance represented an additional incentive for enterprises to move
to the settlements.
C. Impact of businesses
96. Information gathered by the mission showed that business enterprises have, directly
and indirectly, enabled, facilitated and profited from the construction and growth of the
settlements. In addition to the previously mentioned violations of Palestinian worker rights,
the mission identified a number of business activities and related issues that raise particular
human rights violations concerns. They include:
• The supply of equipment and materials facilitating the construction and the
expansion of settlements and the wall, and associated infrastructures
• The supply of surveillance and identification equipment for settlements, the wall and
checkpoints directly linked with settlements
• The supply of equipment for the demolition of housing and property, the destruction
of agricultural farms, greenhouses, olives groves and crops
• The supply of security services, equipment and materials to enterprises operating in
• The provision of services and utilities supporting the maintenance and existence of
settlements, including transport
• Banking and financial operations helping to develop, expand or maintain settlements
and their activities, including loans for housing and the development of businesses
• The use of natural resources, in particular water and land, for business purposes
• Pollution, and the dumping of waste in or its transfer to Palestinian villages
• Captivity of the Palestinian financial and economic markets, as well as practices that
disadvantage Palestinian enterprises, including through restrictions on movement,
administrative and legal constraints
• Use of benefits and reinvestments of enterprises owned totally or partially by settlers
for developing, expanding and maintaining the settlements
97. It is with the full knowledge of the current situation and the related liability risks that
business enterprises unfold their activities in the settlements and contribute to their
maintenance, development and consolidation. Industrial parks in settlements, such as
Barkan and Mishor Edomim, offer numerous incentives, including tax breaks, low rents and
low labour costs. Economic activities in these zones are growing. A number of banks
provide mortgage loans for home buyers and special loans for building projects in
settlements. They also provide financial services to businesses in settlements and, in some
cases, are physically present there.
98. The mission noted that some enterprises had withdrawn from settlements because it
harmed their image and might entail legal consequences.
99. The mission also noted that Israel labels all its export products as originating from
―Israel‖, including those wholly or partially produced in settlements. Some companies
operating in settlements have been accused of hiding the original place of production of
their products. This situation poses an issue of traceability of products for other States
wishing to align themselves with their international and regional obligations. It also poses
an issue with regard to consumers‘ right to information. The mission notes that these issues
are increasingly being addressed by States, regional organizations and some private
V. Conclusions
100. The facts brought to the attention of the mission indicate that the State of Israel
has had full control of the settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory since
1967 and continues to promote and sustain them through infrastructure and security
measures. The mission notes that, despite all pertinent United Nations resolutions
declaring that the existence of the settlements is illegal and calling for their cessation,
the planning and growth of the settlements continues of existing as well as of new
101. The establishment of the settlements in the West Bank, including East
Jerusalem (see annex II), is a mesh of construction and infrastructure leading to a
creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable
Palestinian State and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-
102. The settlements have been established and developed at the expense of violating
international human rights laws and international humanitarian law as applicable in
the Occupied Palestinian Territory, as recognized notably by the International Court
of Justice in its advisory opinion of 9 July 2004.
103. The settlements are established for the exclusive benefit of Israeli Jews, and are
being maintained and developed through a system of total segregation between the
settlers and the rest of the population living in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
This system of segregation is supported and facilitated by a strict military and law
enforcement control to the detriment of the rights of the Palestinian population.
104. The mission considers that, with regard to the settlements, Israel is committing
serious breaches of its obligations under the right to self-determination and certain
obligations under international humanitarian law, including the obligation not to
transfer its population into the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Rome Statute
establishes the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the deportation
or transfer, directly or indirectly, by the occupying Power of parts of its own
population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts
of the population of the occupied territory within or outside that territory.
Ratification of the Statute by Palestine may lead to accountability for gross violations
of human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law and
justice for victims.
105. The existence of the settlements has had a heavy toll on the rights of the
Palestinians. Their rights to freedom of self-determination, non-discrimination,
freedom of movement, equality, due process, fair trial, not to be arbitrarily detained,
liberty and security of person, freedom of expression, freedom of access to places of
worship, education, water, housing, adequate standard of living, property, access to
natural resources and effective remedy are being violated consistently and on a daily
106. The volume of information received on dispossession, evictions, demolitions and
displacement points to the magnitude of these practices. These are particularly
widespread in certain areas and acute in East Jerusalem.
107. The mission noted that the identities of settlers who are responsible for violence
and intimidation are known to the Israeli authorities, yet these acts continue with
impunity. It is led to the clear conclusion that institutionalized discrimination is
practiced against the Palestinian people when the issue of violence is addressed. The
mission believes that the motivation behind this violence and the intimidation against
the Palestinians and their properties is to drive the local populations away from their
lands and allow the settlements to expand.
108. The mission is gravely concerned at the large number of children who are
apprehended or detained, including for minor offences. They are invariably
mistreated, denied due process and a fair trial. In violation of international law, they
are transferred to detention centres in Israel.
109. Children endure harassment and violence, and encounter significant obstacles
in attending educational institutions, which limits their right to have access to
education. The occupying Power, Israel, is failing in its duty to protect the right of
access to education of the Palestinian children and failing to facilitate the proper
working of educational institutions.
110. Information gathered by the mission showed that some private entities have
enabled, facilitated and profited from the construction and growth of the settlements,
either directly or indirectly.
111. Women alone in their homes, the Bedouins and other vulnerable groups are
easy targets for settler violence, creating a sense of insecurity in Palestinian society in
VI. Recommendations
112. The mission calls upon Israel to, in compliance with article 49 of the Fourth
Geneva Convention, cease all settlement activities without preconditions. In addition it
should immediately initiate a process of withdrawal of all settlers from the Occupied
Palestinian Territory. The mission also urges Israel to ensure adequate, effective and
prompt remedy for all Palestinian victims for the harm suffered as a consequence of
human rights violations that are a result of the settlements in accordance with that
State’s international obligation to provide effective remedy. Where necessary, steps
must to be taken to provide such remedy in concurrence with the representatives of
the Palestinian people and the assistance of the international community.
113. The mission calls upon Israel to put an end to the human rights violations that
are linked to the presence of settlements.
114. The mission calls upon Israel to ensure full accountability for all violations,
including for all acts of settler violence, in a non-discriminatory manner, and to put an
end to the policy of impunity.
115. The mission urges Israel to put an end to arbitrary arrest and detention of the
Palestinian people, especially children, and to observe the prohibition of the transfer
of prisoners from the Occupied Palestinian Territory to the territory of Israel, in
accordance with article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
116. The mission calls upon all Member States to comply with their obligations
under international law and to assume their responsibilities in their relations with a
State breaching peremptory norms of international law, and specifically not to
recognize an unlawful situation resulting from Israel’s violations.
117. Private companies must assess the human rights impact of their activities and
take all necessary steps – including by terminating their business interests in the
settlements – to ensure that they do not have an adverse impact on the human rights
of the Palestinian people, in conformity with international law as well as the Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights.51 The mission calls upon all Member States
to take appropriate measures to ensure that business enterprises domiciled in their
territory and/or under their jurisdiction, including those owned or controlled by
them, that conduct activities in or related to the settlements respect human rights
throughout their operations. The mission recommends that the Working Group on
Business and Human Rights be seized of this matter.
51 A/HRC/17/31, annex.
Annex I
[English only]
Timeline: Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
• The ―Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel‖ is issued. It equates
Eretz-Israel (in Hebrew ―the Land of Israel‖) to the territory of British Mandate
Palestine 1 , in contrast to the provisions of 1947 United Nations General Assembly
Resolution 181 on the partition of the British Mandate of Palestine into two
Independent Arab and Jewish States with a special international regime for the City
of Jerusalem 2 .
• The ―Israeli Proclamation‖ is issued. It creates a legislative authority: the
Provisional Council of State, which unilaterally revokes the British Parliament
Decision 6019 (the White Paper of 1939) 3 . The White Paper of 1939 indicates that
―the terms of the (Balfour) Declaration [sic] (…) do not contemplate that Palestine
as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home
should be founded IN PALESTINE.[sic] (…) His Majesty's Government (…) now
declare unequivocally that it is not part of their policy that Palestine should become
a Jewish State (…) Jewish immigration during the next five years will be at a rate
which, if economic absorptive capacity permits, will bring the Jewish population up
to (…) one third of the total population (…) some 75,000 immigrants (…) After the
period of five years, no further Jewish immigration will be permitted unless the
Arabs of Palestine are prepared to acquiesce in it. (…) there is now in certain areas
no room for further transfers of Arab land, whilst in some other areas such transfers
of land must be restricted.”4
• The Law and Administration Ordinance 5708-1948 is enacted. Article 15 indicates
that: ―(a) ‗Palestine‘, wherever appearing in the law, shall henceforth be read as
1 The document is found on the Israeli MFA website:
2 A/RES/181(II)[A-B]
3 David M. Sassoon, ―The Israel Legal System‖ in The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 16,
No. 3, Summer, 1968. Pages 405-415 (http://www.jstor.org/stable/838665) and Yvonne Schmidt
―Foundations of civil and political rights in Israel and the occupied territories‖ Doctoral Thesis /
Dissertation, 2001
4 Parliament Decision 6019 was considered a British policy paper. Full original text consulted on
‗Israel‘‖ 5 disregarding 1947 UN Resolution 181 partitioning British Palestine into
two States, Arab and Jewish 6 .
• The ―Absentee Property Law‖ 1950 enables the Israeli Government to transfer the
property left behind by Palestinians after the 1948 War for the exclusive use by
Israel. The Law defines any Palestinian who ‗left his ordinary place of residence‘ for
a place outside the nascent state as an ‗absentee‘. The definition is broadly
interpreted and includes Palestinians who are deemed to have been absent, even
though they are present within the territory of Israel. Such persons are termed
―present absentees‖.
• Planning and Building Law No. 5725 is enacted by the Knesset.7 It establishes a
hierarchy of planning bodies (national, regional and local) responsible for land-use
planning. The law requires development plans to be prepared, approved, and kept up
to date. A permit may be refused if the development conflicts with a plan; penalties
for unpermitted development may include, in extreme cases, demolition 8 (Article
212 allows the State to demolish homes considered ―a public nuisance‖9). The Law
is used by Israeli Governments to justify a large amount of demolitions of
Palestinian houses, notably in Jerusalem after the Six-Day War. 10
• The Six-Day War. (5-10 June)
• Military Order No 59 Regarding Government Property (Judea and Samaria [West
Bank]) 5727-1967 defines ―State Lands‖ as any land belonging to an ―enemy state‖,
or registered in its name. It authorizes the person delegated by the Commander of
Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) in the Region to take possession of ―enemy state‘s‖
properties and to manage these at his discretion. The Order is used through 1979 to
seize control of land registered in the name of the Jordanian Government. 11
(7 June)
5 Law and Administration Ordinance No. 1 of 5708-1948, Full text and amendments consulted on:
6 A/RES/181(II)[A-B]
7 Planning and Building Law, 5725—1965, Full text and amendments consulted on http://www.israellawresourcecenter.org/israellaws/fulltext/planningbuildinglaw.htm
8 Amnesty International, ―Israel/Occupied Territories: Demolition and dispossession: the destruction
of Palestinian homes‖. 8 December 1999
9 Human Rights Watch, ―Sample Judicial Demolition Order‖ [Translated by HRW from the Hebrew
original Beer Sheva Magistrate Court BS 008759/05], March 2008
10 ICAHD submission to the Fact-Finding Mission http://icahd.org/node/429
11 B’Tselem, Land Grab, 2002.
• Article 11 of the Law and Administration Ordinance is amended to indicate that:
―The law, jurisdiction and administration of the State shall extend to any area of
Eretz Israel designated by the Government by order.‖ 12 (27 June)
• Israel illegally annexes 70 km2 of land, incorporating Palestinians living in East
Jerusalem and a number of villages in the West Bank. 13
(27 June)
• Yigal Allon, Israeli Defence Minister and chair of the Ministerial Committee on
Settlements, presents a plan to Prime Minister Levi Eshkol for the creation of
―security‖ borders by establishing Israeli settlements on unpopulated Arab areas of
the West Bank (along the Jordan Rift Valley, the expanded Jerusalem and parts of
the Judean Desert). The plan is not officially approved but is subsequently
implemented. 14
(26 July)
• Theodor Meron, legal counsel of the Foreign Ministry, provides a legal opinion on
the legality of civilian settlement in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip at the request
of the PM‘s Office: ―civilian settlement in the administered territories contravenes
the explicit provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention.‖15 (18 September)
• The first Israeli settlement in the OPT is established, Kefar Ezyon.16 (September)
• The UN Security Council adopts Resolution 242 and calls for Israeli withdrawal
from the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank,
including East Jerusalem. The Resolution emphasises the ―inadmissibility of the
acquisition of territory by war.‖ 17 (22 November)
• The Jerusalem 1968 Master Plan, and subsequent plans provides for the building of
a belt of 12 Israeli ‗neighbourhoods‘ enveloping and bisecting the Palestinian
neighbourhoods in the city. 18
• The first of a series of expropriations of private land in Jerusalem takes place. The
land is used to build the settlements such as French Hill, Gilo, Pisgat Ze’ev and
Ramot Allon. In the great majority of known cases the owners of the expropriated
land are Palestinians. 19
12 Amendment of 1967 to article 11 of the Law and Administration Ordinance No. 1 of 5708-1948 also
available at:
13 B’Tselem, A Policy of Discrimination: Land Expropriation, Planning and Building in East Jerusalem,
May 1995.
14 Senior Foreign Policy Analyst, Dan Diker ―Israel’s return to Security-Based Diplomacy‖, Jerusalem
Center for Public Affairs, http://www.jcpa.org/text/security/diker.pdf
15 Israel State Archives, 153.8/7921/3A. Legal opinion numbered as document 289-291, with
unnumbered cover notes http://southjerusalem.com/settlement-and-occupation-historical-documents/
16 Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, ―Lords of the Land‖, 2005. 17 S/RES/242
18 Eyal Weizman, Hollow Land. 2007
19 B’Tselem, A Policy of Discrimination: Land Expropriation, Planning and Building in East Jerusalem, May 1995.
• Kiryat Arba settlement (the first in Hebron) is established. Ninety dunums20 of
Palestinian land are seized for ―military purposes‖; Palestinians are evicted,
vineyards uprooted and 250 housing units for the settlement are built in their place. 21
• Military Order No. 291 concerning Land and Water Settlement (Judea and Samaria)
provides the basis for the suspension of land registration in the West Bank and
enables tens of thousands of hectares of the West Bank to be declared ―State land‖
making it difficult for Palestinians to obtain security of tenure or pursue land
development (as proof of registration is often a first requirement), while at the same
time increasing the amount of land available to build settlements. 22
(19 December)
• Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (1969-1974) presents her basic policy guidelines
to the Knesset, mirroring the 1967 Allon Plan‘s main objective by referring to
―security‖ civilian borders on strategic areas in the occupied territories.(15
• Military Order No 418 is issued. The order ―amends‖ Jordanian Law No 79 of 1966
as it creates High Planning Councils (HPC) appointed by the Israeli Army
Commander, dissolving the Palestinian planning committees and later establishing
six regional and village HPCs in the West Bank and two in the Gaza Strip. The order
transfers the authority to make all significant decisions on permits and plans in the
OPT from the district level to the HPC, a body of the Israeli Army. It allows the
HPCs to prepare, amend, cancel, disregard, or dispense any plan or permit and to
exempt persons from obtaining the necessary license. The Military Order restricts
Palestinian urban growth and limits Palestinian construction by refusing building
permits and reducing the land earmarked for industrial and economic projects,
thereby depriving a functioning Palestinian economy. It also allows to set aside for
future use vast areas of land for settlements in the OPT. 23
• The UN General Assembly mandated Special Committee to Investigate Israeli
Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories
refers in 1971 to the Israeli Ministerial Committee for Settlement of the Territories
and notes that ―the very existence of such a committee headed by a person of
ministerial rank shows, beyond doubt, that it is a policy of the Government to settle
the territories occupied as a result of the hostilities of June 1967.‖24 (5 October)
20 One dunum equals 1000 m2.
21 Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, ―Lords of the Land‖, 2005. 22 Order Regarding Government Property (Judea and Samaria)(No. 59)
23 Amnesty International, ―Israel/Occupied Territories: Demolition and dispossession: the destruction of Palestinian homes‖. 8 December 1999
24 A/8389
• A group of prominent settler activists form the Gush Emunim movement (in Hebrew
the ―Bloc of the Faithful‖) to advance the cause of establishing settlements
throughout the West Bank. 25
• Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin‘s (1974-1977) in a Cabinet Communiqué
confirms the existence of a settlement policy: ―Settlements in the Administered
territories are established solely in accordance with the government's decisions (…)
The Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence are authorized to implement this
policy.‖26 (26 July)
• Thirty-one settlements have been established in the West Bank (excluding East
Jerusalem), most of them within the outlines of the Allon Plan including in the
Jordan Valley (the prime agricultural land of the West Bank), in the Ezyon bloc, in
the southern Hebron hills and the Judean Desert. The settler population in the West
Bank (excluding East Jerusalem) reaches about 4,500. 27
Some 50,000 Israelis live in
settlements in East Jerusalem. 28
• Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin (1977-1981) presents his basic policy
guidelines to the Knesset. Paragraph 9 indicates the Government‘s support for the
development of Israeli settlements throughout a land that goes beyond the green
line: ―Settlement in Eretz Yisrael is a right as well as an integral part of the nation's
security. The Government will act to achieve the strengthening, the widening and
the development of Jewish settlement...‖29 (20 June).
• Israeli Prime Minister Begin‘s Government statement anticipates the Drobles Plan.
It outlines the mixed high-ranking structure, involving the Government and World
Zionist Organization (WZO), responsible for granting legal status to new
settlements. ― [N]o part of Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] should be handed
over to foreign rule (…) the Ministerial Committee on Settlements, conferred legal
status on three settlements in the West Bank established during the previous
government's term of office (…) The joint Government-World Zionist Organization
Settlement Affairs Committee today decided to recognize Ma'aleh Adumim, Ofra
and Elon Moreh as full-fledged settlements, and charged the settlement institutions
with granting them commensurate treatment.‖30 (26 July)
25 Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, ―Lords of the Land‖, 2005. 26 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―17 Cabinet communiqué on settlements in the West Bank- 26 July
1974- and statement in the Knesset by Prime Minister Rabin- 31 July 1974, 26 Jul 1974, VOLUME 3:
1974-1977‖ www.mfa.gov.il 27 B’Tselem‘s report, Land Grab, May 2002 28 B’Tselem‘s report, Land Grab, May 2002 29 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―Basic guidelines of the government- 20 June 1977, 20 Jun 1977,
Volume 4-5: 1977-1979‖ www.mfa.gov.il The 9th paragraph of policy guidelines presented in 1977 is quoted to in the presentation of Begin‘s policy guidelines in his second tenure in office on 5 August
30 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―23 Government statement on recognition of three settlements- 26 July 1977, Volumes 4-5: 1977-1979‖ www.mfa.gov.il
• The WZO, co-member of the Ministerial Committee on Settlements, publishes the
Drobles Plan to build settlements on the central mountain ridge around Palestinian
population centres. The plan shifts away from the Allon Plan in that the later had
focused on agricultural settlements in unpopulated Arab areas, whereas the former
focuses on urban settlements which are relatively easy to set up, market and
populate in the midst of populated Arab areas. (October)
• By 1979 there are 43 settlements and 10,000 settlers in the West Bank, excluding
East Jerusalem. 31
• The UN Security Council adopts Resolution 446 affirming ―that the Fourth Geneva
(…) is applicable to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including
Jerusalem‖ and determining that ―the policy and practices of Israel in establishing
settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no
legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just
and lasting peace in the Middle East.‖ 32 The resolution also provides for the
establishment of a commission to examine the situation in relation to the settlements
in the occupied territories including Jerusalem, which submits a report 33
to the
Security Council. (22 March)
• Military Order 783 5739 ―Concerning the Administration of Regional Councils‖ is
issued. The order establishes the actual area controlled by settlements which can be
modified at the discretion of the Israeli Military Regional Commander ―‗Area of a
settlement‘ – the area bearing the settlement‘s name is circumscribed by a line on
the map of the regional council which is signed by the regional commander (…) The
regional commander has the right to alter (…) the boundaries on the map (…)‖34 (25
• Israeli Defence Ministry, Ezer Weizman, declares that some 61,000 dunums had
been seized for military needs since 1967, with more than 40,000 dunums of private
land given to the establishment of settlements. 35
• The High Court decision on the Elon Moreh case rules against the temporary seizure
of land for military purposes. The testimony of retired military personnel that the
land seized for the Elon Moreh settlement served no military purposes in addition to
the testimony of the settlers themselves that they, along with the Israeli Prime
Minister, saw the Elon Moreh settlement as a permanent settlement served to
convince the High Court that the land was not legitimately seized for military
purposes. 36
(22 October)
• Israeli Prime Minister Begin, in a Cabinet communiqué on settlements which
mirrors the Drobles Plan, confirms that the Government has been implementing
31 Figures from Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, B’Tselem Land Grab May 2002 32 S/RES/446
33 S/13450; S/13679
34 Quoted by Hagit Ofran and Dror Etkes ―And Thou Shalt Spread …‖ Construction and development of settlements beyond the official limits of jurisdiction A special report presented by the ―Peace Now‖ Settlement Watch. Jerusalem, June 2007
35 Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, ―Lords of the Land‖, 2005 36 Duweikat v. Government of Israel, HCJ 390/79, 22 October 1979 (Elon Moreh case)
settlement activities in the OPT. It also indicates the new basis (declarations of
―State Land‖) to continue with this endeavour after the ruling in the Elon Moreh
case: ―Settlement activities were carried out in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza region
(…) the allotment of land for existing settlements or those settlements whose
establishment was previously decided upon in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank]
(…) Givon will be established partly on land belonging to state and partly on land
owned by Jews, which will be purchased from its owners for this purpose (…) Beit
Horon will be established on state lands (…) Efrat will be established on state lands
(…) Elkana and Kedumim will be expanded by additional of state land (…) An
inter-ministerial committee will be established which will examine the situation in
the settlements of Ophra and Kedumim, and which will recommend solutions for
their problems in the framework of government policy.‖37 (14 October)
• Military Order 892 Concerning the Administration of Local Councils is issued. The
order regulates the issue of larger settlements which have been awarded the status of
―local councils‖, and defines the manner in which the area of the council is defined
at the discretion of the Israeli Army Regional Commander: (1 March)
• The UN Security Council adopts Resolution 465 which follows Resolutions 446 and
452, determining ―that all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character,
demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and
other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof,
have no legal validity and that Israel's policy and practices of settling parts of its
population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of
the Fourth Geneva Convention (…) and a serious obstruction to achieving a
comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East.‖38 (1 March)
• Between 1980 and 1984 over 800,000 dunums of land is confiscated through the
selective use of the Ottoman Land Law of 1858. The method is largely devised by
the director of the Civil Department at the State Prosecutors Office, Plia Albek, with
the backing of her superiors: Attorneys General Aharon Barak and Yitzhak Zamir
(both later Supreme Court Justices) 39
. The West Bank was surveyed by air and on
the ground to identify uncultivated land. This would then be cross checked with land
records and any lands not under private ownership would be declared as State Land.
The onus is placed on those liable to be injured by the declaration to appeal to a
military committee within 45 days. 40
• The Defence Minister (1981-1983) Ariel Sharon prepares a plan (the Sharon Plan)
covering areas he believes are vital for Israel's security and which should be
annexed. Only a small number of enclaves densely populated by Palestinians are not
37 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―50 Cabinet communiqué on settlements- 14 October 1979 VOLUME 6: 1979-1980‖ www.mfa.gov.il
38 S/RES/465
39 Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, ―Lords of the Land‖, 2005 40 B’Tselem‘s report, Land Grab, May 2002
considered. While the plan is not officially adopted by the government, it provides
the basis for future settlements. 41
• Israeli Deputy Attorney General Yehudit Karp is appointed to head a team looking
at investigations and legal actions taken with regards to Israeli settler violence and
intimidation in OPT. The report‘s findings identified: an unusually high number of
files closed for reasons of ―perpetrators unknown‖; an indulgent and forgiving
attitude from the police towards the settlers; in some cases no sincere efforts to find
culprits; no questioning of witnesses; unreasonable lengths of time and a lack of
sensitivity in investigations. The report observes that, ―Israeli residents of the
territories are given to understand that they are soldiers to all intents and purposes.
[...] Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria [West Bank], explicitly relying on this
assurance, refuse to cooperate with the police or provide information; they reject any
contact with the police, basing themselves on ‗high-level policy‘ and declaring that
they are under no obligation to cooperate in this matter.‖42 The report is not released
by the Government of the day, only appearing in truncated form in 1984, 20 months
after its submission by the Karp team.
• Prime Minister Menachem Begin (1981-1983) presents the basic policy guidelines
of his second tenure in the Government. The document largely mirrors the Sharon
Plan and the plan to confer a permanent nature to settlements in the OPT: ―any
suggestion for the dismantlement or removal of any settlement in which Israeli
citizens and members of the Jewish people have settled and reside, will be
rejected.‖43 (3 May)
• The Israeli Ministry of Agriculture publishes the Hundred Thousand Plan aiming at
building settlements in the West Bank through 2010. It includes an implementation
plan 1983-1986. The plan aims at attracting 80,000 Israelis to live in 43 new Israeli
settlements which would bring the total settler population to 100,000. Along with
the construction of settlements, up to 450 km of new roads for settlers are to be
paved. 44
• Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres (1984 - 1986) presents his basic policy
guidelines to the Knesset in line with the Hundred Thousand Plan. The fourth point
of the document establishes that ―there will be no change in the sovereignty over
Judea, Samaria [West Bank] and the Gaza District except with the consent of the
41 B’Tselem‘s report, Land Grab,May 2002 42 The Karp Commission, Report on Investigations of Suspicions Against Israelis in Judea and Samaria:
Conclusions (25 May 1982)
43 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―44 Statement in the Knesset by Prime Minister Begin upon the Presentation of his Second Government- 5 August 1981, 5 Aug 1981, VOLUME 7: 1981-1982‖ www.mfa.gov.il
44 Ministry of Agriculture and the Settlement Division of the World Zionist Organization, ―Master Plan for Settlement for Judea and Samaria, Development Plan for the Region for 1983-1986‖ (Jerusalem, April 1983)
Alignment and the Likud‖. Other points include: ―(A) The existence and
development of settlements set up by the governments of Israel will be ensured, and
the extent of their development will be determined by the government; (B) 5-6
settlements will be established within a year (…); (D) The establishment of new
settlements will require approval by a majority of the cabinet ministers.‖ 45
(13 September)
• Prime Minister Designate Yitzahk Shamir (1986 - 1988) addresses the Knesset to
present the national unity Government in its second period and confirms the
economic support to settlements: ―the government will seek to forge a ‗Zionist
Economy.‘ An economy that will not be based only on solid economic principles,
but also on the Zionist values which must be our guide, and among them the
supreme value of settlement throughout Eretz-Israel.‖46 (20 October)
• During the period 1988-1992, settlement activities accelerate rapidly and the number
of settlements increase by more than 60% in line with the Hundred Thousand
Plan. 47
• Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir (1988 - 1990) presents to the Knesset his
basic policy guidelines, mirroring provisions of the Hundred Thousand Plan. Point
15 elaborates on the settlement policy as follows ―The existence and development of
settlements set up by the governments of Israel will be ensured. An attached
appendix … elaborates on various issues, whose execution will be agreed upon
together with other issues in this framework. b. Between five and eight settlements
will be established within a year. ... c. The settlements elaborated on in attached
appendix will be established in subsequent years as per a timetable to be determined
in an agreement between the prime minister and the vice premier, toward the
conclusion of the first year. Point 20 refers to settlements as ―national preferential
areas‖ for Government support ―20: The Government will assist sectors of national-
social preference, including the settlement sector (within the framework of the
Recovery Plan), and [will assist] the populace of development areas.‖48
(22 December)
• By 1992, following wide-scale confiscation of Palestinian land, the number of
settlements had risen sharply to 120 inhabited by 100,500 settlers. 49
45 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―Basic Policy Guidelines of the Government's Program, 13 September 1984.Volume 9-10: 1984-1988‖ www.mfa.gov.il
46 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―196 Statement in the Knesset by Prime Minister Designate Shamir- 20 October 1986, Volume 9-10: 1984-1988‖ www.mfa.gov.il
47 Applied Research Institute, Jerusalem (ARIJ) ―Undermining Peace: ‗Israel‘s Unilateral Segregation Plans in the Occupied Palestinian Territory‘‖ 2003.
48 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―Basic Policy Guidelines of the Government's Program- 22 December 1988, Volume 11-12: 1988-1992‖ www.mfa.gov.il
49 Figures from Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, B’Tselem Land Grab May 2002
• Israeli Prime Minister Yitzahk Rabin (1992-1995) presents to the Knesset his basic
policy guidelines, revisiting the previous policy to establish new settlements in the
OPT while at the same time guaranteeing the existence of settlements already
established through public services‘ delivery, promoting the consolidation of the
settlements. The revision in the establishment of new settlements is perceived in
Israel as a virtual freeze on settlement expansion (13 July)
• As a result of Prime Minister Rabin‘s virtual freeze on settlement construction, there
is a reduction in the frequency and the amount of declarations of ―State Land‖50
• A Committee led by Haim Klugman, director-general of the Israeli Ministry of
Justice, examines the transfer of expropriated Palestinian property in East Jerusalem
from the State to settler organisations like Elad and Ateret Cohanim. The report
found that the Custodian for Abandoned Properties effectively served as an
institution to dispossess Palestinians of their land and property.
• The Oslo I Accords are signed. Permanent issues including Israeli settlements are
deliberately left to future negotiations. 51
(13 September)
• The Shamgar Commission report into the killing of twenty-nine Palestinian
worshippers praying inside the Ibrahim Mosque (or Mosque of Abraham) at the
Cave of the Patriarchs site in Hebron also reviews in general law enforcement on
Israeli citizens in OPT and describes actions in this regard as ―too slow, too little and
too late.‖
• The Oslo II Accords are signed. They divide the West Bank and Gaza into three
areas, allow Palestinian election and for Israel to legally close crossing points into
Israel if deemed necessary. 52
(28 September)
• Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated by a militant Israeli allegedly in
retaliation for undermining the pace of Jewish settlement expansion in the OPT. 53
(4 November)
• Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (1996-1999) presents to the Knesset the basic
policy guidelines of his first tenure in Government. The sixth strategic goal (out of
50 B’Tselem, By Hook and By Crook: Israeli Settlement Policy in the West Bank, 2010 51 Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, The Oslo Accords Between
Israel and Palestine, 13 September 1993
52 The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, ―Oslo 2‖ 28 September 1995
53 Haaretz, ―Settler rabbi: Time has come to apologize for Rabin assassination. In memorial evening in West Bank, Tekoa's Menachem Froman says: We vow not to repeat the dance of hatred. By Chaim
Levinson, 7 Nov 2012
ten) is entitled ―Settlement‖. Whether inside or outside Israel, settlements are
identified as a national priority and, as such, recipients of preferential Government
support. The document puts particular emphasis on supporting settlements beyond
the green line: ―1. Settlement in the Negev, the Galilee, the Golan Heights, the
Jordan Valley, and in Judea, Samaria [West Bank] and Gaza is of national
importance, to Israel's defense and an expression of of [sic] Zionist fulfillment. 2.
The Government will alter the settlement policy, act to consolidate and develop the
settlement enterprise in these areas, and allocate the resources necessary for this.
The Government of Israel will safeguard its vital water supplies, from water sources
on the Golan Heights and in Judea and Samaria.‖ (18 June)
• Settlements with no Government authorization (―outposts‖) begin to be established
on the hills east of Itamar, in Amona east of Ofra and on Givat Hadagan north of the
settlement of Efrat. 54
• The Israeli Government approves Decision No, 3292, which defines certain towns
and villages as National Priority Areas (NPA) ―A‖ and ―B‖. Many settlements are
defined as NPA ―A‖, which entitles them to a number of benefits in housing, a wide-
ranging benefits in education as well as for industry and agriculture, grants and
subsidies, indemnification for the taxes imposed on their produce by the European
Union; tax levels significantly lower than those established for communities inside
the Green Line, and larger balancing grants to the settlements to cover deficits. 55
(15 February)
• More than 50 new settlements without Government authorization (―outposts‖) are
reported to have been established by the end of Prime Minister Netanyahu first
tenure in Government (May). 56
• Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak (1999-2001) presents to the Knesset his basic
policy guidelines. The third strategic line (out of twelve) is entitled ―Settlement‖ and
indicates the Government support to continue developing settlements already
established in the West Bank and Gaza, while indicating that no new settlements
will be built: ―4.1 The Government views all forms of settlement as a valued social
and national enterprise (…); 4.2 Until the status of the Jewish communities in Judea,
Samaria [West Bank] and Gaza is determined (…) no new communities will be built
and no existing communities will be detrimentally affected; 4.3 The Government
will work to ensure the security of the Jewish residents in Judea, Samaria [West
Bank] and Gaza, and to provide regular Government and municipal services -- equal
to those offered to residents of all other communities in Israel. The Government will
offer a response to the on-going development needs of existing communities. Socio-
54 Peace Now, First petitions against the outposts. http://peacenow.org.il/eng/content/first-petitions-
55 Adalah Position Paper ―On the Israeli Government‘s New Decision Classifying Communities as National Priority Areas‖, February 2010, Adalah - The Legal Center for the Arab Minority Rights in Israel, See also B‘Tselem ―By Hook and By Crook: Israeli Settlement Policy in the West Bank.‖ July 2010, Summary
56 Peace Now, ―Hayovel and Haresha - Illegal construction‖ HCJ 9051/05 - September 2005 http://peacenow.org.il/eng/content/hayovel-and-haresha-illegal-construction
economic standards will be equally applied to all communities everywhere.‖57
(6 July)
• Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (2001-2006) presents to the Knesset his basic
policy guidelines. The eighth national goal (out of ten) is: ―To strengthen, expand,
and promote settlement throughout the country.‖ The settlement policy follows the
same line of the prior Government: ―2.9 During its term of office, the Government
will not establish new settlements. The Government will provide for ongoing needs
in the development of existing settlements.‖58 (7 March).
• Fifty one new settlements with no Government authorization (―outposts‖) are
reported to have been built between March 2001 and June 2004.59
• The US led Sharm El-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee Report, known as the
―Mitchell Report‖, is presented. It says that ―[d]uring our last visit, we observed the
impact of 6,400 settlers on 140,000 Palestinians in Hebron and 6,500 settlers on over
1,100,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip (...) we note that many of the confrontations
(…) occurred at points where Palestinians, settlers, and security forces protecting the
settlers, meet (...) restrictions on the movement of people and goods in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip (closures) [have resulted in the] destruction by Israeli security
forces and settlers of tens of thousands of olive and fruit trees and other agricultural
property. The closures have had other adverse effects, such as preventing civilians
from access to urgent medical treatment and preventing students from attending
• The report recommends that the Government of Israel ―freeze all settlement activity,
including the "natural growth" of existing settlements (…); lift closures, transfer to
the PA all tax revenues owed, and permit Palestinians who had been employed in
Israel to return to their jobs; and should ensure that security forces and settlers
refrain from the destruction of homes and roads, as well as trees and other
agricultural property in Palestinian areas, [and that it] take all necessary steps to
prevent acts of violence by settlers.‖60 (30 April)
• The total reported number of settlements built with no Government authorization
(―outposts‖) increases to 93.61 (July).
57 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―Guidelines of the Government of Israel, Basic Guidelines of the Government of Israel, Jerusalem, July 6, 1999‖ www.mfa.gov.il
58 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―Guidelines of the Government of Israel, Basic Guidelines of the Government of Israel, Jerusalem, March 7, 2001‖ www.mfa.gov.il
59 Foundation for Middle East Peace, ―Settlement Outposts Continue to Thrive under Sharon Administration‖, Settlement Report, Vol. 14 No. 4, July-August 2004
60 Sharm El-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee Report ―Mitchell Report‖ April 30, 2001. By Suleyman Demirel, Thorbjoern Jagland, Warren B. Rudman, Javier Solana and George J Mitchell (Chairman).
61 Peace Now, First petitions against the outposts. http://peacenow.org.il/eng/content/first-petitions-
• The basic policy guidelines in the second tenure of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
(2003-2006) remain the same. The eighth national goal (out of ten) continues to
refer to the strengthening, expansion and promotion of settlements throughout the
country, with the Government support to continue developing established
settlements and its aim of not establishing new settlements. 62
(28 February)
• International Court of Justice issues its Advisory Opinion on the Legal
Consequences of the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
(9 July)
• The Office of the Prime Minister‘s report (Sason report) on ―unauthorized outposts‖
describes them as a ―continuation of the settlement enterprise in the territories.‖ The
report documents the active participation of the Government in the promotion and
expansion of settlements up to 1992 and accounts for the ―unofficial‖ continuation
of such involvement between 1992 and 2005, including land confiscation and illegal
construction with the ―unauthorized aid‖ of the Ministry of Housing and the WZO,
as well as ―overlooking‖ and ―actual encouragement and support‖ by the political
echelon. The report concludes that ―unauthorized outposts violate[s] standard
procedure, good governing rules (…) endanger the principal of the rule of law [and
thus] urgent measures must be taken to change [this] reality‖.63 (8 March)
• In accordance with the ―Disengagement Plan‖, 9,480 Jewish settlers from 21
settlements in Gaza and four settlements in the northern West Bank are evacuated.
(16 – 30 August)
• Israeli media unveils the Baruch Spiegel ―secret database‖ of Israeli settlements in
the OPT, a project developed by the Israeli Ministry of Defence. The database
provides details on location and population size of the settlements; status of
ownership of the land including details on over 30 settlements that were to some
extent built on private Palestinian land; construction violating planning regimes and
building permit requirements; details on authorisation agreements between the State
and those building settlements. (February)
• The Knesset enacts the ―Economic Arrangements Law‖ with an additional section
entitled the ―National Priority Areas‖ to apply to settlements in the OPT. (14 July)
• Israel announces a ten-month moratorium on settlement activity (up to September
2010). The moratorium is in effect a partial freeze on approval of new construction.
62 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ―Basic Guidelines of the 30th Government of Israel, 28 Feb 2003‖ www.mfa.gov.il
63 Talya Sason, Summary of the Opinion Concerning Unauthorized Outposts, Israeli Prime Minister‘s Office, Communications Department, 8 March 2005.
It excludes East Jerusalem and ―natural growth‖ in existing settlements, which grow
three times as fast as ―natural growth‖ in Israel. (November)
• The Government approves Decision No. 1060 ―Defining Towns and Areas with
National Priority‖, following request of additional time to implement the Supreme
Court rulings HCJ 2773/98 and HCJ 11163/0 on 1998 decision on National Priority
Areas (NPAs). The new decision falls under the new ―Economic Arrangements
Law‖ and classifies various settlements in the OPT as NPAs further designating
settlements under the criterion of ―level of security threat.‖ In addition, every
settlement in the OPT defined as a NPA is also entitled to receive on an individual
basis the associated additional budgetary grants and benefits in fields to be defined
by ministers. In contrast, towns and villages located within the Green Line and also
defined as NPAs receive smaller benefits at the district and regional level only. 64
(13 December)
• Israel joins the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
During the discussions of accession, Israel indicates that the Government applies the
investment incentives under 1984 Law of Encouragement of Capital Investment
(which is also reported as not covering the OPT) to certain industrial areas in the
West Bank. Israel indicates that foreign-owned enterprises may be established in
those areas of the West Bank and are eligible for grants under that Law. 65
(10 May)
• A letter signed by 38 members of the Knesset (out of 120 members) is addressed to
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. The letter refers to orders to ―demolish tens or
hundreds of (…) outposts in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank]‖ and indicates that
―[t]his directive must be changed‖. The letter further stresses that ―we should openly
declare that Judea and Samaria are ours‖.66 (11 October)
• Israeli Government retroactively legalises three outposts. (April)
• The findings of the Levy Committee, established to investigate the legal status of the
unauthorized settlements in the West Bank (―outposts‖), are published. The report
documents that settlements built with no formal Government authorization were
established with the knowledge, encouragement and tacit agreement of Government
Ministers, including the Prime Minister, public authorities, the Civil Administration
and the regional councils. It goes on to recommend, that given the real true will of
the Israeli Government was to establish outposts, it should therefore legalise them.
No in-depth analysis is made on the methods used to establish the so-called
64 Adalah Position Paper ―On the Israeli Government‘s New Decision Classifying Communities as National Priority Areas‖, February 2010, Adalah - The Legal Center for the Arab Minority Rights in Israel
65 OECD ―Accession of Israel to the OECD: Review of international investment policies‖ http://www.oecd.org/israel/49864025.pdf
66 Foundation for Middle East Peace ―MKs to Bibi - Keep the Outposts‖ Settlement Report, Vol. 21 No. 6, November-December 2011
unauthorized outposts and no reference to the 2.5 million Palestinian living in the
West Bank is included. 67
(9 July)
• The Judea and Samaria Council for Higher Education grants for the first time a full-
fledged University recognition to a Centre located beyond the green line, Ariel
University Centre, despite opposition by the planning and budget committee of the
State's Council for Higher Education 68
. The University is open to all Israeli citizens,
including Arab-Israelis but closed to Palestinians residing in the West Bank. 69
• The UN General Assembly votes for Palestine to become a non-member state with
observer status. (29 November)
• PM Netanyahu authorises the building of 3,000 new housing units in East Jerusalem
and the West Bank. (30 November)
• In analysis of building in settlements for the year 2012, it was revealed that plans for
6,676 residential units were approved in 201270. This represents an increase from
1,607 housing units approved for construction in 2011 and the several hundred
housing units approved in 2010. Among the housing construction plans approved
were 3,500 residential units intended for the E-1 corridor, 523 for the new settlement
of Gevaot and more than 500 in Itamar. Construction began on 1,747 housing units
in West Bank settlements last year, the Peace Now report also says. More than a
third of the construction in the settlements was east of the West Bank separation
fence, according to the report. Four new outposts went up in 2012: Nahlei Tal near
the Palestinian city of Ramallah, Tzofin Tzafon (Tzofin North) near the Palestinian
city of Qalqilyah, Nahalat Yosef near Nablus and Hill 573 as part of an expansion of
the Itamar settlement. Altogether, 317 new housing units were built in settlement
outposts without building permits, which is against the law.71
67 B’Tselem, ―Levy Committee Report: Where are the Palestinians?‖ 11 July 2012. 68 Haaretz, ―Ariel academic center recognized as first Israeli university beyond Green Line. Decision on
West Bank campus made despite opposition by Israel's Council for Higher Education.‖ By Talila Nesher, 17 July 2012
69 http://digitaljournal.com/article/328824#ixzz2DhMH1Jcf and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-
70 Peace Now ―Summary of Year 2012 in Settlements‖ report. 71 Haaretz, ―Approval for settlement plans jumped 300% in 2012, says Peace Now.‖ By Chaim
Levinson, 16 January 2013
Annex II
[English only]