Original HRC document


Document Type: Final Report

Date: 2015 Jun

Session: 29th Regular Session (2015 Jun)

Agenda Item: Item7: Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories

GE.15-10382 (E)


Human Rights Council Twenty-ninth session

Agenda item 7

Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories

Report of the independent commission of inquiry established pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution S-21/1* ** ***


The present report contains the main findings and recommendations of the

commission of inquiry established pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution S-21/1.

In the report, the commission urges all actors to take immediate steps to ensure

accountability, including by guaranteeing the rights of all victims to an effective remedy.

* Late submission.

** For detailed findings of the commission of inquiry, see document A/HRC/29/CRP.4.

*** The annexes to the present report are circulated as received.


Paragraphs Page

I. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 – 5 3

II. Mandate and methodology ...................................................................................... 6 – 11 3

III. Legal framework ..................................................................................................... 12 – 13 4

IV. Context ................................................................................................................ 14 – 19 5

V. Principal findings and conclusions .......................................................................... 20 – 71 6

A. Gaza Strip and Israel ....................................................................................... 26 – 68 7

B. West Bank, including East Jerusalem ............................................................. 69 – 71 17

VI. Accountability ........................................................................................................ 72 – 73 18

VII. Conclusions and recommendations ......................................................................... 74 – 90 19

A. Concluding observations................................................................................. 74 – 81 19

B. Recommendations ........................................................................................... 82 – 90 20


I. Correspondence ............................................................................................................................... 23

II. Stakeholders consulted by the commission of inquiry ..................................................................... 28

III. Submissions to the commission of inquiry ...................................................................................... 31

I. Introduction

1. On 23 July 2014, the Human Rights Council, by resolution S-21/1, decided to

urgently dispatch an independent, international commission of inquiry to investigate all

violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law in the

Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly in the occupied Gaza

Strip, in the context of the military operations conducted since 13 June 2014, whether

before, during or after. Pursuant to resolution S-21/1, the President of the Council

appointed three experts to the commission: William Schabas (Chair), Mary McGowan

Davis and Doudou Diène.

2. The commission formally began its work on 16 September 2014. Following the

resignation of Professor Schabas on 2 February 2015, the President of the Council

designated Justice Davis as Chair. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner

for Human Rights (OHCHR) established a secretariat to support the commission.

Notwithstanding the urgency expressed by the Council to dispatch the commission, the

secretariat was not fully constituted until the end of November 2014.

3. The commission repeatedly requested Israel to cooperate, including by granting it

access to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the West Bank, East

Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip (see annex I). Regrettably, Israel did not respond to these

requests. Subsequently, the commission learned from a press release1 that no such

cooperation would be forthcoming. The Government of Egypt, when requested to facilitate

entry into the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing, responded that it was not possible

owing to the prevailing security situation. The commission thanks the Government of

Jordan for facilitating its two visits to Amman.

4. The commission received full cooperation from the State of Palestine, including the

Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations Office at

Geneva. It met with representatives of Palestinian ministries in Amman, who provided a

range of documents. The commission also spoke to members of the authorities in Gaza,

who submitted several reports.

5. The commission addressed to the Government of Israel and the Government of the

State of Palestine a list of questions relating to specific incidents and legal and policy

issues. A comparable list was sent to Hamas. Only the State of Palestine responded.

II. Mandate and methodology

6. The commission interpreted its mandate as requiring it to examine alleged violations

of international human rights and humanitarian law occurring between 13 June and

26 August 2014 across the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular in Gaza, and in

Israel, and to determine whether such violations had been committed. It examined existing

accountability mechanisms and their effectiveness, and the immediate and continuing

impact of the military operations on the affected populations and their enjoyment of human

rights. The commission considered that the victims and their human rights were at the core

of its mandate. Its activities were thus informed by the wish to ensure that the voices of all

victims are heard, and that the commission’s recommendations will strengthen the

protection of the civilian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and in Israel.

1 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Israel will not cooperate with UNHRC investigative committee”,

press release, 13 November 2014.

7. The commission is grateful to the many victims and witnesses who shared their

experiences and other relevant information. The fact that, despite its repeated requests, the

commission was not granted access to the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel posed a

challenge for conducting interviews in person with victims and witnesses and made

viewing the sites where violations were alleged to have been committed impossible. Owing

to the restrictions on movement preventing victims and witnesses from leaving Gaza, the

commission obtained first-hand testimony by means of interviews conducted via Skype,

videoconference and telephone. It conducted confidential interviews with victims and

witnesses from the West Bank in Jordan (in November 2014 and January 2015) and with

victims and witnesses from Israel in Geneva (in January 2015).

8. The commission and its secretariat conducted more than 280 interviews with victims

and witnesses and received more than 500 written submissions and other documentation

from a wide range of sources (see annexes II and III). It reviewed information publicly

available, including on official websites of the Government of Israel. The commission used

all the information gathered in making its assessments while carefully considering the

credibility and reliability of sources. It gave particular weight to first-hand testimonies,

recognizing the limitations resulting from the fact that the interviews were conducted

remotely, the lapse in time since the incidents, and the possibility of reprisals.

9. Some sources requested that their submissions be treated confidentially for fear of

possible consequences of testifying before the commission, including for their safety.

Primary responsibility for protecting victims, witnesses and other persons cooperating with

the commission rests with their States of residence and nationality. The commission

appreciated the valuable contributions made to its work by OHCHR, United Nations

agencies and programmes, non-governmental organizations and experts.

10. Consistent with established practice, the commission employed a “reasonable

ground” standard of proof in its factual assessment of the incidents investigated and legal

analysis of the patterns found. Such a standard is lower than that required in criminal trials;

the commission therefore does not make any conclusions with regard to the responsibility

of specific individuals for alleged violations of international law.

11. Given its restricted access, its limited resources and the short time frame available

for its inquiry, the commission selected incidents on the basis of certain criteria, in

particular, the gravity of the allegations of violations of international humanitarian law and

international human rights law; their significance in demonstrating patterns of alleged

violations; access to victims, witnesses and supporting evidence; and the geographic

location of the incident.

III. Legal framework

12. All parties to the conflict are bound by the relevant provisions and rules of

international humanitarian and human rights treaty and customary law. The commission

considers that, in situations of armed conflict or occupation, international humanitarian law

and international human rights law apply concurrently,2 and shares the position of United

Nations human rights treaty bodies and the International Court of Justice, according to

which Israel bears responsibility for implementing its human rights treaty obligations in the

Occupied Palestinian Territory.3 The State of Palestine is bound by the obligations

2 Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of the construction

of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 9 July 2004, para. 106.

3 Ibid., paras. 111–113. See also CCPR/C/ISR/CO/4, para. 5.

contained in the treaties to which it has acceded. The authorities in Gaza must respect and

ensure human rights norms because of their exercise of government-like functions.

13. A number of core principles of international humanitarian law govern the conduct of

hostilities. Firstly, the principle of distinction requires that parties to a conflict distinguish

between civilians and civilian objects on the one hand, and combatants4 and military

objectives on the other. Attacks may only be directed against the latter. Secondly, the

principle of proportionality prohibits attacks that are expected to cause incidental loss of

life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects, which would be excessive in relation

to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated. Thirdly, the principle of

precautions in attack requires all parties to take all feasible measures to avoid and in any

event to minimize incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian


IV. Context

14. The hostilities of 2014 erupted in the context of the protracted occupation of the

West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, and of the increasing number of

rocket attacks on Israel. In the preceding months, there were few, if any, political prospects

for reaching a solution to the conflict that would achieve peace and security for Palestinians

and Israelis and realize the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people.

15. The blockade of Gaza by Israel, fully implemented since 2007 and described by the

Secretary-General as “a continuing collective penalty against the population in Gaza”

(A/HRC/28/45, para. 70), was strangling the economy in Gaza and imposed severe

restrictions on the rights of the Palestinians. Two previous rounds of hostilities in the Strip

since 2008 had not only led to loss of life and injury but also weakened an already fragile

infrastructure. Palestinians have demonstrated extraordinary resilience in recent years,

living in an environment scarred by physical destruction and psychological trauma. In the

West Bank, including East Jerusalem, settlement-related activities and settler violence

continued to be at the core of most of the human rights violations against Palestinians. In

the absence of any progress on the political front, the risk of a flare-up of the situation was


16. In the meantime, threats to the security of Israel remained all too real. Palestinian

armed groups increasingly launched rockets during June and July 2014. The discovery of

tunnels leading into Israel added to the sense of insecurity. According to one witness,

residents of her kibbutz experienced regular panic attacks after the discovery of a tunnel in

March 2014 and the explosion of an alleged tunnel exit on 8 July. Several other infiltration

attempts were thwarted by the army during July and August.

17. The events of summer 2014 were preceded by an agreement, reached on 23 April

2014 between the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Hamas, which sought to end

Palestinian divisions. On 2 June 2014, President Abbas declared the formation of a

Government of national consensus. The Government had yet to assume its full

responsibilities in Gaza when active hostilities broke out in the Strip in July 2014, thereby

leaving Hamas exercising government-like functions, as had been the case since June 2007.

18. On 12 June 2014, three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and brutally murdered in

the West Bank. In response, Israel launched an extensive search and arrest operation, which

lasted until their bodies were found, on 30 June. On 2 July, a 16-year-old Palestinian

4 For the purposes of distinction, the term “combatants” includes members of the armed forces and of

organized armed groups with a continuous combat function.

teenager from East Jerusalem was viciously murdered – burned alive – and his body

discovered in West Jerusalem in what appeared to be an act of revenge for the murdered

Israeli teenagers. Tensions in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, ran high, and were

further fuelled by a rise in extreme anti-Palestinian rhetoric. Widespread protests and

violent clashes ensued between Palestinians and the Israel Defense Forces.

19. On 7 July 2014, the Israel Defense Forces commenced operation “Protective Edge”

in the Gaza Strip, with the stated objective of stopping the rocket attacks by Hamas and

destroying its capabilities to conduct operations against Israel. After an initial phase

focused on airstrikes, on 17 July 2014, Israel launched a ground operation, which it

declared sought to degrade “terror organisations’ military infrastructure, and [… neutralize]

their network of cross-border assault tunnels”.5 A third phase began on 5 August, and was

characterized by alternating ceasefires and ongoing air strikes. The operation concluded on

26 August, when both Israel and Palestinian armed groups adhered to an unconditional


V. Principal findings and conclusions

20. Palestinians and Israelis were profoundly shaken by the events of the summer of

2014. In Gaza, in particular, the scale of the devastation was unprecedented. The death toll

alone speaks volumes: 2,251 Palestinians were killed, including 1,462 Palestinian civilians,

of whom 299 women and 551 children;6 and 11,231 Palestinians, including 3,540 women

and 3,436 children, were injured (A/HRC/28/80/Add.1, para. 24), of whom 10 per cent

suffered permanent disability as a result. While the casualty figures gathered by the United

Nations, Israel, the State of Palestine and non-governmental organizations differ, regardless

of the exact proportion of civilians to combatants, the high incidence of loss of human life

and injury in Gaza is heartbreaking.

21. The death of six civilians in Israel and 67 soldiers and the injury of up to

1,600 others were also the tragic result of the hostilities. According to official Israeli

sources, rockets and mortars hit civilian buildings and infrastructure, including schools and

houses, causing direct damage to civilian property amounting to almost $25 million.7The

hostilities caused immense distress and disruption to the lives of Israeli civilians, especially

those living in the southern regions. In addition to the constant threat of rocket and mortar

attacks, the Israelis interviewed by the commission expressed particular anxiety about the

new threat of assaults from tunnels penetrating into Israel. One Israeli woman said that “the

tunnels are scarier than the rockets because there’s no chance of being warned”. The sense

of panic among many Israelis was exacerbated by the short, often insufficient, time to

conduct effective emergency procedures.

22. In Gaza, as Palestinians struggled to find ways to save their own lives and those of

their families, they were confronted with intense attacks, with no way of knowing which

locations would be hit and which might be considered safe. People began to move from one

place to another, only to encounter attacks in the new neighbourhood, and they would have

to move on. Closed into the Strip, with no possibility to exit at times, 44 per cent of Gaza

5 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “2014 Gaza Conflict, Israel’s Objectives and Phases of the 2014

Gaza Conflict” (available at http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/IsraelGaza2014/Pages/2014-Gaza-

Conflict-Factual-and-Legal-Aspects.aspx), p. 3.

6 Data compiled by the OCHA Protection Cluster, 31 May 2015. For its methodology, see

A/HRC/28/80/Add.1, para. 24, footnote 43.

7 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see footnote 5), “Hamas’ Violations of the Law”, p. 4.

was either a no-go area or the object of evacuation warnings.8 These terrifying

circumstances created a sense of entrapment, of having “no safe place” to go.

23. Alongside the toll on civilian lives, there was enormous destruction of civilian

infrastructure in Gaza: 18,000 housing units were destroyed in whole or in part;9 much of

the electricity network and of the water and sanitation infrastructure were incapacitated;

and 73 medical facilities and many ambulances were damaged.10 Many Palestinians were

uprooted from their homes or temporary shelters multiple times; at the height of the

hostilities, the number of internally displaced persons reached 500,000, or 28 per cent of the

population. The effects of this devastation had a severe impact on the human rights of

Palestinians in Gaza that will be felt for generations to come. The West Bank, including

East Jerusalem, witnessed a period of heightened tensions and widespread human rights

violations, including the fundamental right to life, which were overshadowed by the tragic

events in Gaza.

24. The impact of the hostilities in Gaza cannot be assessed separately from the

blockade imposed by Israel. The blockade and the military operation have led to a

protection crisis and chronic, widespread and systematic violations of human rights, first

and foremost the rights to life and to security, but also to health, housing, education and

many others. According to international human rights law, Israel has obligations in relation

to these rights and must take concrete steps towards their full realization. In that context,

while fully aware of the need for Israel to address its security concerns, the commission

believes that the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism, put in place with the assistance of the

United Nations to accelerate efforts to rebuild destroyed houses and infrastructure, is not a

substitute for a full and immediate lifting of the blockade.

25. Palestinian and Israeli children were savagely affected by the events. Children on

both sides suffered from bed-wetting, shaking at night, clinging to parents, nightmares and

increased levels of aggressiveness.11 In addition, according to the United Nations Children’s

Fund, in Gaza, more than 1,500 children were orphaned.12 Anas “Bader” Qdeih, aged 7,

was seen pleading for help from people fleeing Khuza’a while holding his intestines, which

were coming out of his abdomen, “I don't want to die. Don’t leave me.” He died soon

afterwards, after his medical evacuation was delayed.

A. Gaza Strip and Israel

26. In the section below, the commission summarizes its main findings and conclusions,

emphasizing the key characteristics of the hostilities of 2014. It focuses on areas that reflect

new patterns, notably attacks by Israel on residential buildings resulting in the death of

entire families; Israel’s ground operations, which levelled urban neighbourhoods; and

violations by Palestinian armed groups and authorities in Gaza, including their reliance on

attack tunnels. Other incidents – namely, attacks by Israel on United Nations shelters,

8 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Occupied Palestinian Territory: Gaza

Emergency Situation Report, 22 July 2014, p. 1.

9 OCHA, Gaza Initial Rapid Assessment, 27 August 2014, p. 4.

10 Health Cluster, Gaza Strip: Joint Health Sector Assessment Report, September 2014, available at



11 Child Protection Working Group, Child Protection Rapid Assessment Report, October 2014

(available at http://cpwg.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/03/Child-Protection-Rapid-Assessment-


12 United Nations Children’s Fund, State of Palestine, Humanitarian Situation Report, 23 October 2014,

p. 1.

medical facilities, ambulances, and other critical infrastructure – are considered less

thoroughly, because these patterns have been a recurring reality in this and prior conflicts.

1. Rocket, mortar and tunnel attacks against locations in Israel

(a) Rocket and mortar attacks

27. Between 7 July and 26 August 2014, Palestinian armed groups fired 4,881 rockets

and 1,753 mortars towards Israel, killing six civilians and injuring as many as 1,600 people,

including 270 children. A mother from Israel described the situation experienced: “We have

45 seconds to run. You just have to wait and see if it’s going to fall on you.”

28. Owing to the lack of cooperation by Israel and its denial of access to its territory, the

commission faced difficulties in identifying victims who had been injured in rocket attacks

and was unable to examine individual cases in detail. The commission was, however, able

to speak with witnesses and victims of a number of mortar attacks, the cause of the majority

of Israeli civilian deaths.

29. On 22 August 2014, Daniel Tregerman, aged 4, was killed in his home at Kibbutz

Nahal Oz, about 2 km from Gaza. While he was playing, a siren sounded, followed by an

explosion three seconds later, when a mortar hit the family car and shrapnel struck Daniel.

Given the short time, he had been unable to reach the protected room with the rest of his

family. In another incident, on 26 August, Ze’ev Etzion and Shahar Melamed were killed

by a mortar. Gad Yarkoni suffered injuries to his legs, which were later amputated. He

informed the commission that the attack occurred as the three men were repairing

electricity lines damaged by Palestinian projectiles in Kibbutz Nirim. The Al-Qassam

Brigades announced that they had targeted Kibbutz Nirim and various other communities

with 107 mm mortars on the day of the attack.13

30. Palestinian armed groups released statements indicating that they intended to attack

Israeli civilians and population centres in Israel. In some instances, Palestinian armed

groups in Gaza reportedly attempted to warn civilians in Israel of imminent attacks. For

instance, on 20 August 2014, the Al-Qassam Brigades warned communities near Gaza to

avoid returning home or to remain inside shelters.14

31. While some Palestinian armed groups made efforts to direct projectiles, especially

mortars, at military objectives, in other cases they targeted villages near Gaza. The majority

of projectiles fired by Palestinian armed groups were rockets without guidance systems so

they could not be directed at specific military objectives. Many of the rockets were

launched in the direction of major cities, including Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Ashkelon, and

one landed in the vicinity of Ben Gurion airport.

(b) Tunnels

32. The Israel Defense Forces found 32 tunnels, 14 of which extended beyond the Green

Line into Israel.15 The discovery of the tunnels and their use by Palestinian armed groups

during the hostilities caused great anxiety among Israelis fearing that the tunnels might be

used to attack civilians. One witness recalled, “When it’s quiet, we are even more afraid

13 https://twitter.com/qassam_arabic1/status/504191347684048898 (in Arabic). See also “Kibbutz

member killed by mortar shell laid to rest”, Times of Israel, 28 August 2014, and “After Operation

Protective Edge, day 1”, Haaretz, 27 August 2014.

14 Al-Qassam, Press Release of Abu Obeida, Al-Qassam spokesperson, 20 August 2014.

15 Israel Defense Forces, “Operation Protective Edge by the Numbers”, 5 August 2014.

because we don’t know what things can come from the ground. Since April, everyone was

afraid and uncomfortable about the tunnels.”

33. The use of rockets in the possession of Palestinian armed groups, indiscriminate in

nature, and any targeted mortar attack against civilians constitute violations of international

humanitarian law, in particular of the fundamental principle of distinction, which may

amount to a war crime. The intent of some Palestinian armed groups to direct attacks

against civilians is demonstrated by statements indicating that their intended targets were

civilians or large population centres in Israel. While certain Palestinian armed actors cited

the limits of their military arsenals as a reason for failing to attack military targets precisely,

the military capacity of a party to the conflict is irrelevant to its obligation to respect the

prohibition against indiscriminate attacks.

34. The absence of any possible military advantage resulting from rockets that cannot be

directed at a military objective, coupled with statements by Palestinian armed groups,

strongly suggest that the primary purpose of the rocket attacks was to spread terror among

the civilian population, in violation of international humanitarian law.

2. Air strikes on residential buildings in Gaza

35. During the 51-day operation, the Israel Defense Forces carried out more than

6,000 air strikes in Gaza,16 many of which hit residential buildings. The Office for the

Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs found that at least 142 Palestinian families had three

or more members killed in the same incident, amounting to a total of 742 fatalities.17

Tawfik Abu Jama, a Gazan father of eight, recalled: “I was sitting with my family at the

table, ready to break the fast. Suddenly we were sucked into the ground. Later that evening,

I woke up in the hospital and was told my wife and children had died”.

36. The commission investigated 15 cases of strikes on residential buildings across

Gaza, in which a total of 216 people were killed, including 115 children and 50 women. On

the basis of all available information, including research by non-governmental

organizations,18 it identified patterns of strikes by Israeli forces on residential buildings and

analysed the applicable law in relation to individual incidents.

37. The commission found that the fact that precision-guided weapons were used in all

cases indicates that they were directed against specific targets and resulted in the total or

partial destruction of entire buildings. This finding is corroborated by satellite imagery

analysis.19 Many of the incidents took place in the evening or at dawn, when families

gathered for iftar and suhhur, the Ramadan meals, or at night, when people were asleep.

The timing of the attacks increased the likelihood that many people, often entire families,

would be at home. Attacking residential buildings rendered women particularly vulnerable

to death and injury.20

16 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IDF Conduct of Operations during the 2014 Gaza Conflict

(available at http://mfa.gov.il/ProtectiveEdge/Documents/IDFConduct.pdf), p. 38.

17 OCHA, Fragmented Lives: Humanitarian Overview 2014, March 2015, p. 4.

18 See also B’Tselem, “Black Flag: The legal and moral implications of the policy of attacking

residential buildings in the Gaza Strip”, January 2015, p. 46; and Amnesty International, “Families

Under the Rubble – Israeli Attacks on Inhabited Homes”, 5 November 2014, p. 42.

19 United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Impact of the 2014 Conflict in the

Gaza Strip – UNOSAT Satellite Derived Geospatial Analysis, 2014.

20 The percentage of women killed was significantly higher in 2014 (20.2 per cent of civilians) than

during the conflict in 2009 (14 per cent); see B’Tselem, “B’Tselem publishes complete fatality

figures from operation cast lead”, press release, 9 September 2009.

38. In six of the cases examined, and in most cases reported on by non-governmental

organizations, there is little or no information available to explain why residential

buildings, which are prima facie civilian objects immune from attack, were considered to

be legitimate military objectives. In relation to each attack on residential buildings that

resulted in significant destruction and civilian deaths or injuries, the onus is on Israel to

explain the factual elements that rendered the houses or the person(s) present inside a

military target. Israel should provide specific information on the effective contribution of a

given house or inhabitant to military action and the clear advantage to be gained by the

attack. Should a strike directly and intentionally target a house in the absence of a specific

military objective, this would amount to a violation of the principle of distinction.21 It may

also constitute a direct attack against civilian objects or civilians, a war crime under

international criminal law.22

39. Although the commission found indications of possible military objectives in the

remaining nine cases examined, it is not in a position to determine whether they actually

motivated the attacks in question. It appears that the potential targets were mostly

individuals who were or who could have been present in the building at the time it was hit,

presumably on account of their alleged links to the police, Hamas or an armed group. In

that regard, international law provides that persons may be targeted only if they participate

directly in hostilities or are members of organized armed groups with a continuous combat


40. With regard to proportionality, given the circumstances, a reasonable commander

would have been aware that these attacks would be likely to result in a large number of

civilian casualties and the complete or partial destruction of the building. Such

circumstances differ from case to case, and include the residential nature of the targeted

buildings; their location in densely populated areas; the timing of the attacks; and the

frequent use of large bombs that were apparently meant to cause extensive damage. Given

the absence of information suggesting that the anticipated military advantage at the time of

the attack was such that the expected civilian casualties and damage to the targeted and

surrounding buildings were not excessive, there are strong indications that these attacks

could be disproportionate, and therefore amount to a war crime.23

41. Regarding precautions, the Israel Defense Forces stated repeatedly that its measures

were more stringent than those required by international humanitarian law.24 In many

incidents, however, the weapons used, the timing of attacks, and the fact that the targets

were located in densely populated areas indicate that the Israel Defense Forces may not

have done everything feasible to avoid or limit civilian casualties.

42. Warnings are one means of precaution. International humanitarian law requires that

“effective advance warning be given of attacks which may affect the civilian population,

unless circumstances do not permit.”25 The fact that many residential buildings were

destroyed without causing deaths suggests that, where specific warnings were conveyed via

telephone or text messages, they may have been effective in minimizing civilian casualties.

In other cases, the Israel Defense Forces used so-called “roof-knock” warnings, strikes by

small missiles before the real strike. In a number of incidents examined, the concerned

persons either did not understand that their house had been the subject of a “roof-knock”, or

21 Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of

Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), arts. 51 and 52.1.

22 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, art. 8.

23 Ibid.

24 IDF MAG Corps, “Aerial Strikes against Terrorists: Some Legal Aspects”.

25 Protocol I, art. 57, para. 3.

the time given for evacuation between the warning and the actual strike was insufficient. In

one case examined by the commission, a 22-member family, including nine children, were

given just a few minutes to evacuate their home after a “roof knock” in the early hours of

the morning, while they were asleep; 19 of the 22 people present in the house died. The

commission concluded that “roof knocks” cannot be considered an effective warning given

the confusion they often cause to building residents and the short time allowed to evacuate

before the actual strike.

43. The limited effectiveness of the above-mentioned precautionary measures must have

become abundantly clear in the early days of the operation, given that many buildings were

destroyed, together with their inhabitants. The apparent lack of steps to re-examine these

measures in the light of the mounting civilian toll suggests that Israel did not comply with

its obligation to take all feasible precautions before the attacks.

44. Furthermore, the large number of targeted attacks against residential buildings and

the fact that such attacks continued throughout the operation, even after the dire impact of

these attacks on civilians and civilian objects became apparent, raise concern that the

strikes may have constituted military tactics reflective of a broader policy, approved at least

tacitly by decision-makers at the highest levels of the Government of Israel.26

45. The commission also considered air strikes against prima facie residential buildings

that did not cause deaths because the buildings had been vacated. These included attacks

against houses of senior political figures and high-ranking members of armed groups in

their absence, and against three high-rise buildings in the last days of the conflict. Without

precise information about the possible military use of these premises, the commission is

unable to make a conclusive assessment regarding Israel’s respect of the principle of

distinction. These attacks raise concerns that Israel’s interpretation of what constitutes a

“military objective” may be broader than the definition provided for by international

humanitarian law.27

3. Ground operations

46. With regard to operations by Israel, the commission investigated attacks in three

neighbourhoods: in Shuja’iya (on 19, 20 and 30 July); in Khuza’a (from 20 July to

1 August); and in Rafah (from 1 to 3 August), large areas of which were levelled to the

ground. After an assessment of all available information, the commission identified five

key patterns with respect to the ground operations.

(a) Use of artillery and other explosive weapons in densely populated areas

47. Talal Al Helo, a man from Shuja’iya, recalled “I am not a fighter, I am a civilian and

I care about the well-being of my family. The attacks were everywhere. Everything was

coming under attack, the roads and buildings; there was no safe haven in Shuja’iya. We

walked as the missiles kept arriving. We saw bodies of people in the streets. We came

across the […] bodies of young and old people, women and children.”

48. During the ground operations, the Israel Defense Forces used explosive weapons

extensively in densely populated areas of Gaza. These weapons included artillery and tank

shells, mortars and air-dropped high-explosive munitions. The Forces reported that, during

26 See the judgement of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on Kupreškić et

al of 14 January 2000; Amnesty International, “Families Under the Rubble” (see footnote 19), pp. 6

and 42; and FIDH, “Trapped and Punished: The Gaza Civilian Population under Operation Protective

Edge”, October 2014, pp. 29–30.

27 See Protocol I, art. 52, para. 2.

the operation, 5,000 tons of munitions were supplied,28 and that 14,500 tank shells and

approximately 35,000 artillery shells had been fired.29 One non-governmental organization

reported a 533 per cent-increase in highly explosive artillery shells used in 2014 in

comparison to the hostilities in 2008 and 2009.30 Many explosive weapons, in particular

artillery and mortars, have a wide-area effect, meaning that anyone or anything within a

given area is likely to be killed, injured or damaged, owing to the scale of their blast and

their imprecise nature. While not illegal as such, the use of these weapons in densely

populated areas poses a high risk to the civilian population.31

49. According to official Israeli sources, artillery was used in urban areas only on an

exceptional basis, when these areas were known to have been largely evacuated.32 The

incidents examined by the commission, however, demonstrate that artillery and other heavy

weapons were widely used in residential neighbourhoods, resulting in a large number of

casualties and extensive destruction.33 For instance, in Shuja’iya, the sheer number of

155 mm shells fired, the reported dropping of 120 one-ton bombs in a short amount of time

in a densely populated area,34 and the use of a creeping artillery barrage raise questions with

regard to the respect by the Israel Defense Forces of the rules of distinction, precaution and


50. The extensive use by the Israel Defense Forces of explosive weapons with wide-area

effects, and their probable indiscriminate effects in the built-up neighbourhoods of Gaza,

are highly likely to constitute a violation of the prohibition of indiscriminate attacks.35 Such

use may, depending on the circumstances, qualify as a direct attack against civilians,36 and

may therefore amount to a war crime.37

51. In addition, the fact that the Israel Defense Forces did not modify the manner in

which they conducted their operations after initial episodes of shelling resulted in a large

number of civilian deaths indicates that their policies governing the use of artillery in

densely populated areas may not be in conformity with international humanitarian law.

52. The commission examined several additional incidents, including attacks on

shelters, hospitals and critical infrastructure, in which artillery was used. The use of

weapons with wide-area effects against targets in the vicinity of specifically protected

objects (such as medical facilities and shelters) is highly likely to constitute a violation of

the prohibition of indiscriminate attacks. Depending on the circumstances, indiscriminate

attacks may qualify as a direct attack against civilians,38 and may therefore amount to a war


28 Israel Defence Forces, Omer Shalit, Technological and Logistics Directorate: “Faster and more

efficient: this is how munition is supplied to the fighting forces”, 13 August 2014, available at

www.idf.il/1133-21100-HE/IDFGDover.aspx (in Hebrew).

29 “16 Facts about Operation Cast Lead”, Bayabasha, Ground Forces Magazine, No. 29; October 2014

(available at http://mazi.idf.il/6216-he/IGF.aspx) (in Hebrew), p. 47.

30 Action on Armed Violence, “Under fire: Israel’s artillery policies scrutinised”, December 2014, p. 14.

31 See also OCHA Policy, “Protecting civilians from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas”.

32 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IDF Conduct of Operations (see footnote 17), p. 49.

33 Action on Armed Violence, “Under fire” (see footnote 30), p. 12.

34 NRG News, Senior officer Yohai Ofer “Shuja’iya is under control, we have damaged an entire Hamas

network”; 23 July 2014, available at www.nrg.co.il/online/1/ART2/599/869.html (in Hebrew).

35 Protocol I, art. 51, para. 4.

36 International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Prosecutor v. Galic, case No. IT-98-29-T,

judgement, 5 December 2003, para. 57.

37 Rome Statute, art. 8.

38 Prosecutor v. Galic (see footnote 36), para. 57.

39 Rome Statute, art. 8.

(b) Destruction

53. Information gathered by the commission, including from witness accounts, United

Nations reports, video and photographic materials, observations by the United Nations

Institute for Training and Research Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNITAR-UNOSAT)40 and anecdotal testimonies by soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, indicates that destruction by artillery fire, air strikes and bulldozers may have been adopted

as a tactic of war. Some destruction may arguably be the result of the legitimate attempts of

the Israel Defense Forces to dismantle tunnels and to protect its soldiers. The concentration

of destruction in localities close to the Green Line, in some areas amounting to 100 per

cent, and the systematic way in which these areas were flattened one after the other,

however, raise concerns that such extensive destruction was not required by imperative

military necessity.41 If confirmed, this would constitute a grave breach of article 147 of the

Fourth Geneva Convention, which is a war crime.

(c) Warnings and the continued protected status of civilians

54. In many cases during the ground operations, the Israel Defense Forces warned the

population of impending attacks by means of leaflets, loudspeaker announcements,

telephone calls, text messages and radio announcements.42 In many instances, however,

inhabitants did not leave their homes.43 For instance, the Office for the Coordination of

Humanitarian Affairs reported on 20 July that the majority of the 92,000 inhabitants of

Shuja’iya had remained in their neighbourhood despite repeated warnings to evacuate.44

Witnesses pointed to several reasons for staying, including not knowing in which direction

to go, given that intense shelling and air strikes were under way in many parts of Gaza; lack

of clarity of and unclear time frames indicated by the warnings; the fact that many places

considered safe were already overcrowded; and the poor conditions in shelters, which

themselves came under attack.

55. Statements by officials of the Israel Defense Forces indicated that, in some cases,

warnings to evacuate were meant to create “sterile combat zones”, and the people

remaining in the area would no longer be considered civilians and thus benefit from the

protection afforded by their civilian status. For example, the Head of the Doctrine Desk at

the Infantry Corps Headquarters, Major Amitai Karanik, reportedly stated: “We try to

create a situation whereby the area where we are fighting is sterile, so any person seen there

is suspected of engaging in terrorist activity. At the same time, we make the utmost effort to

remove the population, whether this means dropping flyers or shelling [.] We don’t want to

confuse the troops […] In peacetime security, soldiers stand facing a civilian population,

but in wartime, there is no civilian population, just an enemy.”45 The commission is aware

of the assertions made by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs that “although Hamas

authorities actively encouraged civilians to ignore the IDF’s warnings and refrain from

evacuating, the IDF did not regard civilians who heeded such advice as voluntary human

shields and thus legitimate targets for attack. Nor did the IDF discount such civilians for

purposes of its proportionality analyses.”46 It is the view articulated by Major Karanik that

appears, however, to have prevailed in at least two of the neighbourhoods examined by the

40 UNITAR, Impact of the 2014 Conflict in the Gaza Strip (see footnote 20), p. 8.

41 Regulations annexed to the Hague Convention IV of 1907, art. 23; Fourth Geneva Convention,

art. 53.

42 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IDF Conduct of Operations (see footnote 17), pp. 30–37.

43 Ibid.

44 OCHA, Gaza Emergency Situation Report (see footnote 8), p. 2.

45 Bayabasha, Ground Forces Magazine, October 2014, No. 29, p. 62 (unofficial translation).

46 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IDF Conduct of Operations (see footnote 17), p. 13.

commission and to have had implications for the way in which Israeli soldiers on the

ground viewed those who remained. On the basis of soldier testimony, one non-

governmental organization concluded that “the soldiers were briefed by their commanders

to fire at every person they identified in a combat zone, since the working assumption was

that every person in the field was an enemy.”47

56. The commission recognizes that the general warnings issued by the Israel Defense

Forces saved lives. At the same time, these warnings were often used in a context where

people fleeing were unable to identify a safe place to go owing to the unpredictability of

many attacks over a lengthy period of time. Most importantly, inferring that anyone

remaining in an area that has been the object of a warning is an enemy or a person engaging

in “terrorist activity”, or issuing instructions to this effect, contributes to creating an

environment conducive to attacks against civilians. Those civilians choosing not to heed a

warning do not lose the protection granted by their status. The only way in which civilians

lose their protection from attack is by directly participating in the hostilities.48 Merely

issuing a warning does not absolve the Israel Defense Forces of their legal obligations to

protect civilian life.

(d) Protection of civilians, force protection and the “Hannibal directive”

57. An examination of actions by the Israel Defense Forces in Shuja’iya in July and

Rafah on 1 August indicates that the protection of Israeli soldiers significantly influenced

the conduct of the Israel Defense Forces in these operations, at times overriding any

concern for minimizing civilian casualties. While force protection is a legitimate objective,

the commission has the distinct impression that, when soldiers’ lives were at stake or there

was a risk of capture, the Forces disregarded basic principles on the conduct of hostilities.

One of the witnesses recalled that “every time an Israeli soldier dies or is kidnapped, we

feel the consequences”. In Rafah, following the killing of two Israeli soldiers and the

apparent capture of one, who was later found to be dead, entire areas were closed off, in

particular through the use of shelling and air strikes, presumably to prevent the captors from

leaving the area with the captive soldier. Reports indicate that a procedure, known as the

“Hannibal directive”, was activated in Rafah and possibly in Shuja’iya, where there were

similar fears that a soldier had been captured. It reportedly gives considerable leeway to

Israeli commanders in deciding how to prevent their soldiers from being captured by armed

groups,49 and is widely perceived as having led to intensified shelling. In Rafah, every

moving vehicle or person became a potential target, with the most intensive fire reported

over the first four hours.

58. The Government of Israel has stated that the requirement to respect the principle of

proportionality continues to apply whenever the Hannibal directive is invoked,50 and some

have argued that the proportionality test may take into account strategic considerations in

determining the military advantage. The commission emphasizes that policy considerations

and remote strategic objectives informed by political goals – such as denying armed groups

the leverage they could obtain over Israel in negotiations for the release of a captured

soldier – are not valid considerations in conducting the proportionality analysis required

under international humanitarian law. The commission believes that the military culture

created by such policy priorities may have been a factor contributing to the decision to

unleash massive firepower in Rafah and Shuja’iya, in utter disregard of its devastating

impact on the civilian population. Moreover, applying this protocol in the context of a

47 Breaking the Silence, “This is how we fought in Gaza”, May 2015, p. 18.

48 Protocol I, art. 51, para. 3, and art. 57.

49 Breaking the Silence, “This is how we fought in Gaza” (see footnote 49).

50 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IDF Conduct of Operations (see footnote 17), p. 44.

densely populated environment through the use of heavy weaponry predictably leads to

violations of the principles of distinction and proportionality.

(e) Targeting of civilians

59. The commission examined several cases in which the people or groups of people

targeted were civilians, at times children, who were not directly participating in the

hostilities and did not represent any threat to the Israeli soldiers present in the area. For

instance, Salem Shamaly, whose death was recorded on video, was shot several times while

looking for a relative during a humanitarian pause, even after he had been felled by the first

shot (A/HRC/28/80/Add.1, para. 43). The commission examined two other incidents in

which civilians allegedly carrying white flags were targeted by soldiers in Khuza’a. The

first case pertained to a large group of people, including children, who were attacked in

front of a clinic while attempting to leave the village holding white flags. In the second

case, a man in a house carrying a white flag was shot at point-blank range in front of some

30 other people, including women, children and elderly persons, who had sought shelter in

the house.

60. Directing attacks against civilians constitutes a violation of the principle of

distinction and may amount to a war crime. These acts may also constitute wilful killings.

Such acts are also a violation of the right to life, as guaranteed by article 6 of the

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

4. Impact on the population in Gaza of the conduct of Palestinian armed groups

61. The commission examined the conduct of Palestinian armed groups in a densely

populated environment, and what measures, if any, were taken by the authorities in Gaza to

protect civilians in Gaza from the effects of the attacks conducted by Israel.

62. The commission regrets that it was unable to verify allegations made by Israel on the

use of civilian buildings by Palestinian armed groups51 owing to the denial by Israel of

access to Gaza; fears by Palestinian witnesses of reprisal by armed groups and local

authorities, in particular when providing information remotely; and challenges faced by

Palestinian human rights organizations in documenting alleged violations by Palestinian

armed groups.

(a) Conducting military operations from within or near densely populated areas

63. Palestinian armed groups allegedly often operated from densely populated

neighbourhoods, including by firing rockets, mortars and other weapons from built-up

areas. In addition, they were alleged to have frequently placed command and control

centres and firing positions in residential buildings and to have stockpiled weapons and

located tunnel entrances in prima facie civilian buildings. They also reportedly conducted

military operations within or in close proximity to sites benefiting from specific protection

under international humanitarian law, such as hospitals, shelters and places dedicated to

religion and education, including within or in the vicinity of schools operated by the United

Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. The Secretary-

General expressed his dismay that Palestinian militant groups would put United Nations

schools at risk by using them to hide their arms. “The three schools in which weaponry was

found were empty at the time and were not being used as shelters. However, the fact that

they were used by those involved in the fighting to store their weaponry and, in two cases,

probably to fire from is unacceptable” (S/2015/286, p. 3). Israel made specific allegations

51 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see footnote 5), “Hamas’ Violations of the Law”.

with regard to the use of schools, mosques and hospitals and the areas in their immediate

vicinity for military purposes. By firing rockets from densely populated areas, Palestinian

armed groups also put Gazans in danger; for example, on 28 July 2014, 13 civilians,

including 11 children, were killed in Al-Shati camp when a rocket appears to have fallen

short of its target.

64. The commission recognizes that the obligation to avoid locating military objectives

within densely populated areas is not absolute. The small size of Gaza and its population

density make it difficult for armed groups to always comply with this requirement. While

the commission was unable to verify independently the specific incidents alleged by Israel,

the frequency of reports of Palestinian armed groups carrying out military operations in the

immediate vicinity of civilian objects and specially protected objects suggests that such

conduct could have been avoided on a number of occasions. In those instances, Palestinian

armed groups may not have complied, to the maximum extent feasible, with their legal

obligations. In cases where their goal may have been to use the presence of civilians to

protect military assets from attack, this would constitute a violation of the customary law

prohibition against the use of human shields.52 With regard to the alleged use of medical

facilities and ambulances for military purposes, if verified, and if the buildings or

ambulances bore distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions, such as the Red

Crescent, such actions would amount to an improper use of a distinctive emblem, in

violation of customary international humanitarian law.

65. Regardless of the case-by-case legality of the actions of Palestinian armed groups,

the military use of civilian buildings and densely populated areas from which to conduct

military operations increases the risk to the civilian population and civilian objects. The

questionable conduct of these armed groups does not, however, modify Israel’s own

obligations to abide by international law.

(b) Measures to facilitate the removal of the civilian population from the vicinity

of military objectives

66. The authorities in Gaza stated that they had taken measures to facilitate evacuation

from areas most affected by the hostilities, including by setting up shelters for internally

displaced persons and conducting more than 4,450 evacuation missions in Beit Hanoun,

Shuja’iya and Khuza’a. Nevertheless, the commission is concerned that, in some cases, the

authorities in Gaza reportedly encouraged residents not to heed the warnings given by the

Israel Defense Forces.53 If confirmed, and depending on the circumstances, such

declarations may indicate that the authorities in Gaza did not take all the precautions

necessary to protect the civilian population under their control as required by international

humanitarian law.

(c) Executions of suspected collaborators

67. The commission found that 21 alleged “collaborators” were executed between 5 and

22 August 2014. Sixteen of them were taken from Al-Katiba prison where they had been

held in the custody of the local authorities in Gaza and shot by firing squad.54 The Al-

Qassam Brigades claimed responsibility for the executions, in some cases claiming that the

persons executed had been “found guilty of giving information on the whereabouts of

52 Protocol I, art. 51, para. 7.

53 Statement by Hamas spokesperson Mushir al-Masri, 16 July 2014, available at

www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks_nlgjfPWM (in Arabic).

54 Amnesty International, “Strangling necks”: Abductions, torture and summary killings of Palestinians

by Hamas forces during the 2014 Gaza/Israel conflict”, 26 May 2015.

fighters and civilian houses”.55 The local authorities in Gaza informed the commission that

the executions had been carried out by Palestinian factions operating in secrecy, without

instructions from the authorities. They have purportedly created a body to investigate

allegations of extrajudicial killings. The Government of the State of Palestine likewise

pledged to investigate such cases once it regains control over Gaza.

68. Owing to the link to the armed conflict, these extrajudicial executions constitute a

violation of article 3 common to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, and therefore amount to a

war crime. In addition, the commission found that the executions appear to have been

carried out with the knowledge of the local authorities in Gaza, in violation of their human

rights obligation to protect the right to life and security of those in their custody.

Furthermore, the commission is concerned that the families of those executed have been

stigmatized by being labelled the relatives of “collaborators”.

B. West Bank, including East Jerusalem

69. The period of June to September 2014 was marked by heightened tensions in the

West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Israeli security forces allegedly conducted more than

1,400 raids on Palestinian homes and other civilian buildings, often at night, and reportedly

arrested more than 2,050 Palestinians, including children (see A/HRC/28/80/Add.1).56 As at

the end of August 2014, 473 persons were said to be held in administrative detention.57

Cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, including of children, was widely reported.58

Israel also imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinians within and out of

the West Bank, as well as on their access to Al-Aqsa Mosque.59 These measures prevented

Palestinians from having access to services, markets, education and workplaces, and

generated significant economic losses.60 In addition, Israel resumed its practice of punitive

home demolitions. Incidents of settler violence and settlement-related activity, including

reportedly as a response to the abduction and killing of the three Israeli youths, were


70. There was also a stark rise in deaths and injuries of Palestinians by Israeli security

forces. Between 12 June and 26 August 2014, 27 Palestinians, including five children, were

allegedly killed and more than 3,100, Palestinians were injured by the Israeli security forces

(A/HRC/28/80/Add.1, para. 10).61 This figure reportedly rose to 36 Palestinians, including

11 children, by the end of September 2014.62 The victims included Hashem Abu Maria, a

well-known child rights activist who worked for the non-governmental organization

Defence for Children International who was killed in circumstances where he presented no

55 See news reports (in Arabic) at http://tinyurl.com/psv72pw and www.ahdath.info/?p=11335 and

http://tinyurl.com/ms2z7lk and http://tinyurl.com/ots3rqd.

56 See also Military Court Watch, “Statistics – Palestinian ‘security’ prisoners in Israeli detention”.

57 B’Tselem, “Israel holding more than 470 Palestinians in administrative detention – highest number in

5 years”, 7 October 2014.

58 See also testimonies collected by Military Court Watch available at http://is.gd/yJmFA3.

59 See B’Tselem, “Hebron District and its 680,000 residents under third day of closure: increasing

reports of property damage in arrest raids”, 17 June 2014; and OCHA, Monthly Report, June –

August 2014.

60 See B’Tselem, “Hebron District and its 680,000 residents under third day of closure”

(see footnote 61).

61 OCHA, Monthly Report, June – August 2014 (see footnote 59).

62 Submission from Al-Dameer Association for Human Rights, Al-Haq, Al Mezan Center for Human

Rights and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights. See B’Tselem, “Palestinians killed by Israeli

security forces in the West Bank, after operation Cast Lead”, 2015.

threat to the security forces. United Nations data indicate that the number of those killed

within this period was equivalent to the total number of Palestinian fatalities in similar

circumstances throughout 2013 (ibid.). These data further show that the large number of

deaths and injuries was a direct result of the regular recourse to live ammunition by the

Israeli security forces63 and the apparent rising trend in the use of 0.22 inch calibre bullets

in crowd-control situations. The increased use of live ammunition, combined with the spike

in casualties, appears to reflect a change in policy guiding the law enforcement operations

of the Israel Defense Forces in the West Bank.64

71. The commission is particularly concerned that the pervasive use of live ammunition

inevitably raises the risk of death or serious injury. The use of firearms against those not

posing a threat to life or serious injury constitutes a violation of the prohibition of the

arbitrary deprivation of life,65 and may, depending on the circumstances, amount to an act

of wilful killing. The unjustified recourse to firearms by law enforcement officials may be

considered a war crime when it takes place in the context of an international armed conflict,

including a situation of military occupation, and that the person killed was a protected


VI. Accountability

72. The commission notes the steps taken by Israel to investigate alleged violations of

the law of armed conflict by the Israel Defense Forces during operation “Protective Edge”66

and towards bringing its system of investigations into compliance with international

standards. Flaws remain, however, with respect to the State’s adherence to international

standards. Further significant changes are required to ensure that Israel adequately fulfils its

duty to investigate, prosecute and hold perpetrators accountable for violations of

international humanitarian law and international human rights law. One of the measures

needed is to enhance the independence and impartiality of the Military Advocate General

and to ensure the robust application of international humanitarian law in his decisions

regarding criminal investigations. For example, the definition of “military objectives” has

implications for both for the Military Advocate General’s operational guidance of troops on

the ground and his subsequent assessment of whether to refer a case for criminal

investigation. Moreover, the investigations process followed by the Israel Defense Forces

focuses on possible individual criminal responsibility at the level of the soldier on the

battlefield. Even where the behaviour of soldiers and low-ranking officers during hostilities

has come into question, however, this has rarely resulted in criminal investigations. At the

policy level, the commission looks forward to reading the report of the State Comptroller’s

inquiry into the procedure of decision-making by the military and political echelons during

operation “Protective Edge”. The Comptroller’s inquiry should be supplemented by

mechanisms – including criminal proceedings67 and disciplinary measures – that aim to

hold to account individuals who may have played a role in wrongdoing. In addition,

Palestinian victims face significant obstacles that impede their right to benefit from

effective remedies, including reparations.

73. The commission concludes that investigations by Palestinian authorities are

woefully inadequate, despite allegations of violations of international humanitarian law by

63 OCHA, Monthly Report, June – August 2014 (see footnote 59).

64 B’Tselem, “Military steps up use of 0.22 inch bullets against Palestinian stone-throwers”,

18 January 2015.

65 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, art. 6.

66 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see footnote 5), p. 1.

67 See Fourth Geneva Convention, art. 146.

Palestinian actors, leaving Israeli victims without an effective remedy. With respect to the

local authorities in Gaza, no steps appear to have been taken to ensure effective

investigations into actions by Palestinian armed groups, seemingly owing to a lack of

political will. The Palestinian Authority claims that its failure to open investigations results

from insufficient means to carry out investigations in a territory over which it has yet to re-

establish unified control.

VII. Conclusions and recommendations

A. Concluding observations

74. The commission was deeply moved by the immense suffering of Palestinian and

Israeli victims, who have been subjected to repeated rounds of violence. The victims

expressed their continued hope that their leaders and the international community

would act more resolutely to address the root causes of the conflict so as to restore

human rights, dignity, justice and security to all residents of the Occupied Palestinian

Territory and Israel. In relation to this latest round of violence, which resulted in an

unprecedented number of casualties, the commission was able to gather substantial

information pointing to serious violations of international humanitarian law and

international human rights law by Israel and by Palestinian armed groups. In some

cases, these violations may amount to war crimes. The commission urges all those

concerned to take immediate steps to ensure accountability, including the right to an

effective remedy for victims.

75. With regard to Israel, the commission examined carefully the circumstances of

each case, including the account given by the State, where available. Israel has,

however, released insufficient information regarding the specific military objectives of

its attacks. The commission recognizes the dilemma that Israel faces in releasing

information that would disclose in detail the targets of military strikes, given that such

information may be classified and jeopardize intelligence sources. Be that as it may,

security considerations do not relieve the authorities of their obligations under

international law. The onus remains on Israel to provide sufficient details on its

targeting decisions to allow an independent assessment of the legality of the attacks

conducted by the Israel Defense Forces and to assist victims in their quest for the


76. The commission is concerned that impunity prevails across the board for

violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law

allegedly committed by Israeli forces, whether it be in the context of active hostilities

in Gaza or killings, torture and ill-treatment in the West Bank. Israel must break with

its recent lamentable track record in holding wrongdoers accountable, not only as a

means to secure justice for victims but also to ensure the necessary guarantees for


77. Questions arise regarding the role of senior officials who set military policy in

several areas examined by the commission, such as in the attacks of the Israel Defense

Forces on residential buildings, the use of artillery and other explosive weapons with

wide-area effects in densely populated areas, the destruction of entire neighbourhoods

in Gaza, and the regular resort to live ammunition by the Israel Defense Forces,

notably in crowd-control situations, in the West Bank. In many cases, individual

soldiers may have been following agreed military policy, but it may be that the policy

itself violates the laws of war.

78. The commission’s investigations also raise the issue of why the Israeli

authorities failed to revise their policies in Gaza and the West Bank during the period

under review by the commission. Indeed, the fact that the political and military

leadership did not change its course of action, despite considerable information

regarding the massive degree of death and destruction in Gaza, raises questions about

potential violations of international humanitarian law by these officials, which may

amount to war crimes. Current accountability mechanisms may not be adequate to

address this issue.

79. With regard to Palestinian armed groups, the commission has serious concerns

with regard to the inherently indiscriminate nature of most of the projectiles directed

towards Israel by these groups and to the targeting of civilians, which violate

international humanitarian law and may amount to a war crime. The increased level

of fear among Israeli civilians resulting from the use of tunnels was palpable. The

commission also condemns the extrajudicial executions of alleged collaborators”,

which amount to a war crime.

80. The Palestinian authorities have consistently failed to ensure that perpetrators

of violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law

are brought to justice. The commission is concerned that continuing political divisions

contribute significantly to the obstruction of justice for victims of violations by

Palestinian armed groups. The absence of measures to initiate criminal proceedings

against alleged perpetrators calls into question the stated determination of the

Palestinian Authority to achieve accountability. In accordance with their legal

obligations, the authorities must take urgent measures to rectify this long-standing


81. Comprehensive and effective accountability mechanisms for violations

allegedly committed by Israel or Palestinian actors will be a key deciding factor of

whether Palestinians and Israelis are to be spared yet another round of hostilities and

spikes in violations of international law in the future.

B. Recommendations

82. The persistent lack of implementation of recommendations made by previous

commissions of inquiry, fact-finding missions, United Nations treaty bodies, special

procedures and other United Nations bodies, in particular the Secretary-General and

OHCHR lies at the heart of the systematic recurrence of violations in Israel and the

Occupied Palestinian Territory. Bearing in mind this wealth of guidance, the

commission will not elaborate an exhaustive list of recommendations, which would

repeat concerns registered by other bodies. Rather, it calls upon all duty bearers to

implement fully all recommendations made by the above-mentioned bodies without

delay in order to avert a crisis similar to that of summer 2014 in the future.

83. The commission calls upon all parties to fully respect international

humanitarian law and international human rights law, including the main principles

of distinction, proportionality and precaution, and to establish promptly credible,

effective, transparent and independent accountability mechanisms. The right of all

victims to an effective remedy, including full reparations, must be ensured without

further delay. In this context, the parties should cooperate fully with the preliminary

examination of the International Criminal Court and with any subsequent

investigation that may be opened.

84. The commission also calls upon Israelis and Palestinians to demonstrate

political leadership by both refraining from and taking active steps to prevent

statements that dehumanize the other side, incite hatred, and only serve to perpetuate

a culture of violence.

85. The commission calls upon the Government of Israel to conduct a thorough,

transparent, objective and credible review of policies governing military operations

and of law enforcement activities in the context of the occupation, as defined by

political and military decision-makers, to ensure compliance with international

humanitarian law and human rights law, specifically with regard to:

(a) The use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects in densely populated

areas, including in the vicinity of specifically protected objects;

(b) The definition of military objectives;

(c) The tactics of targeting residential buildings;

(d) The effectiveness of precautionary measures;

(e) The protection of civilians in the context of the application of the

Hannibal directive;

(f) Ensuring that the principle of distinction is respected when active

neighbourhoods are declared “sterile combat zones”;

(g) The use of live ammunition in crowd-control situations.

The review should also examine mechanisms for continuous review of respect for

international humanitarian law and human rights law during military operations and

in the course of law enforcement activities in the context of the occupation.

86. The commission further calls upon the Government of Israel:

(a) To ensure that investigations comply with international human rights

standards and that allegations of international crimes, where substantiated, are met

with indictments, prosecutions and convictions, with sentences commensurate to the

crime, and to take all measures necessary to ensure that such investigations will not be

confined to individual soldiers alone, but will also encompass members of the political

and military establishment, including at the senior level, where appropriate;

(b) To implement all the recommendations contained in the second report of

the Turkel Commission, in particular recommendation No. 2 calling for the enactment

of provisions that impose direct criminal liability on military commanders and civilian

superiors for offenses committed by their subordinates, in line with the doctrine of

command responsibility;

(c) To grant access to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory for, and

cooperate with, international human rights bodies and non-governmental

organizations concerned with investigating alleged violations of international law by

all duty bearers and any mechanisms established by the Human Rights Council to

follow up on the present report;

(d) To address structural issues that fuel the conflict and have a negative

impact on a wide range of human rights, including the right to self-determination; in

particular, to lift, immediately and unconditionally, the blockade on Gaza; to cease all

settlement-related activity, including the transfer of Israel’s own population to the

occupied territory; and to implement the advisory opinion rendered on 9 July 2004 by

the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of the construction of a

wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;

(e) To accede to the Rome Statute.

87. The commission calls upon the State of Palestine:

(a) To ensure that investigations into violations of international

humanitarian law and international human rights law, including international crimes,

by the Palestinian Authority, the authorities in Gaza and Palestinian armed groups,

where substantiated, comply with international human rights standards and that full

accountability is achieved, including through criminal proceedings;

(b) To accelerate efforts to translate the declarations on Palestinian unity

into tangible measures on grounds that would enable the Government of national

consensus to ensure the protection of human rights and to achieve accountability for


88. The commission calls upon the authorities in Gaza and Palestinian armed


(a) To respect the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution,

including by ending all attacks on Israeli civilians and civilian objects, and stopping

all rocket attacks and other actions that may spread terror among the civilian

population in Israel;

(b) To take measures to prevent extrajudicial executions and eradicate

torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment; to cooperate with national

investigations aimed to bring those responsible for violations of international law to

justice; and to combat the stigma faced by families of alleged collaborators.

89. The commission calls upon the international community:

(a) To promote compliance with human rights obligations, and to respect,

and to ensure respect for, international humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian

Territory and Israel, in accordance with article 1 common to the Geneva


(b) To use its influence to prevent and end violations, and to refrain from

encouraging violations by other parties;

(c) To accelerate and intensify efforts to develop legal and policy standards

that would limit the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects in populated

areas with a view to strengthening the protection of civilians during hostilities;

(d) To support actively the work of the International Criminal Court in

relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory; to exercise universal jurisdiction to try

international crimes in national courts; and to comply with extradition requests

pertaining to suspects of such crimes to countries where they would face a fair trial.

90. The commission recommends that the Human Rights Council consider

conducting a comprehensive review of the implementation of the numerous

recommendations addressed to the parties by its own mechanisms, in particular

relevant commissions of inquiry and fact-finding missions, and explore mechanisms to

ensure their implementation.


[English only]

I. Correspondence

II. Stakeholders consulted by the commission of inquiry*

Diplomatic missions

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cyprus to the United Nations Office at Geneva and

other international organizations in Switzerland

Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations Office and other

international organizations in Geneva

Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations Office and other international

organizations in Geneva

Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations Office and

other international organizations in Geneva

Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations Office and other international

organizations in Geneva

Permanent Mission of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations Office and

other international organizations in Geneva

Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations Office and other

international organizations in Geneva

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and other international

organizations in Geneva

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Rwanda to the United Nations Office and other

international organizations in Geneva

Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the

United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations Office and

other international organizations in Geneva

Permanent Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations Office and other

international organizations in Geneva

Domestic authorities

State of Palestine

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Health

Ministry of the Interior

Office of the Prosecutor

* In the light of the commission’s confidentiality policy, it should be noted that inclusion in this list was done on the basis of explicit authorization by the relevant party. Therefore, the list is not exhaustive

and includes only those persons and organizations that authorized the commission to be mentioned

in the report.

Central Bureau of Statistics

Jerusalem Governorate

Palestinian Liberation Organization

Higher National Commission for Prisoners and Detainees Affairs

Negotiations Support Unit

Authorities in Gaza

Other official meetings

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

United Nations and international organizations

Human Rights Council, President

Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate

standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context

Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied

since 1967

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

United Nations Children’s Fund

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

United Nations Headquarters Board of Inquiry into certain incidents that occurred in the

Gaza Strip between 8 July 2014 and 26 August 2014

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Occupied Palestinian


United Nations Institute for Training and Research Operational Satellite Applications


United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees

World Health Organization

Non-governmental organizations

Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel


Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights

Amnesty International

Badil – Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights

Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem

Defence for Children International Palestine


Euromid Observer for Human Rights

Human Rights Watch

International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

International Federation for Human Rights

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Palestinian Medical Relief Society

Physicians for Human Rights – Israel

Public Committee Against Torture in Israel

Other Voices from the South

Women’s Affairs Center of Palestine

Women’s Affairs Technical Committee of Palestine

Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling

UN Watch


Doctor Mads Gilbert

Colonel (ret.) Richard Kemp

Daniel Reisner

Professor Marco Sassoli

III. Submissions to the commission of inquiry*

United Nations agencies, offices and special procedures mandate


Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

United Nations Children’s Fund

United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

United Nations Institute for Training and Research Operational Satellite Applications


United Nations Mine Action Service

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees

World Health Organization

Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate

standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context

Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences

Non-governmental organizations

Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Addameer – Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association

Al Dameer Association for Human Rights


Alkarama Foundation

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights

American Association of Jurists

Amnesty International

Arab Lawyers Union

Artificial Limbs and Polio Center in Gaza

Badil-Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights

Bara’m El-Funoun Palestinian Dance Troupe

Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem

* In the light of the commission’s confidentiality policy, it should be noted that inclusion in this list was done on the basis of explicit authorization by the relevant party. Therefore, the list is not exhaustive

and includes only those persons and organizations that authorized the commission to mention their

submissions in the report.

Defence for Children International – Palestine and Israel Section

Euromid Observer for Human Rights

Forensic Architecture

HaMoked – Center for the Defence of the Individual

High Level International Military Group

Hemaya Centre for Human Rights

International Association of Democratic Lawyers

International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

International Federation for Human Rights

International Network on Explosive Weapons

Jerusalem Center for Genocide Prevention and Hebrew University Hadassah Genocide

Prevention Program

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation

Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights

Mada – Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms

National Lawyers Guild, Palestine Subcommittee

NGO Monitor

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Palestinian Medical Relief Society

Palestinian Working Women Society for Development

Physicians for Human Rights Israel

Public Committee against Torture in Israel

Rural Women’s Development Society

Society of St. Yves, Catholic Center for Human Rights

The Lawfare Project

Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling

UK Lawyers for Israel

Individual submissions**

Charles Abelsohn

Professor Amichai Cohen

Denis Mac Eoin

** The list does not include the large number of e-mails and letters received recounting individual


Doctor Mads Gilbert

Jonathan Tate Harris

Eado Hecht

Colonel (ret.) Richard Kemp

Trevor S. Norwitz

Maurice Ostroff