32/37 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education
Document Type: Final Report
Date: 2016 Apr
Session: 32nd Regular Session (2016 Jun)
Agenda Item: Item3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development
Human Rights Council Thirty-second session
Agenda item 3
Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,
political, economic, social and cultural rights,
including the right to development
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education
Note by the Secretariat
The Secretariat has the honour to transmit to the Human Rights Council the report of
the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Kishore Singh, prepared pursuant to
Council resolution 26/17. The report addresses issues and challenges to the right to
education in the digital age, with a focus on higher education. It considers how the norms
and principles that underlie the right to education should be upheld while embracing digital
The report concludes with recommendations for ensuring that the use of digital
technology in education is in keeping with State obligations on the right to education.
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education
I. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
II. Recent activities undertaken by the Special Rapporteur .................................................................. 3
III. The digital revolution in education .................................................................................................. 6
IV. The digital divide ............................................................................................................................. 7
A. Disparities in access to the Internet and digital technology ..................................................... 8
B. Infrastructure contraints ........................................................................................................... 8
C. Marginalization and exclusion ................................................................................................. 8
V. Digital technologies and norms and principles of the right to education ......................................... 9
VI. Challenges to quality and issues relating to the recognition of degrees and diplomas ..................... 10
VII. Importance of face-to-face learning and the role of teachers ........................................................... 11
VIII. Preserving human values in digital technology ................................................................................ 12
IX. Fostering the humanistic mission of education ................................................................................ 13
X. Risks of digital education ................................................................................................................. 13
XI. Digital technology and copyright law .............................................................................................. 14
A. Copyright issues....................................................................................................................... 14
B. Open licensing frameworks ..................................................................................................... 15
C. Open educational resources ..................................................................................................... 16
XII. Digital technologies and the forces of privatization in education .................................................... 16
XIII. Legal and policy responses to cope with the digital revolution ........................................................ 17
Enabling environment ...................................................................................................................... 18
XIV. Regulatory framework...................................................................................................................... 18
A. Prescriptive regulations............................................................................................................ 19
B. Prohibitive regulations ............................................................................................................. 19
C. Punitive regulations ................................................................................................................. 19
XV. Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................... 20
XVI. Recommendations ............................................................................................................................ 21
I. Introduction
1. The present report was prepared by the Special Rapporteur on the right to education
pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 26/17. In it, the Special Rapporteur examines
the right to education in the digital age and, specifically, how to uphold the norms and
principles that underlie the right to education while embracing digital technologies, which
are revolutionizing teaching and learning processes and transforming the landscape of
higher education. He considers issues related to marginalization and exclusion, as well as
the quality of education, especially human values in education. Concerns are expressed
about the digital divide and about how it affects fundamental principles, such as equality of
opportunity. The Special Rapporteur sets out policy and legal responses to address these
issues and challenges, bearing in mind the normative framework of the right to education as
established in international human rights treaties. He also highlights the repercussions of
digital technologies on public investment in education and on the quality of education,
especially in respect of preserving human values in education, and underlines the need to
safeguard education as a public good. Finally, he offers a set of recommendations for
ensuring that the implementation of digital technology in education is in keeping with State
obligations on the right to education as laid down in international human rights
2. During the reporting period, the Special Rapporteur undertook a mission to Fiji and
reported to the General Assembly at its seventieth session (A/70/342). In that report, he
addressed public-private partnerships and the right to education, noting their linkage to
increasing privatization in the sector. He highlighted their implications for the right to
education and for the principles of social justice and equity. He concluded with
recommendations on regulating such partnerships to safeguard the right to education and
protect education as a public good.
II. Recent activities undertaken by the Special Rapporteur
3. From 25 to 27 May 2015, the Special Rapporteur attended a conference on the
justiciability of the right to education and the post-2015 development agenda, organized by
the Centre for Law and Policy Research in Bangalore, India, where he gave the opening and
closing addresses. In his interventions, he stressed the importance of holding Governments
accountable and called upon civil society and the intellectual community to defend
education as a public good.
4. On 10 June, the Special Rapporteur participated in a round-table expert consultation
on public-private partnerships in education, hosted by the Open Society Foundation, and
interacted with experts from universities in Europe, North America and Asia, while
addressing the issues of public-private partnerships worldwide, including the Chilean
voucher model. Also on 10 June, he participated in a seminar on the application of
standards on economic, social and cultural rights in domestic law, hosted by the
International Organization for the Right to Education and Freedom of Education and the
Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations Office and other international
organizations in Geneva. His intervention focused on the justiciability of the right to
education and on Human Rights Council resolution 28/20, which underlines the importance
of an effective remedy for violations of economic, social and cultural rights.
5. On 12 June, he spoke at an event on human rights policy responses to the growth of
private actors in education, hosted by the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights, the Right to Education Project, the Privatisation in Education Research
Initiative and the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.
His intervention underlined the need to address the concerns raised by growing
privatization in education.
6. On 16 June, the Special Rapporteur spoke at the Human Rights Council panel on the
theme “Realizing the equal enjoyment of the right to education by every girl”. He
emphasized the need to ensure the quality of education and safe school environments. He
urged States to ratify international human rights conventions, combat gender stereotypes
and take positive actions in favour of girls. On 18 June, the Special Rapporteur held an
interactive dialogue hosted by a Geneva-based non-governmental organization, Platform on
the Right to Education, at an event organized to discuss continued engagement in his work
and his latest report to the Council.
7. From 22 to 27 June, the Special Rapporteur participated in the nineteenth
Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers, hosted by the Bahamas. On 23 June,
he spoke at the regional ministerial caucus, addressing key issues relating to the right to
education. He also addressed the teachers’ forum organized during the Conference,
emphasizing the need to safeguard education from forces of privatization, especially its
negative repercussions on the teaching profession.
8. From 21 to 24 July, the Special Rapporteur participated in the seventh World
Congress of Education International, held in Ottawa, and underlined the need for a dynamic
global response to safeguard education from it commercialization and preserve education as
a social good and the importance of the resolution adopted by the World Congress on
privatization in and commercialization of education.
9. On 28 July, the Special Rapporteur participated in a webinar on the challenges posed
by public-private partnerships in realizing the right to education, convened by the Oxford
Human Rights Hub and the Open Society Foundation. The webinar served as a global
expert consultation on issues relevant to the Special Rapporteur’s report to the General
10. On 18 and 19 August, the Special Rapporteur participated in a forum on the
development of Xinjiang, China. In the opening address, he underlined the importance of
the forum in the context of the post-2015 sustainable development agenda, of developing
skills, of international development cooperation and of adopting an integrated approach to
11. On 21 August, the Special Rapporteur gave an opening address at an international
symposium on the grassland silk road and world civilization organized by the Inner
Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences and held in Huhhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Region of China. He highlighted the importance of the symposium in providing a better
appreciation for the richness of intangible heritage.
12. On 26 August, the Special Rapporteur spoke about the right to education to
members and students of the Indian Law Institute, in New Delhi. On 5 September, he gave
a public lecture on contemporary issues and challenges relating to the right to education for
emerging and developing countries at the Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities, also
in New Delhi.
13. On 8 September, the Special Rapporteur participated in a high-level panel, organized
to mark International Literacy Day, held at the headquarters of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris. He spoke of literacy
as a right and about the relationship between that right and lifelong learning, and focused
on its implications and conceptual issues in view of the sustainable development agenda to
be adopted by the General Assembly.
14. From 30 September to 2 October, the Special Rapporteur was in Moscow to address
the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, where he gave a lecture on the right to
education and international law. During his stay, he also gave a lecture at Kutafin Moscow
State Law University on the right to education.
15. On 12 and 13 October, the Special Rapporteur participated in the international
seminar on human rights education organized by the Independent Permanent Human Rights
Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Government of Indonesia,
held in Jakarta. In his address, he discussed the need to promote human rights education
through public education policies.
16. On 26 October, the Special Rapporteur addressed the opening session of the fourth
International Scientific Congress “Globalistics”, organized on the occasion of celebrations
to mark the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations at Lomonosov Moscow State
University. He focused on the right to education and the challenges of globalization,
underlining the importance of upholding the ideals and principles of the United Nations.
17. On 27 and 28 October, he addressed the plenary session of the BRICS University
Summit, on the theme “Education as a source of global development”, held in Moscow on
the occasion of celebrations to mark the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations. The
event was organized by the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and a
consortium of leading Russian universities. He spoke on the right to education, the
importance of skills development, new modalities for recognizing studies and qualifications
gained in different places, especially in private higher education institutions, the need for
regulating privatization and safeguarding humanistic mission of education.
18. On 4 November, the Special Rapporteur spoke at the Education 2030 high-level
meeting organized by UNESCO and held in Paris during the thirty-eighth session of the
UNESCO General Conference. He spoke of the current challenges, including privatization,
lack of investment and private-public partnerships in education.
19. On 17 November, he gave a speech as a special guest at the meeting of BRICS
senior officials on education organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the
Russian Federation. The meeting aimed to create a network of universities. The Special
Rapporteur spoke about the right to higher education and proposed public policy responses
to the internationalization of higher education.
20. On 23 November, the Special Rapporteur addressed the opening session of the
regional consultation and dialogue on a framework for action on Education 2030 for West
and Central African countries, organized by the UNESCO regional office in Dakar and
partners. He emphasized the need for taking specific measures, including the establishment
of monitoring mechanisms, to make progress in implementing the Education 2030 agenda.
On 25 November, he addressed the closing session of the regional consultation.
21. On 3 February 2016, the Special Rapporteur held discussions with the Brussels-
based organization Education International on a potential collaboration on the theme of
privatization and commercialization of education. During the discussions, the Special
Rapporteur and the representatives of Education International spoke of how to jointly
promote government accountability in education in the sustainable development agenda and
how to collaborate on advocating quality education for all as a fundamental human right.
22. On 15 February, the Special Rapporteur addressed the National University of
Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, at a seminar on a rights-based
approach to education. In his address, he discussed Indian education policy and the
challenges it faces in realizing the right to education, particularly regarding its national
legal system and the sustainable development agenda.
23. On 10 March, he took part in a discussion on gender equality and international law
held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris on the occasion of International Women’s Day. He
underlined the need for a human-rights based approach that took into consideration critical
issues such as religion and culture and the work of the Committee on the Elimination of
Discrimination against Women, and spoke of the challenges to women’s equitable access to
24. On 14 March, the Special Rapporteur participated, as a panellist, in an event
organized by the Permanent Mission of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the United
Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, and addressed the
education-related goals in the post-2015 sustainable development agenda.
25. On 15 March, the Special Rapporteur met with representatives of the Platform on
the Right to Education to talk about the work being done in fulfilment of his mandate.
III. The digital revolution in education
26. Digital technologies1 are becoming ubiquitous and provide vast opportunities for
new forms of connections and collaboration, as knowledge and information can be digitized
and transmitted electronically. 2 They are transforming learning and teaching, and the
everyday lives of academics and students. As Nicholas Carr wrote in The Shallows: What
the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, “the future of knowledge and culture no longer lies in
books ... or records or CDs. It lies in digital files shot through our universal medium at the
speed of light”.3
27. Information and communications technologies4 are used to access digital content
(the digital versions of analogue originals, such as scanned textbooks). Increasingly,
content is being designed for digital use. Online education materials and courses, e-
textbooks and video and audio files streamed on the Internet, as all of which are modes of
e-learning, 5 are revolutionizing the provision of education. Broadband services 6 and
information and communications technologies can play a fundamental role in making
1 UNESCO defines “digitization” as the creation of digital objects from physical, analogue originals by
means of a scanner, camera or other electronic device (see
b.pdf). Digital content involves the creation, sharing and accessing of content in digital forms,
including online courses, videos, digital libraries and texts, games and applications. In the area of
education, such content is moving from static reproductions of textbooks and learning materials
towards interactive education software and online learning products.
2 Susan D’Antoni, ed., The Virtual University: Models and Messages — Lessons from Case Studies
(UNESCO, Paris, 2006), p. 51.
3 Nicholas Carr, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (W.W. Norton and Co., New
York and London, 2010), p. 41.
4 “Information and communications technologies” is an umbrella term that includes any
communication device or application, including radio, television, cellular telephones, computers,
network hardware and software, satellite systems and the various services and applications associated
with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning (see
5 OECD defines “e-learning” as the use of information and communications technologies to enhance
and/or support learning in tertiary education, whether provided online, using computers or any other
tool that enables distance learning. See OECD, “E-learning in tertiary education” (2005).
6 The term “broadband” refers to multiple aspects of network services, including high-speed access to
the Internet and/or the services and applications available through broadband networks. See
knowledge, information and education accessible and in supporting the development of
new skills.7
28. The digital revolution is taking place at a dazzling rate,8 as digital devices multiply
learning pathways and diversify learning approaches.9
29. Many countries and universities are keen to embrace the potential of information
and communications technologies, as the Special Rapporteur witnessed during his recent
visit to Fiji. A key element in the discussion of the implications of digital technology for
educational institutions is the notion that universities no longer hold a monopoly on
knowledge, as new actors, such as for-profit education institutions and other private
providers, enter the field.
30. Massive open online courses provide an alternative path to higher education. Many
universities worldwide are now offering online courses, either alone or in conjunction with
a massive open online course provider. Many enthusiastic promoters of knowledge
societies, networking and lifelong learning can dream today of a world converted into a
giant classroom in which there are a few powerful global teachers and millions of
assimilators of information and knowledge packages through the Internet. Similarly, open
educational resources10 can harness the new possibility afforded by digital technology to
address common educational challenges. As a result, the landscape of higher education is
undergoing rapid transformations.
IV. The digital divide
31. In spite of progress made, there are still inequalities in higher education, particularly
in developing and least developed countries.11
32. In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, States recognized the importance
of the spread of information and communications technologies and global
interconnectedness, and stressed the need to bridge the digital divide and to develop
knowledge societies.12
33. In the 1988 World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century:
Vision and Action, the potential and the challenges of information and communications
technologies were addressed, with a focus on quality and high standards and concern for
7 Broadband Commission for Digital Development, The State of Broadband 2014: Broadband for All
(Geneva, 2014), chap. 4.
8 John Morgan, “Universities challenged: the impact of digital technology on teaching and learning”,
Educational Innovation Position Paper (September 2013), p. 13.
9 UNESCO, Leveraging Information and Communication Technologies to Achieve the Post-2015
Education Goal: Report of the International Conference on ICT and Post-2015 Education (2015),
p. 5.
10 “Open educational resources” is a term that was coined at the UNESCO 2002 Forum on the Impact of
Open Courseware for Higher Education in Developing Countries. It is defined as “teaching, learning
and research materials in any medium, digital or otherwise, that reside in the public domain or have
been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by
others with no or limited restrictions” (see the 2012 Paris Open Educational Resources Declaration).
See also OECD, Open Educational Resources: A Catalyst for Innovation (2015).
11 “Online, open and flexible higher education for the future we want: from statements to action —
equity, access and quality learning outcomes”, message adopted at the global high-level forum held in
Paris from 9 to 11 June 2015. Available at
12 General Assembly resolution 70/1, para. 15.
inequalities. Institutions of higher education using information and communications
technologies to modernize their work should make sure they do not transform themselves
from real into virtual institutions.
A. Disparities in access to the Internet and digital technology
34. Digital technologies are ubiquitous only in principle; in real life, their presence is
fractured by the digital divide.
35. Statistics from the International Telecommunication Union 13 show that, despite
impressive growth overall, developing countries continue to lag behind. In 2015, 34 per
cent of households in developing countries and only 7 per cent of those in the least
developed countries had Internet access, compared with more than 80 per cent in developed
countries, creating a global average of 43 per cent. In Africa, one in five people use the
Internet, compared to almost two in five people in Asia and the Pacific and three in five
people in the Commonwealth of Independent States. 14 The fundamental challenge is
making access to learning and educational resources through the Internet more equal among
countries, but also making equal the capacity to supply such education.15
B. Infrastructure constraints
36. One of the barriers that must be addressed relates to the cost of investing in
information and communications technologies. The technological infrastructure, along with
the software, the technical support, educator training, and maintenance, requires significant
financial support from the State. Digital devices are not always affordable in the developing
world, neither to students nor to public educational establishments. The high costs of digital
technology are causing universities to establish consortiums to share resources, costs and
37. Technology in education provides important benefits but it can also impair the right
to education. While a digital device-based education can bring advantages in the form of
access to a computer or electronic device, when students or schools lack the financial
means to obtain access, they fall behind. When only some schools are provided with
technology, or when private schools can afford better technology, existing social divisions
in education outcomes will increase.
38. In this respect, it is important to note that States are responsible, under international
human rights law, for providing resources for the realization of the right to education.
Recognizing education as a foundation of human development, Governments must devote
maximum public funds to education as a matter of norm. For budgets to be allocated to
education on a firm and enduring basis, a legal framework providing sustainable political
and financial support is crucial. Massive open online courses should not be used by
Governments to reduce public funding and cut instructional costs.
C. Marginalization and exclusion
39. The use of digital technology risks creating divisions within society. Devices such as
computers, tablets and smartphones, and broadband services, are required to access the
13 See www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Documents/facts/ICTFactsFigures2015.pdf.
14 Ibid.
15 Susan D’Antoni, ed., The Virtual University: Models and Messages, p. 45.
Internet. People in urban areas receive access of better quality first, leaving those in remote
areas disadvantaged or cut off. Reliable access to electricity to charge devices is often a
problem in the developing world.
40. Information and communications technologies can result in educational deprivation,
particularly for the poor. Special attention must be paid to questions related to access and
skills for the most marginalized groups, including girls and women and persons with
disabilities. The guiding principle must be to adopt an all-inclusive approach.16
41. Provision of education through digital technology may also contribute to gender
disparities. Currently, in developing countries, males are far more likely than females to
own and use information and communications technologies. In low-to-middle-income
countries, 25 per cent fewer women than men have Internet connectivity, and this gap rises
to nearly 50 per cent in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa.17
42. Children with disabilities face several barriers in accessing information and
communications technologies, as they may need adaptive technologies to use computers,
tablets and mobile telephones. Moreover, online digital content may need to be converted
into another format. Children in developing countries who do not attend schools rarely have
access to computers.
43. The signatories to the declaration 18 adopted at the International Conference on
Information and Communications Technologies and Post-2015 Education, held in Qingdao,
China, affirmed their collective understanding of how to unleash the full potential of
information and communications technologies for education and for achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals. They also reaffirmed their commitment to the Incheon
Declaration and the Education 2030 framework for action and to the use of technology to
strengthen access to and inclusion in education.
V. Digital technologies and norms and principles of the right to education
44. The application of technology to education must always be conducted in conformity
with the right to education. It is important to ensure that the principles and norms of the
right to education are preserved when using information and communications technologies.
Universal access is an essential prerequisite for the full exercise of the right to education.
Under a number of international conventions establishing the right to education, States have
international obligations to provide primary education at no cost. They also have the
obligation to make secondary education, including technical and vocational education,
generally accessible; higher education should be made accessible, on the basis of merit or
capacity. Education at all levels must be made, progressively, accessible to all.
45. The Special Rapporteur recalls that, as equality of opportunity in education is a
principle underlying all human rights conventions, it must be respected. The framework for
action for the implementation of the Incheon Declaration contains a commitment by
16 Statement endorsed by participants in the special session of the Broadband Commission for
Sustainable Development held in Davos, Switzerland, on January 2016. Available from
17 Bridging the Gender Gap: Mobile Access and Usage in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (2015).
Available from www.gsma.com/connectedwomen/wp-
18 See http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002333/233352E.pdf.
Governments to make tertiary education progressively free, in line with existing
international agreements.
46. In the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in particular article 28, States parties
recognized the need to achieve the right to education progressively and on the basis of
equal opportunity. Specifically, they committed to promoting and encouraging international
cooperation in matters relating to education, in particular with a view to facilitating access
to scientific and technical knowledge and modern teaching methods. In article 24 of the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, States parties recognized the right of
persons with disabilities to education and committed to ensuring an inclusive education
system at all levels. They also committed to taking appropriate measures to train
professionals in disability awareness and the use of augmentative and alternative modes,
means and formats of communication, educational techniques and materials to support
persons with disabilities.
47. States parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities further
committed to taking appropriate measures to promote access for persons with disabilities to
new information and communications technologies and systems, including the Internet, and
to promoting the design, development, production and distribution of information and
communications technologies accessible to persons with disabilities.
VI. Challenges to quality and issues relating to the recognition of degrees and diplomas
48. The use of digital technologies poses multiple challenges regarding quality in
education. The Special Rapporteur would like to outline some critical concerns in need of a
policy response.
49. One of the main challenges for higher education today is how it can respond to the
massive global demand for professional qualifications while maintaining its key role in
research. This must be seen in the context of the online provision of education.
50. There is no real or conclusive evidence that online learning leads to better learning
outcomes for students.19A recent study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) has found that over the past 10 years there has been no appreciable
improvement in student achievement in reading, mathematics or science in countries that
have invested heavily in information and communications technologies for education.20
These findings must worry policymakers and Governments that hope to find salvation in
expensive technological purchases.
51. Serious questions are being raised regarding the quality of education provided
through online courses, particularly massive open online courses. Most participating
students already have a university degree, raising the question of whether such programmes
are increasing access or equity in education. A 2013 survey found that as few as 7.5 per
cent of students were completing courses.21 The quality of massive open online courses,
which essentially involve self-study and lack the structure of other online courses, is
particularly worrying. Teaching methods have been criticized as outdated because most of
19 John Morgan, “Universities challenged”, p. 12.
20 OECD, Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection ( Paris, 2015). Available from
21 Steve Kolowich, “The professors who make the MOOCs”, The Chronicle of Higher Education (18
March 2013). Available from http://chronicle.com/article/The-Professors-Behind-the-
these courses still rely on information transmission, computer-marked assignments and peer
52. The emerging trend of giving qualifications through massive open online courses for
distance learning is concerning, as many of the usual modalities of university instruction
and assessment are lacking. Often, students enrolled in massive open online courses are not
assessed, or are inadequately assessed, and are not given certificates. Although institutions
have started to award credits for massive open online courses and novel forms of
certifications such as badges are being introduced, these are still seen as an inferior form of
educational outcome and an inadequate indication of the quality of learning. Such criticisms
may be more relevant to universities in the global North.23
53. A large number of private providers specialize in areas such as management,
marketing, accountancy and communication and award diplomas and degrees that are
devoid of equivalence or validity. There is also a risk of fraud associated with the awarding
of online degrees. Online or distance education providers often operate from locations with
no controls at all, and offer their own degrees, free from regulation. Public authorities must
find ways of preventing underqualified or fraudulent providers from trading as universities
and from issuing worthless qualifications when the providers are based overseas and
operate through the Internet.24
54. The Special Rapporteur recognizes the importance of the ongoing work of UNESCO
in preparing a global convention on the recognition of higher education qualifications.25 He
hopes that it will address the issue of fake degrees by online providers of education and that
it will contain provisions as regards qualifications and certificates issued upon completion
of online courses. Moreover, it is important to look into the range of issues arising from the
awarding of degrees and diplomas by virtual universities, which lack face-to-face teaching
and learning.
VII. Importance of face-to-face learning and the role of teachers
55. The autonomy of teachers to teach as they deem best can be hampered by
technology-based education models. From scripted tablet-based learning to massive open
online courses with prescribed teaching modules, the ability of teachers to select content
that they feel is relevant for their local conditions and classes is being impaired.
56. Education should be tailored to the needs of students and the local context. It has
been noted that massive open online courses reflect an overwhelmingly Western, Anglo-
American method based on a particular academic experience, knowledge base and
pedagogical approach.26 The vast majority of courses are offered in English, which by
definition cannot be sensitive to the local values and cultures of all countries.
22 Tony Bates, “What’s right and what’s wrong about Coursera-style MOOCs” (5 August 2012).
Available from www.tonybates.ca/2012/08/05/whats-right-and-whats-wrong-about-coursera-style-
23 Michael Trucano, “More about MOOCs and developing countries (12 November 2013). Available
from http://blogs.worldbank.org/edutech/moocs-developing-countries.
24 John Fielden and N.V. Varghese, “Regulatory issues”, in A New Dynamic: Private Higher Education,
Svava Bjarnason and others, eds., (UNESCO, Paris, 2009), pp. 71-89.
25 See http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002352/235261e.pdf.
26 Education International, statement on massive open online courses made available at
57. Academic freedom includes the right to teach without any interference, including the
right to choose the content and methods of teaching and the freedom to use or not to use
any specific technique or technology.
58. In the light of the rise of online and web-based learning, the Special Rapporteur
considers it important to recognize the limits of the pedagogical value of technology-based
and distance education, putting a premium on face-to-face learning and human interactions
in education. All forms of online education may help increase access to higher education,
but only if they are a supplement to, and not a replacement for, proven pedagogical
practices. Very high enrollment rates for massive open online courses are offset by their
extremely low completion rates, which traditional face-to-face teaching does not suffer
59. The introduction of technology in the classroom does, however, have an important
impact on the role of the teacher. Electronic materials should complement the existing
classroom practices, as videos or online exercises supplement traditional learning. Through
face-to-face interactions the teacher can more easily gauge the level of understanding and
participation of learners and implement interventions to address issues.27
60. The current implementation of massive open online courses seems to focus more on
content dissemination and rather less on learner engagement and interaction. This concern
is consistent with the recent discussion within the research community regarding the
approaches needed to make massive open online courses more interactive, social and
61. In digital classrooms, the teacher remains responsible for selecting and developing
the curriculum. Guidance, attention and commitment are necessary for student-centred
VIII. Preserving human values in digital technology
62. There are critical questions relating to human values and the education system. For
example, the Committee on the Rights of the Child has expressed concern about the risks
that access to the Internet, whether at school or at home, pose for children.
63. The negative impact of information and communications technologies on the quality
of learning, as well as on the mission of universities as the seat of learning, must be taken
into consideration. Without diversified sources, massive open online courses can reinforce a
monolithic education system. A greater proportion of students are reading less, referencing
less and writing with less clarity and boldness. Students rely on the Internet rather than on
referred course readings for research material. The popularity of Google is facilitating
laziness, poor scholarship and compliant thinking. 29 The Internet seems to be chipping
away at students’ capacity for concentration and contemplation.30 Use of the Internet and
digitalization places the focus on application rather than on contemplation.31
27 Leila Goosen and Dalize Van Heerden, “E-learning management system technologies for teaching
programming at a distance”, Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning (2015),
pp. 116-126.
28 UNESCO, Leveraging Information and Communication Technologies to Achieve the Post-2015
Education Goal, p. 28.
29 Tara Brabazon, The University of Google: Education in the (Post) Information Age, cited in John
Morgan, “Universities challenged”, p. 16.
30 Nicholas Carr, The Shallows, p. 13.
31 Susan D’Antoni, ed., The Virtual University, p. 53.
64. Concern has been expressed regarding the negative impact of digitization, for
example regarding the “reordering of education institutions in line with the logical
network” and with respect to network time as a “chronic distraction”.32
65. Nicholas Carr provides profound insights into the deleterious impact of digital
devices on our mind and spirit, and sheds light on how this scuttles humanist values in
education: “How sad it would be, particularly when it comes to the nurturing of our
children’s minds, if we were to accept without question the idea that ‘human elements’ are
outmoded and dispensable.” Meditative thinking, the very essence of our humanity, might
become a victim of this.33
IX. Fostering the humanistic mission of education
66. In the Qingdao declaration, the challenge of realizing the potential of digital
technologies within a humanistic framework was identified.34
67. Full development of the human personality is the primary objective of education, as
laid down in international human rights conventions. The four pillars of education —
learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be — propounded
by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-First Century in its 1996
report Learning: the Treasure Within, continue to be important. Higher education is a
public good and a public service, and massive open online courses should not be used to
weaken public provision of education or promote the privatization and commercialization
of public education.35
68. Universities, as the moral seat of learning, must foster the common human values so
much in need today, in the face of the challenges of globalization. Fostering the humanistic
mission of education is of paramount importance to counter the trend towards the pursuit of
material values and a merely instrumental role for education. This is critically important, as
the humanistic mission of education is being vitiated.
X Risks of digital education
69. Misuse of technology can lead to cyberbullying, criminal activity and even to
terrorism. Educators must prepare their students to face new risks. The need to protect
children from the potentially harmful effects of online content has been underlined by the
Committee on the Rights of the Child. Most serious is the risk of sexual abuse or
exploitation, but less serious risks include advertisements, spam, sponsorship, disclosure of
personal information, and content that is aggressive, violent, hateful, biased, racist,
pornographic, unwelcome and misleading. 36 The State must take measures to protect
children from online harassment, including bullying or “grooming” for sexual purposes.
Finally, care must be taken to ensure children do not become involved in illegal activities,
financial scams or terrorism.37
32 John Morgan, “Universities challenged”, p. 18.
33 Nicholas Carr, The Shallows, p. 87.
34 “Online, open and flexible higher education for the future we want”.
35 Education International, statement on massive open online courses.
36 See Committee on the Rights of the Child general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to
freedom from all forms of violence, para. 31.
37 Ibid.
70. In its resolution 55/63, the General Assembly expressed concern that technological
advancements have created new possibilities for criminal activity, in particular the criminal
misuse of information technologies, and noted the value of making the general public aware
of the need to prevent and combat the criminal misuse of information technologies.
Education plays an important role in raising awareness on the issue.
XI. Digital technology and copyright law
71. Digital education, in all its forms, relies on teaching materials, textbooks and other
forms of transmitting information that are subject to copyright law.
A. Copyright issues
72. It is important to look into intellectual property rights and the use of digital
technology in education and learning, bearing in mind the 1971 Berne Convention for the
Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the 1994 World Trade Organization Agreement
on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and the 1951 UNESCO Universal
Copyright Convention, among other international treaties.
73. The Special Rapporteur is concerned, however, that exceptions to copyright law
exist that allow for the free use of materials in education. Digitizing content does not
change the intellectual property rights of the owners of the original materials, which must
be respected and maintained.38
74. Currently, most massive open online course providers establish a proprietary claim
on material included in their courses, license the access and use of that material to the user
and exercise ownership over user-generated content. To fully exercise academic freedom,
however, higher education teaching personnel should retain ownership of their course
material, including material used in distance and online courses.39
75. In the digital marketplace, publication becomes an ongoing process rather than a
discrete event, and revision can go on indefinitely.40 Higher education teaching personnel
should retain intellectual property rights over course material, no matter the mode of delivery.
76. The private interest of the copyright holder must be respectful of the broader social
interest of the public. The public importance of education outweighs the value of allowing
copyright holders to seek a profit. This principle is reflected in a number of exemptions to
copyright law. The 1971 Appendix to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary
and Artistic Works sets out special provisions for developing countries that include
challenging procedural requirements.41
77. There is no human right to seek a profit, and the public interest in respecting the
right to education must take priority in public policies, nationally and internationally. States
should update their copyright treaties and legislation to allow all public educational
institutions to have free access to all information used for educational purposes.
78. Proprietary standards from private companies are being promoted worldwide as a
simple panacea to meet the information and communications technology objectives of
38 http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/mow/
39 Education International, statement on massive open online courses.
40 Cited in Nicholas Carr, The Shallows, p. 47.
41 See, in particular, art. III (3) (i) of the Appendix.
Governments. Yet, such solutions create multiple levels of risk. States must take particular
care when implementing information and communications technology programmes in
education so as to recognize the risks that emerge from selecting proprietary providers of
hardware, software and education materials.
79. Persons with disabilities, particularly those who cannot make use of print media, are
denied access to information and cultural life when copyright laws prevent them from
converting media to other formats. The use of Braille printers, text readers or digitalization
aides to convert print media into accessible formats amounts to illegal copying, unless
exceptions are created in national laws. While exceptions have been created by some
countries, a general exception allowing texts to be converted for the purposes of
accessibility should be made a general principle of copyright law.
80. The Accessible Books Consortium (a multi-stakeholder partnership comprising the
World Intellectual Property Organization, organizations that serve people with print
disabilities and organizations representing publishers and authors) is converting books into
formats to make them available to people who are blind, have low vision or are otherwise
print disabled. Such partnerships should be encouraged to ensure human rights in education
are met.
81. The Committee on the Rights of the Child has called 42 upon States to establish
copyright exceptions that benefit children with visual or other impairments, reinforcing the
obligation set out in article 30 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
for States to ensure that laws protecting intellectual property rights do not constitute an
unreasonable or discriminatory barrier to access by persons with disabilities to cultural
82. The Special Rapporteur urges States to ratify and implement the 2013 Marrakesh
Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually
Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled, which calls for the creation of copyright exceptions
in national legislation to ensure the accessibility of published works, in any media, for
blind, visually impaired or otherwise print-disabled persons.
B. Open licensing frameworks
83. Copyright law reserves all rights to the author or owner and requires either
legislative or licensed exceptions to be set out in an agreement. On the other hand, open
licensing allows authors to publish their work for anyone to share and use, while still
allowing them to reserve more rights if they choose.
84. In order to create a standardized and widely recognized open licensing framework,
the non-profit organization Creative Commons developed a series of standardized copyright
licenses. Creative Commons encourages copyright owners to license the use of their
material through open content licences. These will allow for better identification,
negotiation and use of their content for the purposes of creativity, education and innovation.
By minimizing copyright licensing efforts and complexity, authors can ensure their work is
rapidly and easily used.43
42 See Committee on the Rights of the Child general comment No. 16 (2013) on State obligations
regarding the impact of business on children’s rights.
43 Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard Law School, “The digital learning challenge:
obstacles to educational uses of copyrighted material in the digital age”. Available from
C. Open educational resources
85. Open educational resources are teaching, learning and research resources that reside
in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property licence that
permits others to use them freely and for different purposes.
86. First discussed at the UNESCO Forum on the Impact of Open Courseware for
Higher Education in Developing Countries, held in Paris from 1 to 3 July 2000, open
educational resources are understood to be all teaching, learning and research materials in
any medium, digital or otherwise, that reside in the public domain or have been released
under an open licence that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by
others with no or limited restrictions. Open licensing is built within the existing framework
of intellectual property rights as defined by relevant international conventions and respects
the authorship of the work.44
87. Open educational resources capture the idea that knowledge is a public good that
should be freely shared by all and not restricted for private profit. This concept was further
developed at the World Open Educational Resources Congress, held in Paris from 20 to 22
June 2012, on which occasion the 2012 Paris Open Educational Resources Declaration was
adopted. The signatories to the Declaration called upon States to support, promote and
make greater use of open educational resources.
88. A number of initiatives and foundations support the development and dissemination
of open educational resources. The Open Educational Resources Commons provides access
to digital learning materials for all levels of education in English. Teaching materials and
textbooks for all subjects are available for pre-primary to secondary schools, as well as for
university courses and adult education. The Open Education Consortium is a non-profit
global network of educational institutions, individuals and organizations that collaborate
and develop open educational materials, including textbooks and courses in 26 languages,
particularly in the sciences and technology. The UNESCO Institute for Information
Technologies in Education acts as a as a centre of excellence and provider of technical
support and expertise in the area of information and communications technology usage in
XII. Digital technologies and the forces of privatization in education
89. Digital technologies necessarily involve private partners and agencies that
collaborate with universities, both public and private, on the procurement and
operationalization of not only hardware but also software. The use of digital technologies in
education has led to more consumer-oriented attitudes in universities and is resulting in the
commodification of knowledge and the valuing of information in economic terms rather
than for its social and cultural significance. Sponsored by a range of entities, including
individual proprietors and profit-seeking businesses, private institutions of higher education
now constitute the fastest-growing segment of higher education. Corporate funding of
higher education raises questions of academic independence, as well as ethical questions.
Universities are moving away from their social function. The commercialization of
education could divert attention away from the classical type of higher education by
accumulating advantages in the most advanced countries and institutions, by discriminating
44 2012 Paris Open Educational Resources Declaration. See also OECD, Open Educational Resources:
A Catalyst for Innovation.
against the most deprived and by contributing to brain drain in many poor countries.45
There is evidence of an emerging global marketplace and a growing spirit of competition in
higher education.46
90. Massive open online courses and other distance education formats can promote
privatization, reduce public funding and increase managerial control over academic staff.47
“Market-leading” universities could capture the higher education market as a whole, since
customers will choose the most prestigious courses in elite universities associated with
“star” professors.48 This phenomenon has been termed “an emerging brand of academic
capitalism”49 that is associated with entrepreneurship, as it seeks to raise significant income
from the private sector.
91. Private sector enterprises are emerging key players in digitization.50 The commercial
interest of providers, which enables them to enter the higher education market using a
massive open online course approach, can be the reason for offering such courses.
Governments, institutions and private providers may misuse massive open online courses
and other distance education technologies to promote privatization, reduce public funding
and increase managerial control over academic staff.
92. Recalling the report he submitted to the General Assembly at its seventieth session,
in which he expressed concern regarding the risks of public-private partnerships and the
right to education, the Special Rapporteur calls upon Governments to be vigilant against
commercial pressures that promote the sale of technology without due concern for the
actual benefits of students or teachers, educational establishments and the education system
at large. Governments should seek evidence of the value of any investment into digital
technologies before diverting resources from the education sector. This is critically
important as growing interest is being manifested today in seeking partnerships with
multiple stakeholders. The Special Rapporteur emphasizes that Governments and,
through them, all providers of education, whether operating independently or jointly with
Governments, remain accountable given that States bear responsibility for ensuring respect
for the right to education in all partnerships.
93. The norms and principles that underlie the right to education are affected by the
market forces associated with digital technologies. It is of utmost importance that education
be safeguarded against the forces of privatization.
XIII. Legal and policy responses to cope with the digital revolution
94. The “digital tsunami” is so powerful that legal and policy responses are not able to
keep pace with it. The need for and the importance of digital technologies not only as tools
but also as resources in teaching and learning processes and in creating immense
possibilities of connections and collaboration must be recognized. Governments need to
break down barriers to open information, eliminate digital divides and expand usage and
coverage of digital services. They must optimize regulations and public policies and
45 Susan D’Antoni, ed., The Virtual University, p. 45.
46 Ibid., p. 52.
47 Education International, statement on massive open online courses.
48 John Morgan, “Universities challenged”, p. 6.
49 Ibid., p. 7.
50 For example, two leading United States universities, Harvard University and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, have collaborated with two companies, Udacity and Coursera, to form
partnerships and build massive open online courses under the name edX. See John Morgan, “Universities challenged”, p. 6.
enhance the governance of the Internet to ensure the safe, equal and healthy application of
information and communications technologies.51
95. The Special Rapporteur refers to the declaration adopted at the sixth BRICS summit,
held in Fortaleza, Brazil, from 14 to 16 July 2014, in which the signatories agreed that the
use and development of information and communications technologies through
international cooperation and universally accepted norms and principles of international
law is of paramount importance in order to ensure a peaceful, secure and open digital and
Internet space.52
Enabling environment
96. Public policies should give consideration to the creation of an enabling policy
environment for drawing upon digital technologies that can serve as valuable tool in the
delivery of education. For instance, in order for open educational resources to be available
and effective, laws and policies that facilitate and encourage their use are necessary.
97. Polices should foster interactive education software, open access digital libraries and
new forms of interaction between students, teachers, others employed in education and the
community that can enrich education by integrating such technologies into traditional
classroom activities. Such policies should, however, be designed in such a way as to ensure
that these new technologies are used as supplements to and not as replacements for in-class
98. Enabling policies and a sound regulatory environment are necessary to promote the
development of local and relevant content and services and to increase understanding of the
impact of Internet access in terms of sociocultural developments.
99. Gaining the resources for digital technologies will inevitably involve private
providers such as network operators, content providers and other stakeholders. Massive
open online courses can involve creating partnerships between educational institutions in
developed and developing countries, Governments, development agencies and the private
sector. It is when Governments establish fundamental principles and a clear policy
framework that the private sector can be involved in the provision of relevant products and
100. The use of digital technologies in education must be in full accordance with the right
to education. Such use must increase access, not limit it. It must promote equity, not
exacerbate existing disparities in society. It must eliminate discrimination, not create new
barriers. It must improve the quality of education, not undermine it.
XIV. Regulatory framework
101. In order to take advantage of the many opportunities associated with open
educational resources and online learning in general, standards and quality assurance
mechanisms need to be agreed and adopted, especially for monitoring, measuring and
51 John Morgan, “Universities challenged”, p. 8.
52 See http://brics.itamaraty.gov.br/media2/press-releases/214-sixth-brics-summit-fortaleza-declaration.
53 See the resolution on the use of information and communications technology adopted at the seventh
World Congress of Education International, held in Ottawa from 22 to 26 July 2015.
54 UNESCO, Leveraging Information and Communication Technologies to Achieve the Post-2015
Education Goal, p. 12.
validating learning outcomes. Policies regulating the development and use of these
resources should be designed to add value to existing education policies and to contribute to
meeting education goals, rather than to function as isolated, additional policy documents.55
102. An area that poses stupendous challenges is that of controlling online or
correspondence providers, many of which operate from locations with no controls at all and
offer their own awards, free from regulation. Public authorities must find ways of
preventing underqualified or fraudulent providers from acting as universities and from
issuing worthless qualifications, including in situations where providers are based overseas
and operate through the Internet.
103. A regulatory framework is necessary since an unregulated free market in higher
education may lead to investments in the sector by low-quality providers. Governments
must regulate fraudulent practices and ensure that fake degrees are not awarded. A
regulatory framework is thus of critical importance in setting out responsibilities and
accountability requirements. 56 Regulations must reflect a broad humanistic notion of
education and ensure that the digitization of education is subservient to public interest.
104. The Special Rapporteur makes recommendations regarding prescriptive, prohibitive
and punitive regulations on the use of digital technology in education with a view to
ensuring that the right to education is adequately protected.
A. Prescriptive regulations
105. Prescriptive regulations are necessary to ensure that digital technologies supplement
rather than supplant campus-based face-to-face teaching and learning. The use of
information and communications technologies should not be detrimental to the social
function of universities or undermine their core mission as the moral seat of learning.
B. Prohibitive regulations
106. Prohibitive regulations are necessary to ensure that fraudulent practices, for example
in the online delivery of education, and any attempt to commercialize education are not
allowed. Governments should prohibit all commercial advertising and propaganda on the
virtues of information and communications technologies that are detrimental to basic
human values and ban any portal or website facilitating pornography, violence, cybercrime,
terrorism and any other crime.
C. Punitive regulations
107. Punitive regulations are required to address fraudulent practices, including the
awarding of fake degrees and diplomas. It is important that corrupt and fraudulent practices
be investigated and that operators who act illegally be prosecuted.
55 Ibid., p. 33.
56 See http://campaignforeducation.org/en/news/global/view/623-representatives-from-91-countries-
XV. Conclusions
108. Digital technologies are revolutionizing the provision of education. Multiple
learning pathways, such as e-learning, massive open online courses and open
educational resources, are contributing to the diversification of learning approaches.
Disparities in access to digital technologies persist, however, and countries need to
bridge the digital divide. Marginalization and exclusion compromise the principles of
social justice and equity, which are key pillars of the United Nations system’s work on
peace and development.
109. In the 1998 World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-First
Century: Vision and Action, signatories called upon higher education institutions to
give the opportunity to students to fully develop their own abilities with a sense of
social responsibility, educating them to become full participants in democratic society
and promoters of changes that will foster equity and justice.
110. The use of digital technologies carries the risk of undermining human values in
education and the quality of education, especially as regards degrees and diplomas
that are fraudulently delivered.
111. Moreover, the implications of digital technologies and copyright must be
examined critically in order to better understand the rights to access to knowledge
and information.
112. Digital technologies are negatively affecting the cause of education by impairing
the ability of students to contemplate and think critically, by scuttling human values
in education and by paving the way for the commodification of education.
113. In the light of their obligations under the norms and principles of the right to
education, States must ensure that digital technologies do not impair universal access
to education or equality of opportunity in education. Nor should they be allowed to
erode the concept of education as a public good.
114. Governments must learn from the lessons of the past, when technologies were
purchased without due consideration being given to the many factors that contribute
to success. Computers and tablets alone make no difference in learning outcomes if
teachers and administrators of educational establishments have not been involved in
planning and have not received adequate training to effectively use the technology in
the classroom.
115. The Special Rapporteur recalls that the Education 2030 framework for action
specifically calls upon Governments to harness information and communications
technologies to promote quality and effective learning. It also recognizes the
importance of education as a public good.
116. In the face of the transformation of education systems, especially higher
education, through digital technologies, the State remains primarily responsible for
respecting and protecting the right to education on account of its international legal
obligations. The State is the custodian of norms and principles and must ensure that
the right to education is respected in all systems and modes of education.
Governments should not abdicate their responsibility for ensuring that educational
institutions retain their essential public service function. In all circumstances, the
State must discharge its responsibility as guarantor and regulator of education as a
fundamental human right.
XVI. Recommendations
117. In the light of the above, and taking into consideration the challenges that
digital technologies pose to the right to education, the Special Rapporteur offers the
recommendations set out below.
State responsibility for protecting and safeguarding the right to education
118. While recognizing the importance of opportunities arising from the use of
information and communications technologies, States should not forget to look into
the downside of such use and the impact of the digital divide on the education system
and, in particular, on those who remain marginalized, on the future generation and on
society at large.
A rights-based approach to digital technologies
119. States should address issues of access, quality and equity in the use of digital
technology in education and ensure that students’ right to education is exercised in an
equitable manner and that it is fully respected. There is a great risk that technology
will widen inequalities in society if an equitable approach to its use is not adopted.
State obligations for respecting, protecting and fulfilling the right to education should
be a priority concern.
Bridging the digital divide
120. All States have the responsibility to achieve the right to education progressively
and to the maximum extent of their resources. Implementation strategies must take
into account the Sustainable Development Goals and the obligations on the right to
education. Disaggregated indicators and annual reports must indicate whether
investments are improving the education outcomes of students or creating unintended
negative outcomes that require remedial action.
Safeguarding education from the forces of privatization
121. The forces of privatization behind the spread of digital learning and education
creating a marketplace in education must be exposed through public debate so as to
prevent the commoditization of education. The corporate sector should not impinge
upon the function and autonomy of education.
122. Public authorities should ensure that the use of digital technologies is
considered as a means of education, not as a substitute for face- to-face education.
They should recognize that human contact in education is essential to the teaching and
learning process. Public authorities should also take the measures necessary to build
the capacity of teachers to use digital technologies while retaining freedom in their
pedagogic approaches. Teachers must have the competence and be free to adapt
digital technologies to local contexts, and the authority to rearrange online teaching
materials and methodologies to best serve the country’s education requirements.
Promoting open educational resources
123. States should implement the recommendations contained in the 2012 Paris
Open Educational Resources Declaration, recognizing their importance for
strengthening the use of such resources while at the same time reducing the cost of
education for the Government. High-quality textbooks, learning materials and online
courses are important in education and, by sharing their development costs and
promoting high-quality open resources, the savings can be invested in teacher
training, school improvements and technology purchases.
Engaging Governments through the work of the United Nations human rights treaty
bodies and the United Nations agencies
124. Within the scope of their respective mandates, when considering the right to
education in their dialogue with States, the United Nations human rights treaty bodies
should look into the use of information and communications technologies and its
repercussions on the right to education. They should especially consider whether the
downside of using such technologies is kept in view and policies are in line with human
rights law and the internationally established framework for safeguarding the right to
education while addressing the digital divide.
125. In the context of the universal periodic review mechanism of the Human Rights
Council, critical attention should be given to digital technology and the right to
education in the dialogue with States. Governments should be encouraged to take the
measures necessary to safeguard the right to education, to maintain education as a
public good and to take action whenever the right to education is compromised as a
result of the application of digital technologies.
126. The obligation of States to provide inclusive, equitable, non-discriminatory
education of a high quality for all must be carefully preserved in any implementation
of digital technologies in education. The predominance of English in online education
negatively affects the provision of education in other languages.
127. In the context of its ongoing work on the development of a global convention on
the recognition of higher education qualifications, UNESCO could address the issue of
the awarding of fake degrees and certificates and consider becoming a repository of
all nationally recognized degrees and diplomas. UNESCO should also advise States to
implement a national-level system of legal action against the awarding of fake degrees
and diplomas and against fraudulent practices.
128. States should work towards creating an exception to copyright law, nationally
and internationally, that permits developing countries to make use of any information
or material for non-profit education purposes. Such an exemption would better
balance the public interest in promoting and improving education in developing
countries within the framework of a modernized international copyright framework.
To this end, UNESCO, in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property
Organization, should explore the possibility of creating an international open licensing
framework for education resources, in consultation with stakeholders.
Engaging with parliamentarians
129. Parliamentarians play a vital role in developing laws and policies that promote
the use of technology in the education sector. Legislation should explicitly protect the
right to education, including in procurement legislation and commercial laws.
Encouraging and supporting civil society and non-governmental organizations
130. Governments should encourage civil society and non-governmental
organizations to play a valuable role in engaging the public in debates on the impact
of digital technology on the right to education, giving full consideration to the
importance of access, quality and equity in education.
131. Civil society organizations and the intellectual community, as well as students,
parents and community associations, should expose the negative effects of digital
technologies on the right to education, underlining, in particular, the essential
objectives laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international
human rights conventions. They should voice their concerns about the need to
safeguard human values in respect of the right to education in the face of digital
modes of education. Their advocacy work to foster social justice and equity is valuable
in countering market-based approaches promoting the use of technology in education.
Research, events and expert consultations on the right to education in the digital age
should be encouraged and supported.