35/22 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
Document Type: Final Report
Date: 2017 Mar
Session: 35th Regular Session (2017 Jun)
Agenda Item: Item3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development
Human Rights Council Thirty-fifth session
6-23 June 2017
Agenda item 3
Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,
political, economic, social and cultural rights,
including the right to development
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
Note by the Secretariat
The Secretariat has the honour to transmit to the Human Rights Council the report of
the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion
and expression, David Kaye, prepared pursuant to Council resolution 25/2. In his two
previous reports to the Council, the Special Rapporteur focused on the freedom of opinion
and expression in the digital age, detailing how encryption and anonymity tools provide the
security necessary for the exercise of freedom of expression (A/HRC/29/32) and mapping
the ways in which the information and communications technology sector implicates
freedom of expression (A/HRC/32/38). In the present report, he addresses the roles played
by private actors engaged in the provision of Internet and telecommunications access. He
begins by examining State obligations to protect and promote freedom of expression online,
then evaluates the digital access industry’s roles, to conclude with a set of principles that
could guide the private sector’s steps to respect human rights.
United Nations A/HRC/35/22
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
II. State obligation to protect and promote freedom of expression online ......................................... 4
A. Internet and telecommunications shutdowns ........................................................................ 4
B. Government access to user data ............................................................................................ 7
C. Net neutrality ........................................................................................................................ 8
III. Digital access providers and freedom of expression ..................................................................... 10
A. Telecommunications and Internet service providers ............................................................. 10
B. Internet exchange points ....................................................................................................... 11
C. Content delivery networks .................................................................................................... 11
D. Network equipment vendors ................................................................................................. 12
E. Other private actors ............................................................................................................... 13
IV. Human rights responsibilities of digital access providers ............................................................. 13
A. Context considerations .......................................................................................................... 14
B. Responsibility to respect users’ freedom of expression ........................................................ 15
V. Conclusions and recommendations ............................................................................................... 20
I. Introduction
1. States increasingly rely on the digital access industry to control, restrict or monitor
expression online. When authorities seek to disconnect users from websites, social media,
or the Internet entirely, they frequently require the assistance of Internet service providers
(ISPs). They interfere with the Internet exchange points (IXPs) that facilitate traffic into or
within a country. They access private communications and other personal data held by
telecommunications providers. Today, many of these actors are privately owned or
operated. Under protest, in silent acquiescence or as willing participants, they are often
essential to State censorship and surveillance. What governments demand of private actors,
and how those actors respond, can cripple the exchange of information; limit journalists’
capacity to investigate securely; deter whistle-blowers and human rights defenders. Private
actors may also restrict freedom of expression on their own initiative. They may assign
priority to Internet content or applications in exchange for payment or other commercial
benefits, altering how users engage with information online. Companies that offer filtering
services may influence the scope of content accessible to their subscribers.
2. States and private actors both implicate the freedom of expression. State obligations
to protect freedom of expression are clear, but what do private actors owe their users? How
should they respect freedom of expression? What steps are they taking to assess and
address the risks that their responses to government actions and policies might pose to
freedom of expression and privacy? How much information should they share with their
customers about State demands and requests? When they are directly involved or linked to
abuse, what remedies should be available to individuals or the broader public whose
interests are at risk?
3. The private actors that make digital access possible mediate and enable the exercise
of freedom of expression. To be sure, States drive most censorship and surveillance. But
just as States often, but not always, rely upon providers to take the actions that make
censorship possible, we as users — beneficiaries of the remarkable advances of the digital
age — deserve to understand how those actors interact with one another, how these
interactions and their independent actions affect us and what responsibilities providers have
to respect fundamental rights.
4. The present report is the result of over one year’s worth of study and consultation
that began with the mapping in 2016 of the information and communications technology
(ICT) sector (see A/HRC/32/38). 1 In response to a call for submissions, 2 the Special
Rapporteur received 25 submissions from States; 3 from companies; 22 from civil society,
academics and others; and 1 confidential submission. In addition, the Special Rapporteur
convened a brainstorming session hosted by ARTICLE 19, in London in July 2016, a
meeting of experts at the Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut, United States
of America, in October 2016, a regional consultation with the Special Rapporteur for
Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, in
Guadalajara, Mexico, in December 2016, and a regional consultation in Beirut in February
1 I want to thank Amos Toh, legal adviser to the mandate and Ford Foundation Fellow at University of
California, Irvine, School of Law, for his expert research and analysis as well as coordination of
substantial and essential research conducted by law students in University of California, Irvine,
International Justice Clinic.
2 See https://freedex.org/new-call-for-submissions-freedom-of-expression-and-the-
3 Submissions may be found on the website of the mandate. An overview of the consultations held and
input received in the preparation of the present report may be found in a supplementary annex also
available from the website of the mandate.
II. State obligation to protect and promote freedom of expression online
5. International human rights law establishes the right of everyone to hold opinions
without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds,
regardless of frontiers, and through any media of his or her choice (see Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, art. 19; and International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, art. 19). The Human Rights Council and General Assembly have reiterated that the
freedom of expression and other rights apply online (see Council resolutions 26/13 and
32/13; General Assembly resolution 68/167; and A/HRC/32/38). The Human Rights
Committee, previous mandate holders and the Special Rapporteur have examined States’
obligations under article 19 of the Covenant. In short, States may not interfere with, or in
any way restrict, the holding of opinions (see art. 19 (1) of the Covenant; and
A/HRC/29/32, para. 19). Article 19 (3) of the Covenant provides that States may limit
freedom of expression only where provided by law and necessary for the respect of the
rights or reputations of others, or for the protection of national security or of public order
(ordre public), or of public health or morals (see Human Rights Committee general
comment No. 34 (2011); A/71/373; and A/HRC/29/32).
6. States also have obligations to take steps to protect individuals from undue
interference with human rights when committed by private actors (see art. 2 (2) of the
Covenant; and Human Rights Committee general comment No. 31 (2004)). Human rights
law protects individuals against violations by the State as well as abuses committed by
private persons or entities (see general comment No. 31, para. 8).4 The Guiding Principles
on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and
Remedy” Framework, endorsed by the Human Rights Council in 2011, explains that States
are required to take appropriate steps to prevent, investigate, punish and redress private
actors’ abuse (see A/HRC/17/31, annex, principle 1). Such steps include the adoption and
implementation of legislative, judicial, administrative, educative and other appropriate
measures that require or enable business respect for freedom of expression, and, where
private sector abuses occur, access to an effective remedy (see general comment No. 31,
para. 7; and A/HRC/17/31, annex, principles 3 and 25).
7. The government actions described below often fail to meet the standards of human
rights law. Moreover, a lack of transparency pervades government interferences with the
digital access industry. Failures of transparency include vague laws providing excessive
discretion to authorities, legal restrictions on third party disclosures concerning government
access to user data and specific gag orders. The lack of transparency undermines the rule of
law as well as public understanding across this sector.5
A. Internet and telecommunications shutdowns
8. Internet and telecommunications shutdowns involve measures to intentionally
prevent or disrupt access to or dissemination of information online in violation of human
rights law (see A/HRC/32/13, para. 10). 6 Governments typically conduct or order
shutdowns, often with the assistance of private actors that operate networks or facilitate
network traffic. Large-scale attacks on network infrastructure committed by private parties,
such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, may also have shutdown effects.
While shutdowns are frequently associated with total network outages, they may also arise
when access to mobile communications, websites or social media and messaging
4 See also African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, general comment No. 3 (2015) on the
right to life, para. 38; Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Velásquez Rodríguez Case, judgment
of 29 July 1988, para. 172; and European Court of Human Rights, Özel and others v. Turkey,
judgment of 17 November 2015, para. 170.
5 Freedom Online Coalition, Report of Working Group 3: Privacy and Transparency Online, November
6 Access Now recorded 15 shutdowns in 2015 and 56 shutdowns in 2016. The first recorded shutdown
reportedly occurred in Nepal in February 2005.
applications is blocked, throttled or rendered “effectively unusable”.7 Shutdowns may affect
towns or regions within a country, an entire country or even multiple countries and may last
for periods ranging from hours to months.
9. Shutdowns ordered covertly or without an obvious legal basis violate the
requirement of article 19 (3) of the Covenant that restrictions be “provided by law”. In
Chad, the failure of authorities to provide a meaningful public explanation for a series of
Internet and social media shutdowns between February and October 2016 created the
presumption that they were unlawful. 8 In Gabon, total network outages were allegedly
recorded every evening for almost two weeks during the 2016 election period, contrary to
government assurances that such services would not be disrupted.9
10. Shutdowns ordered pursuant to vaguely formulated laws and regulations also fail to
satisfy the legality requirement. In Tajikistan, the amended Law on the State of Emergency
authorizes the Government to block mobile services and Internet access without a court
order following the declaration of a state of emergency.10 The law fails to define when and
for what purposes a state of emergency may be declared. Such ambiguity enables
authorities’ unfettered discretion to implement shutdowns. In some countries, authorities
rely on antiquated laws to justify shutdowns. 11 Laws and regulations adopted and
implemented in secret also violate the legality requirement. In the United States of
America, the National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications has largely redacted
public release of standard operating procedure 303, an executive regulation that establishes
“detailed procedures” on the “disruption of cellular service.”12 While these procedures have
not been publicly invoked, the potential for authorities to evade legal scrutiny and public
accountability runs contrary to article 19 of the Covenant.
11. Restrictions on expression must be necessary to achieve aims specified by article 19
(3) of the Covenant and may never be invoked to justify the suppression of advocacy for
democratic rights (see Human Rights Committee general comment No. 34, para. 23; and
A/71/373, para. 26). However, governments frequently impose shutdowns during
demonstrations, elections and other events of extraordinary public interest, with little or no
explanation.13 In Bahrain, disruptions to mobile and Internet access in Duraz allegedly
coincided with sit-ins outside the home of a prominent religious leader whose citizenship
the Government had revoked.14 Internet users in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela were
reportedly denied Internet access during widespread protests against the Government in
2014.15 Network disruptions have been recorded during or around elections or protests in
7 Access Now submission, part I, p. 1.
8 Internet Sans Frontières submission, p. 2, TCD 3/2016.
9 Ibid., GAB 1/2016.
10 OHCHR, “Preliminary observations by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom
of opinion and expression, Mr. David Kaye, at the end of his visit to Tajikistan, press release (9
March 2015).
11 India, Code of Criminal Procedure, sect. 144; also Apar Gupta and Raman Jit Singh Chima, “The cost
of internet shutdowns”, The Indian Express (26 October 2016).
12 United States of America, NCC Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 303.
13 Access Now submission, part I, pp. 5-7.
14 Bahrain Center for Human Rights, Digital Rights Derailed in Bahrain (2016), pp. 13-14.
15 Danny O’Brien, “Venezuela’s Internet crackdown escalates into regional blackout”, Electronic
Frontier Foundation (20 February 2014).
Cameroon,16 the Gambia,17 India,18 Myanmar,19 the Islamic Republic of Iran,20 Uganda21
and Montenegro.22
12. The failure to explain or acknowledge shutdowns creates the perception that they are
designed to suppress reporting, criticism or dissent. Reports of repression and State-
sanctioned violence in the wake of network disruptions have led to allegations that some
States exploit the darkness to commit and cover up abuses. In Sudan, for example, Internet
access was shut down for several hours during a deadly crackdown on demonstrators
protesting fuel price hikes in September 2013.23
13. Observers have also noted the growing use of shutdowns to prevent cheating by
students during national exams. Uzbekistan may have been the first to invoke this
justification during university entrance exams in 2014. 24 In 2016, authorities allegedly
ordered shutdowns during exams in India, Algeria, Ethiopia and Iraq.25
14. Network shutdowns invariably fail to meet the standard of necessity. Necessity
requires a showing that shutdowns would achieve their stated purpose, which in fact they
often jeopardize. Some governments argue that it is important to ban the spread of news
about terrorist attacks, even accurate reporting, in order to prevent panic and copycat
actions.26 Yet it has been found that maintaining network connectivity may mitigate public
safety concerns and help restore public order. During public disturbances in London in
2011, for example, authorities used social media networks to identify perpetrators,
disseminate accurate information and conduct clean-up operations. In Kashmir, police have
reported on the positive role of mobile phones in locating people trapped during terrorist
attacks. 27
15. Duration and geographical scope may vary, but shutdowns are generally
disproportionate. Affected users are cut off from emergency services and health
information, mobile banking and e-commerce, transportation, school classes, voting and
election monitoring, reporting on major crises and events, and human rights
investigations. 28 Given the number of essential activities and services they affect,
shutdowns restrict expression and interfere with other fundamental rights.
16. Shutdowns also affect areas beyond those of specific concern.29 In the lead up to the
2015 National Day Parade in Pakistan, mobile communications networks were allegedly
cut off at the parade site as well as in surrounding areas that were not expected to
experience any potential security threat.30 During the Pope’s visit to the Philippines in 2015,
the shutdown of mobile networks for safety reasons affected areas well beyond the travel
16 OHCHR, “UN expert urges Cameroon to restore Internet services cut off in rights violation”, press
release (10 February 2017).
17 Deji Olukotun, “Gambia shuts down Internet on eve of elections”, Access Now (30 November 2016).
18 Software Freedom Law Center, “Internet shutdowns in India, 2013-2016”.
19 Freedom House, “Freedom on the Net: Myanmar” (2011).
20 Center for Democracy and Technology, “Iran’s Internet throttling: unacceptable now, unacceptable
then” (3 July 2013).
21 Article 19, “Uganda: Blanket ban on social media on election day is disproportionate” press release
(18 February 2016).
22 Global Voices, “WhatsApp and Viber blocked on election day in Montenegro” (17 October 2016).
23 Human Rights Watch, “Sudan: Dozens killed during protests” (27 September 2013).
24 Access Now submission, part I; also Freedom House, “Freedom on the Net: Uzbekistan” (2016).
25 Access Now submission, part I.
26 See for example, OHCHR, “Preliminary conclusions and observations by the UN Special Rapporteur
on the right to freedom of opinion and expression to his visit to Turkey, 14-18 November 2016”,
press release (18 November 2016).
27 Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), “Security v. Access: The impact of mobile network
shutdowns”, case study: Telenor Pakistan (September 2015), pp. 31-32.
28 Access Now submission, part I, pp. 11-14; also Global Network Initiative submission.
29 IHRB, “Security v. Access: The impact of mobile network shutdowns”, case study: Telenor Pakistan
(September 2015), p. 20.
30 Ibid., pp. 27-28.
route.31 When specific services or platforms are disrupted, governments typically target
those that are the most efficient, secure or widely used.32
B. Government access to user data
17. Government surveillance today relies on access to communications and associated
data belonging to users of privately owned networks. While such access frequently requires
the assistance of private actors, it may also be obtained without their knowledge or
involvement. As with other forms of surveillance, government access to user data may
interfere with privacy in a manner that can both directly and indirectly limit the free
development and exchange of ideas (see A/HRC/23/40, para. 24). Undue access to personal
data implicitly warns users to think twice and possibly avoid controversial viewpoints, the
exchange of sensitive information and other exercises of freedom of expression that may be
under government scrutiny (see A/HRC/27/37, para. 20).
Requests for user data
18. Vague laws and regulations violate the legality requirement (see A/HRC/23/40,
para. 50). The Communications and Multimedia Act of Malaysia, for example, permits
authorities to order the disclosure of “any communication or class of communications” on
“the occurrence of any public emergency or in the interest of public safety”. The Act does
not define the conditions that trigger a public emergency and certification by the King is
deemed “conclusive proof on the point”.33 In Qatar, law enforcement enjoys a broad right to
seek access to providers’ customer communications in cases of national security or
emergency.34 These provisions empower authorities to request user data based on a mere
assertion of national security. Users are thus unable to predict with reasonable certainty the
circumstances under which their communications and associated data may be disclosed to
19. Providers should only be compelled to release user data when ordered by judicial
authorities certifying necessity and proportionality to achieve a legitimate objective. The
Criminal Code of Canada requires law enforcement to submit requests for the disclosure of
telephone records in criminal investigations to a judge for approval. 35 In Portugal, the
authorities must obtain a judicial order to compel the disclosure of communications data.36
However, national law often exempts user data requests from judicial authorization. In
Bangladesh, the authorities require only executive branch approval to access
communications data belonging to telecommunications subscribers on the grounds of
national security and public order.37
20. Laws that require private actors to create large databases of user data accessible to
the government raise necessity and proportionality concerns. In Kazakhstan, telephone
numbers, e-mail and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and billing information must be stored
by the provider for two years.38 The Russian Federation requires private actors to store the
content of all their customers’ calls and text messages for six months, and related
communications metadata for three years.39 Both countries also require such data to be
stored locally. 40 In countries where mobile phones are a dominant means of
communication, mandatory SIM card registration laws effectively require the majority of
the population to divulge personally identifiable information (see A/HRC/29/32, para. 51).
31 Deniz Duru Aydin, “Five excuses governments (ab)use to justify Internet shutdowns” Access Now (6
October 2016).
32 Article 19 submission, p. 2.
33 Malaysia, Communications and Multimedia Act (1998), sect. 266.
34 Qatar, Decree Law No. (34) of 2006.
35 See submission from Canada, p. 6.
36 Portugal, Criminal Proceedings Code, arts. 187-190.
37 Bangladesh, Telecommunication Regulatory Act (2001), sect. 97 (Ka).
38 Kazakhstan, Government resolution No. 1593 (23 December 2011).
39 OHCHR, letter to the Government of the Russian Federation, 28 July 2016 (OL RUS 7/2016).
40 Article 19 submission, p. 5.
The mandatory retention of large amounts of user data runs contrary to established due
process standards, such as the need for individualized suspicion of wrongdoing.
Undermining encryption
21. Since the Special Rapporteur’s report on encryption and anonymity (A/HRC/29/32),
unnecessary and disproportionate measures to undermine encryption have increased
globally and threaten to undermine both the freedom of expression and digital security of
users. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, for example, the 2016
Investigatory Powers Act permits the Secretary of State to issue “technical capability
notices” that require providers to remove “electronic protection” from communications — a
measure that could compel backdoors or otherwise limit or weaken encryption.41 States
have not provided sufficient evidence that such vulnerabilities are the least intrusive means
of protecting national security and public order, particularly given the breadth and depth of
other investigative tools at their disposal (Ibid., para. 39).
Direct access
22. Direct access to Internet and telecommunications networks enables authorities to
intercept and monitor communications with limited legal scrutiny or accountability.
Technological advances have enhanced the ability of law enforcement and intelligence
agencies to obtain a direct connection to networks without the involvement or knowledge of
the network operator.42 During the 2014 general election in the former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia, intelligence authorities allegedly obtained direct access to the country’s
major telecommunications networks to intercept the communications of over 20,000
people, including politicians, activists, government officials and journalists. Many targets
were also sent a transcript of their phone calls.43 In India, it appears that authorities are
developing a Central Monitoring System programme that would enable “electronic
provisioning of target numbers by government agency without any manual intervention
from telecommunications service providers on a secure network.”44 These activities do not
appear to be provided by law, lacking both judicial authorization and external oversight.
Furthermore, the risks they pose to the security and integrity of network infrastructure raise
proportionality concerns.
C. Net neutrality
23. Network neutrality — the principle that all Internet data should be treated equally
without undue interference — promotes the widest possible access to information.45 In the
digital age, the freedom to choose among information sources is meaningful only when
Internet content and applications of all kinds are transmitted without undue discrimination
or interference by non-State actors, including providers. The State’s positive duty to
promote freedom of expression argues strongly for network neutrality in order to promote
the widest possible non-discriminatory access to information.
Paid prioritization
24. Under paid prioritization schemes, providers give preferential treatment to certain
types of Internet traffic over others for payment or other commercial benefits. These
schemes effectively create Internet fast lanes for content providers that can afford to pay
extra and slow lanes for all others.46 This hierarchy of data undermines user choice. Users
41 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Investigatory Powers Act (2016), art. 253;
also OHCHR, letter to the Government of the United Kingdom, 22 December 2015 (AL GBR
42 Privacy International submission; and Telecommunications Industry Dialogue submission, p. 3.
43 Privacy International, “Macedonia: Society On Tap” (23 March 2016).
44 Access Now submission, part II, p. 4.
45 Luca Belli submission; and Article 19 submission, pp. 7-8.
46 Dawn C. Nunziato and Arturo J. Carrillo, “The price of paid prioritization: The international and
domestic consequences of the failure to protect Net neutrality in the United States”, Georgetown
experience higher costs or lower quality of service when they attempt to access Internet
content and applications in the slow lanes. At the same time, they may be compelled to
engage with content that has been prioritized without their knowledge or input.
25. Several States prohibit paid prioritization. For example, the Netherlands, an early
adopter of net neutrality, forbids providers from making “the price of the rates for Internet
access services dependent on the services and applications which are offered or used via
these services”. 47 The United States Federal Communications Commission 2015 Open
Internet Order bans the “management of a broadband provider’s network to directly or
indirectly favour some traffic over other traffic ... in exchange for consideration (monetary
or otherwise) from a third party, or to benefit an affiliated entity”.48
Zero rating
26. Zero rating is the practice of not charging for the use of Internet data associated with
a particular application or service; other services or applications, meanwhile, are subject to
metered costs. Zero rating arrangements vary from data plans that exempt certain Internet
services from a subscriber’s usage count to the provision of unmetered access to certain
services without the purchase of a plan. 49 Variations notwithstanding, zero rating
arrangements privilege access to content and may increase the cost of metered data. For
users who struggle to afford metered data, they might end up relying exclusively on zero-
rated services, resulting in limited access to information for communities that may already
be marginalized in their access to information and public participation.
27. Zero rating arrangements may provide users with limited Internet access in areas
that would otherwise completely lack access.50 However, broader Internet access may still
remain out of reach for users, trapping them in permanently walled online gardens.51 The
assumption that limited access will eventually ripen into full connectivity requires further
study. It may be dependent upon factors such as user behaviour, market conditions, the
human rights landscape and the regulatory environment.52
28. These competing considerations have led to variations in regulatory approaches. In
India, public concern over Facebook’s Free Basics culminated in a ban on any arrangement
that “has the effect of discriminatory tariffs for data services being offered or charged to the
consumer on the basis of content”.53 Restrictions on zero rating are in effect in Chile,
Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Japan.54
In contrast, the United States, followed later by the Body of European Regulators for
Electronic Communications (BEREC), adopted guidelines involving a case-by-case
approach.55 States that adopt a case-by-case approach should carefully scrutinize and, if
necessary, reject arrangements that, among other things, zero-rate affiliated content,
condition zero rating on payment or favour access to certain applications within a class of
Journal of International Affairs: International Engagement on Cyber V: Securing Critical
Infrastructure (2 October 2015), p. 103.
47 Netherlands, Telecommunications Act, art. 7.4a (3).
48 United States of America, Federal Communications Commission, Protecting and Promoting the Open
Internet, FCC 15-24 (12 March 2015), para. 18. This Order, possibly under threat at the time of
writing the present report, remains a useful template for net neutrality regulation.
49 Erik Stallman and R. Stanley Adams, IV, “Zero Rating: A framework for assessing benefits and
harms”, Center for Democracy and Technology (January 2016).
50 Ibid., pp. 4 and 11.
51 Barbara van Schewick, “Network neutrality and zero-rating”, submission to the United States Federal
Communications Commission (19 February 2014), p. 7.
52 Erik Stallman and R. Stanley Adams, IV, “Zero Rating: A framework for assessing benefits and
harms” (January 2016), p. 15.
53 India, Telecom Regulatory Authority, “TRAI releases the Prohibition of Discriminatory Tariffs for
Data Services Regulations, 2016”, press release (8 February 2016).
54 Emily Hong, “A zero sum game? What you should know about zero-rating”, New America Weekly,
Edition 109 (4 February 2016).
55 United States, Federal Communications Commission, Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet,
FCC 15-24 (12 March 2015), para. 21; and BEREC, Guidelines on the Implementation by National
Regulators of European Net Neutrality Rules (August 2016) (BoR (16) 127).
similar applications (for example, zero rating certain music streaming services rather than
all music streaming). Additionally, States should require meaningful corporate disclosures
about network traffic management practices. For example, Chile requires ISPs to disclose
Internet access speeds, price or speed differentials between national and international
connections, and related service guarantees.56
III. Digital access providers and freedom of expression
29. While the duty of States to respect and protect freedom of expression is well-
established, the private actors that establish, operate and maintain digital access also play a
critical role.
A. Telecommunications and Internet service providers
30. Telecommunications providers (Telcos) and ISPs (collectively referred to in the
present report as “providers”) offer a diverse range of services. While they principally
operate and sell access to the series of networks that comprise the Internet, they also enable
users to communicate and share information through mobile services and traditional
landlines (see A/HRC/32/38, para. 16). While providers remain State-owned in many
regions, a growing number are now privately established and managed. The industry is also
increasingly multinational: some of the world’s biggest providers operate networks in
multiple countries and regions, often through partnerships with domestic companies or their
own subsidiaries.
31. As gatekeepers of vast information networks, providers face significant government
pressure to comply with censorship and surveillance activities. To operate a network in a
country, they are required to invest substantial physical and business infrastructure,
including network equipment and personnel. They are typically subject to local law and
other licensing requirements set out in agreements with the State. In addition to legal
pressure, providers have also faced extralegal intimidation, such as threats to the safety of
their employees and infrastructure in the event of non-compliance.57
32. While several providers attempt to resist censorship and surveillance requests, many
assist in government efforts without meaningful challenge. In the United States, one of the
country’s largest providers is alleged to have created a “super search engine” to facilitate
law enforcement access to customer phone calls, even though not legally required to do
so. 58 In the United Kingdom, a complaint filed with the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development alleged that major providers granted the country’s
intelligence agency access to their networks and customer data well beyond what was
required by the law at the time.59
33. A growing number of providers are establishing arrangements with media and other
content-producing companies that threaten net neutrality and are lobbying intensely for
concessions on net neutrality standards. For example, as European regulators were
developing net neutrality guidelines, 17 major providers in the region issued the “5G
Manifesto”, warning that “excessively prescriptive” guidelines would delay their
investment in 5G, the next generation of mobile Internet connection.60
56 Chile, Ley No. 20.453, art. 24 H (D).
57 Telecommunications Industry Dialogue submission, p. 10.
58 Dave Maass and Aaron Mackey, “Law enforcement’s secret ‘super search engine’ amasses trillions of
phone records for decades”, Electronic Frontier Foundation (29 November 2016).
59 Privacy International, “OECD complaint against BT, Verizon Enterprise, Vodafone Cable, Viatel,
Level 3, and Interoute”.
60 Article 19 submission, p. 9.
B. Internet exchange points
34. IXPs enable the exchange of Internet traffic between and among networks managed
by different providers within a country or region.61 This form of interconnection prevents
local or regional Internet traffic from taking long and circuitous international routes, thus
enhancing the speed and efficiency of Internet connectivity. IXPs may be established by
Internet infrastructure companies as part of a broader suite of services sold to providers or
operated as non-profit or volunteer organizations.62
35. IXPs handle an enormous volume of Internet traffic that may be filtered or
intercepted at government request. The growing number of censorship and surveillance
incidents involving IXPs indicates that they are major access choke points, even if their
precise role is unclear. For example, in 2013, the manner in which access to YouTube was
blocked in Pakistan indicated that the platform was filtered by IXPs, rather than ISPs,
through a method known as “packet injection”.63 According to a leaked internal memo of a
multinational ISP operating in Ecuador, users were unable to access Google and YouTube
in March 2014 because the private Association of Internet Providers of Ecuador — which
runs two of the major IXPs in the country — was “blocking access to certain Internet
websites by request of the national Government”.64 The revelations of mass surveillance
conducted by the United States National Security Agency have raised concern among
technologists that the agency is intercepting a significant proportion of domestic and
foreign Internet traffic by targeting United States IXPs.65 In September 2016, the world’s
largest Internet exchange point, which is based in Germany, challenged legal orders issued
by the country’s intelligence agency to monitor international communications transiting
through its hub.66
C. Content delivery networks
36. A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of servers strategically distributed
around the world to enable the efficient delivery of web pages and other Internet content.
Large content producers rely on content delivery networks to reach as many users as
quickly as possible.67 A content delivery network stores copies of content hosted on these
platforms and redirects a user’s request for such content from the platform’s servers to the
servers within its network that are located closest to the user.68 This process enhances the
speed of content delivery, particularly to users located far away from the platform’s servers.
Content delivery networks are regarded as an effective safeguard against website blocking;
censorship measures targeting servers that host a particular website or platform do not
affect the content delivery network’s delivery of copies of the same content to users.69
Content delivery networks have also become a critical bulwark against network disruptions.
The demands of rapid access have incentivized them to invest significant resources in
infrastructure and services that can withstand distributed denial-of-service and other
malicious attacks.70
61 See www.bgp4.as/internet-exchanges/.
62 Jason Gerson and Patrick Ryan, “A primer on Internet exchange points for policymakers and non-
engineers” Social Science Research Network (12 August 2012), p. 10.
63 Zubair Nabi, “The anatomy of web censorship in Pakistan” (2013), p. 4.
64 Katitza Rodriguez, “Leaked documents confirm Ecuador’s Internet censorship machine”, Electronic
Frontier Foundation (14 April 2016).
65 Andrew Clement and Jonathan Obar, “Canadian Internet ‘boomerang’ traffic and mass NSA
surveillance: Responding to privacy and network sovereignty challenges”, in Law, Privacy and
Surveillance in Canada in the Post-Snowden Era, Michael Geist, ed. (University of Ottawa Press,
66 De Cix, “Information on the lawsuit against the Federal Republic of Germany” (16 September 2016).
67 Geoff Huston, “The death of transit?”, Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (27 October 2016).
68 Vangie Beal, “CDN – Content Delivery Network”, Webopedia.
69 John Holowczak and Amir Houmansadr, “CacheBrowser: bypassing Chinese censorship without
proxies using cached content” (2015).
70 Geoff Huston, “The death of transit?”, Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (27 October 2016).
37. The censorship resilience of content delivery networks has also made them targets of
disproportionate restrictions on freedom of expression. In Egypt, the blocking of The New
Arab website in August 2016 also disrupted access to content on other sites that, although
unaffiliated, shared the same content delivery network, which led researchers to believe
authorities had targeted that particular network.71 In China, a national filter has reportedly
blocked EdgeCast content delivery network, which handles content for a number of large
websites in the country.72
38. Since content delivery networks process large volumes of user requests for Internet
content from multiple websites and platforms, they are also vulnerable to government
surveillance. In 2016, for example, Amazon Web Services, which houses one of the world’s
biggest content delivery networks,73 reported that government requests to access data more
than doubled from the previous year. 74 Researchers also believe that mass surveillance
activities strategically target content delivery networks to maximize information collection,
but specifically how this is conducted and the extent of content delivery network
involvement, if any, is unclear.75
D. Network equipment vendors
39. Vendors supply the hardware and software that form the basis of Internet and
telecommunications networks. Network equipment typically includes routers, switches and
access points, which enable multiple devices and networks to connect with each other (see
A/HRC/32/38, para. 18). Vendors have also diversified their business to provide Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) equipment, which enables wireless calls and Internet of Things
(IoT) technology, which enables networking among smart devices.76 Vendors are rarely
consumer-facing: their main customers are network operators, such as governments, ISPs,
or content delivery networks. As a result, they are required to configure networks to the
technical standards specified by these operators, including standards dictated by local law
(such as law enforcement and national security requirements). However, vendors may also
design or modify equipment and technology to ensure consistency with private or
government specifications.
40. Given their business model, vendors are required to navigate the human rights
challenges that their customers face or create. In the area of surveillance, vendors are often
bound by “lawful interception” measures, which require the configuration of networks to
enable government access to user data. 77 Additionally, vendors may be contracted to
establish “administration and mediation systems” that facilitate the sharing of intercepted
data between the network operator and the government authority as well as the government
systems that process the intercepted data.78 In arrangements where vendors also manage the
networks that they have built, they may also be responsible for handling government
requests for user data on the operator’s behalf.79
71 Leonid Evdokimov and Vasilis Ververis, “Egypt: Media censorship, Tor interference, HTTPS
throttling and ads injections?”, Open Observatory of Network Interference (27 October 2016).
72 Joss Wright, “A quick investigation of EdgeCast CDN blocking in China”, blog, Oxford Internet
Institute (18 November 2014).
73 At the time of writing the present report, Amazon Cloudfront served the largest number of website
domains in the world.
74 Amazon Information Request Report (June 2016).
75 See, for example, Harrison Weber, “How the NSA & FBI made Facebook the perfect mass
surveillance tool”, Venture Beat (15 May 2014).
76 Michael E. Raynor and Phil Wilson, “Beyond the dumb pipe: The IoT and the new role for network
service providers”, Deloitte University Press (2 September 2015).
77 See, for example, Council of the European Union resolution of 17 January 1995 on the lawful
interception of telecommunications, Official Journal C 329; and Privacy International submission, pp.
78 IHRB, “Human rights challenges of telecommunications vendors: addressing the possible misuse of
telecommunications systems: case study: Ericsson” (November 2014), p. 16.
79 Ibid., p. 17.
41. The design of network equipment and technology with multiple uses raises freedom
of expression and privacy concerns. Deep packet inspection devices, for example, are used
for innocuous technical purposes such as the management of network congestion, but have
also been employed to filter Internet content, intercept communications and throttle data
flows. Mobile networks are configured to monitor the real-time location of cell phones to
ensure that cellular services may be accessed from any location, but such monitoring may
also be used to target users.80
42. Some evidence suggests that vendors may provide support for government
censorship and surveillance. In a case pending before United States courts, Cisco has been
accused of designing, implementing and helping to maintain a Chinese surveillance and
internal security network known as the Golden Shield.81 (Cisco denies those allegations.)82
In Ethiopia, human rights groups found that ZTE Corporation had designed and installed a
customer management database for Ethio Telecom that enabled intrusive surveillance.83
E. Other private actors
43. The findings and recommendations in the present report apply to any entity that
engages in the provision of digital access as described above. A growing number of Internet
companies are adding critical digital access and infrastructure services to their portfolio.
For example, Alibaba and Tencent, two of the biggest Chinese Internet companies, now
also offer content delivery network services. 84 Google has been experimenting with
methods to provide wireless access that bypass traditional providers; in 2010, it launched a
high-speed Internet connection service to homes and businesses in select cities in the
United States.85 It is also working with Facebook and Microsoft to build undersea cable
networks that would enable them to connect users without relying on third-party equipment
or systems.86
44. Standards developing organizations (SDOs), although not strictly “industry actors”,
establish technical protocols and standards that enable inter-operability in the
telecommunications and Internet infrastructure. Standards development that neglects human
rights considerations may adversely impact freedom of expression. For example, the failure
to mandate Transport Layer Security (TLS) as a feature of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) left web traffic vulnerable to censorship and surveillance. The technical
community’s efforts to incorporate human rights due diligence into standards development
is therefore a step in the right direction.87
IV. Human rights responsibilities of digital access providers
45. The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights recognize the responsibility
of business enterprises to respect human rights, independent of State obligations or the
implementation of those obligations (see A/HRC/17/31, annex; and A/HRC/32/38, paras. 9-
10). They provide a minimum baseline for corporate human rights accountability, urging
companies to adopt public statements of commitment to respect human rights endorsed by
80 Ibid., p. 13.
81 United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Jose Division, Doe et al. v.
Cisco Systems, Inc. et al., Case No. 5:11-cv-02449-EJD-PSGx (18 September 2013).
82 John Earnhardt, “Cisco Q&A on China and censorship” Cisco blogs (2 March 2006).
83 Human Rights Watch, “They know everything we do: telecom and Internet surveillance in Ethiopia”
(25 March 2014).
84 Tencent Cloud CDN and Alibaba Cloud CDN.
85 Klint Finley, “Google eyes blazing-fast wireless as a way into your home”, Wired (12 August 2016).
86 Joon Ian Wong, “Google and Facebook are doubling down on Internet infrastructure with a new
Pacific cable”, Quartz (17 October 2016).
87 Internet Research Task Force, “Research into human rights protocol considerations” (25 February
2017). Available at https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-hrpc-research/?include_text=1. The
supplementary annex analyzes the roles and responsibilities of standards developing organizations in
more detail.
senior or executive-level management; conduct due diligence processes that meaningfully
“identify, prevent, mitigate and account for” actual and potential human rights impacts
throughout the company’s operations; and provide for or cooperate in the remediation of
adverse human rights impacts (see A/HRC/17/31, annex, principles 16-24).
A. Context considerations
46. The Guiding Principles emphasize the need for companies to take into account the
particularities of their operating context when executing their human rights responsibilities
(Ibid.). In the digital access industry, several contexts must be considered.
Access providers supply a public good
47. The digital access industry is in the business of digital expression; its commercial
viability depends on users who seek, receive and impart information and ideas on the
networks it builds and operates. Since privately owned networks are indispensable to the
contemporary exercise of freedom of expression, their operators also assume critical social
and public functions. The industry’s decisions, whether in response to government demands
or rooted in commercial interests, can directly impact freedom of expression and related
human rights in both beneficial and detrimental ways.
Restrictions on Internet access affect freedom of expression globally
48. The industry’s human rights impacts are frequently global, affecting users even in
markets beyond those served by the company concerned. For example, surveillance of a
single Internet exchange point in the United States may capture large streams of
communications among Americans and foreigners, and even those entirely among
foreigners. Similarly, security vulnerabilities in network design affect all users who rely on
the compromised network for digital access, including users located far away from the
network. Accordingly, companies should identify and address the broader implications of
their activities for freedom of expression generally, in addition to their impacts on
customers or rights holders in the markets they operate. To be sure, the manner in which
they account for their impacts may vary according to their size, resources, ownership,
structure and operating context (Ibid., principle 14). For example, all providers should vet
user data requests for compliance with a minimum set of formalities, regardless of the
origin of the request or the user affected. But while a multinational provider may have
dedicated teams vetting requests, a small or medium-size provider may task its legal or
public policy teams to perform the same function.
The industry is vulnerable to State pressure against freedom of expression…
49. The Guiding Principles seek to address the gaps in corporate accountability left
because of a lack of national legislation or implementation. 88 However, zealous
enforcement of domestic law also poses human rights challenges in the digital access
industry. For example, States may hold providers liable for, or otherwise pressure them to
restrict, Internet content posted by users on their networks, under laws as varied as hate
speech, defamation, cybercrime and lese-majesty. Yet such intermediary liability creates a
strong incentive to censor: providers may find it safest not to challenge such regulation but
to over-regulate content such that legitimate and lawful expression also ends up restricted.
The pressure to assist in State censorship and surveillance also escalates when authorities
harass, threaten or arrest employees, or attempt to tamper with the company’s networks or
88 Yael Ronen, “Big Brother’s little helpers: the right to privacy and the responsibility of Internet service
providers”, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, vol. 31, No. 80 (February 2015), p.
89 In 2014, a network shutdown request that the multinational telecommunications provider, Orange,
received from the authorities in the Central African Republic was reportedly “accompanied by the
...but also uniquely situated to ensure respect for users’ rights
50. The industry’s dual role as an enabler of digital access and a natural point for State-
imposed restriction heightens its importance as a bulwark against government and private
overreach. For example, providers are usually best placed to push back on a shutdown or
user data request. Content delivery networks are strategically positioned on the Internet
infrastructure to counter malicious attacks that disrupt access. Vendors are uniquely
qualified to assess whether their products will be or are being used to facilitate human
rights abuses, particularly when they conduct sales due diligence or perform ongoing
B. Responsibility to respect users’ freedom of expression
51. To operationalize its human rights commitments, the digital access industry should
allocate appropriate resources to at least the practices described below. Although these
principles are evaluated in the context of digital access, they also bear relevance to other
sectors of the digital economy, such as social media, commerce, surveillance and search.
1. Due diligence
52. Due diligence processes enable a digital access provider to identify, prevent and
mitigate the human rights impacts of its activities (see A/HRC/17/31, annex, principle 19).
While one-size-fits-all due diligence approaches are neither possible nor advisable, human
rights impact assessments provide a means of assessing and addressing risks to freedom of
expression and privacy.90 Due diligence involves at least the following.
Policies governing the conduct of due diligence
53. Companies should develop clear and specific criteria for identifying activities that
implicate freedom of expression and trigger due diligence processes.91 The company’s past
and ongoing human rights effects, as well as industry practice, provide useful indicators. In
the digital access industry, such activities might include mergers and acquisitions; market
entry or exit; government or non-government requests for content restriction or user data;
the development of or changes to content restriction and privacy policies; product changes
regarding content moderation or encrypted communications; arrangements that facilitate
prioritized access to Internet content and applications; the design, sale and purchase of
network interception and filtering equipment and technologies as well as associated training
and consultation services. 92 This list, which is far from exhaustive, “requires constant
vigilance and updating”, taking into account new areas of business, developments in
technology, and other changes in operating context.93
Issues to examine
54. Due diligence processes should critically examine at least applicable local and
international laws and standards, including potential conflicts between local laws and
human rights; freedom of expression and privacy risks embedded in the company’s
products and services; strategies to mitigate and prevent these risks; limits on the
effectiveness of these strategies given the company’s legal, regulatory or operating
threat of personal sanctions in case of non-compliance”. See Telecommunications Industry Dialogue
submission, p. 11.
90 Major telecommunications providers that have developed human rights impact assessments include
Telia Company and Telefonica. Ibid., pp. 7-8.
91 Nokia has embedded an automated feature that flags potential sales for human rights risks in its sales
tool. Ibid., p. 7.
92 European Commission, ICT Sector Guide on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights (2013), pp. 32-36.
93 Michael A. Samway, “Business, human rights and the Internet: a framework for implementation”, in
Human Dignity and the Future of Global Institutions, Mark P. Lagon and Anthony Clark Arend, eds.
(Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press, 2014), p. 308.
environment; and the potential to promote human rights throughout the company’s
Internal process and training
55. While dedicated business and human rights professionals within a company are
important, due diligence should not be solely their responsibility, but must involve other
relevant functional groups within the business. This requires dialogue and collaboration
among various business units (such as privacy, law enforcement, government relations,
compliance, risk management, product development and operations) and professionals
(such as engineers, user-experience researchers, sales teams and business executives).95 In
the privacy context, researchers have found that measures such as “involving and assigning
responsibility to senior business unit executives” for privacy management and “embedding
staff with privacy protection expertise and personal responsibility for privacy … into the
business units”, create an environment conducive to privacy protection. 96 Similar
management practices could also ensure business respect for freedom of expression. For
small and medium-size enterprises, these considerations might require the entire operation
to engage in due diligence activities.97
External expertise
56. Given the wide knowledge base required, due diligence processes should draw on
external, non-governmental expertise, including local civil society, international human
rights organizations, the human rights mechanisms of international and regional
organizations, academia and the technical community. Multi-stakeholder fora also provide
opportunities for shared learning and mutual accountability. For example, researchers have
found that membership in sector- or industry-specific human rights initiatives, such as the
Global Network Initiative and the Telecommunications Industry Dialogue, coincides with
companies’ human rights performance.98
Consultation with users and affected rights holders
57. All digital access providers implicate the freedom of expression of end users in one
way or another. Accordingly, even companies that are not consumer facing should consult
end users as part of their risk assessment process. Such consultation is distinguishable from
the broader multi-stakeholder engagement efforts outlined above and contemplates a “two-
way dialogue” to “gather specific views or advice from affected stakeholders (or their
representatives) that are then taken into account in the company’s internal decision-making
and implementation processes”.99 For example, vulnerable or marginalized individuals and
groups might be consulted while licensing negotiations in high-risk operating environments
are ongoing or during the design, testing and rollout of zero rating policies. Meaningful
consultation should also involve regular outreach to civil society organizations, which may
provide a useful proxy for the needs and interests of end users in particular communities,
and might themselves be at greater risk of pressure for their advocacy.
Ongoing dynamic assessments
58. Companies should be quick to adapt due diligence processes to changes in
circumstances or operating context. For example, risk assessment should continue after the
94 Ibid., pp. 310-312, for a more comprehensive overview of relevant topic areas that due diligence
processes should cover.
95 European Commission, ICT Sector Guide on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights (2013), p. 36.
96 Kenneth A. Bamberger and Deirdre K. Mulligan, Privacy on the Ground: Driving Corporate
Behavior in the United States and Europe (Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 2015), p. 177.
97 European Commission, ICT Sector Guide on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights (2013), p. 37.
98 Ranking Digital Rights submission, p. 5.
99 European Commission, ICT Sector Guide on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights (2013), pp. 37-38.
design phase and at regular intervals throughout the life cycle of the product or service,
taking into account factors such as technology and infrastructure changes and associated
security vulnerabilities, alterations in consumer behaviour, and modifications of the legal,
political and social environment where companies operate.100
2. Incorporating human rights safeguards by design
59. As with every major technology development, design and engineering choices
reflect public policy considerations, and should be guided by respect for human rights. For
example, network slicing, a key 5G technology, could enable mobile providers to manage
network traffic more efficiently and cater to the ever-expanding range of consumer needs in
the Internet of Things (IoT) era. At the same time, networks could also be “sliced” into fast
and slow lanes that prioritize access to some Internet applications over others, potentially
interfering with net neutrality. Accordingly, companies should ensure that innovations in
network equipment and technology — particularly those with multiple uses — are designed
and deployed so as to be consistent with freedom of expression and privacy standards.101
60. Companies should assume an active and engaged role in developing expression and
privacy enhancing measures. For example, digital security measures that detect and prevent
distributed denial-of-service attacks and hacking should be implemented in a manner that
targets malicious traffic without compromising legitimate interactions among individuals,
organizations and communities. Configuring network equipment to minimize unnecessary
information collection about users — given local legal and routing requirements —
effectively pre-empts overbroad data requests, since companies cannot turn over
information they do not have.102 Even if user information is logged, meaningful limits on
whether and for how long they are retained also restrict the scope of personal and sensitive
data available for third party access.
3. Stakeholder engagement
61. Human rights engagement with governments, corporate partners and other
stakeholders may prevent or mitigate human rights violations down the line. Companies
that deal directly with governments should push for human rights safeguards in operating
licences and sales contracts, such as assurances that network equipment will not be
accessed or modified without the company’s knowledge (which can be for the purpose of
facilitating human rights abuses). Timely intervention during litigation (such as amicus
filings in cases brought by civil society groups or peer companies against censorship or
surveillance laws) and human rights-oriented lobbying in legislative and policymaking
processes may also advance legal protections for freedom of expression and privacy.
62. Arrangements with corporate partners should enable all parties to uphold their
human rights responsibilities. In particular, such arrangements should be designed to ensure
that subsidiaries, joint venture partners, suppliers and distributors will abide by whatever
freedom of expression and privacy policies the company has in place. For example, when
local operations receive unconventional censorship or surveillance requests, company
policy should ensure that these requests are escalated to global management for review.103
Whistle-blowing mechanisms should be made available to both employees and contractors.
To the extent that companies are already in business relationships that raise human rights
concerns, they should seek to build leverage over time to prevent or mitigate harm.104
63. Companies may also enhance respect for human rights through collaborative action.
Such collaboration includes joint outreach and advocacy with peer companies; engagement
100 Business and Social Responsibility, “Applying the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
to the ICT industry”, Version 2.0: Ten lessons learned, A briefing paper (September 2012), p. 9.
101 ARTICLE 19, “Our 5G future: Light at the end of the tunnel or Internet fast-lane for the elite?” (15
September 2016).
102 Electronic Frontier Foundation, “User privacy for ISPs and accidental ISPs”.
103 Telecommunications Industry Dialogue submission, pp. 13 and 16.
104 SHIFT, “Using leverage in business relationships to reduce human rights risks” (New York,
November 2013).
with regional or international bodies, including human rights mechanisms and economic
institutions; and membership in industry associations and multi-stakeholder initiatives.105
Regular consultations with users, civil society and affected rights holders can also mobilize
public support for company efforts to resist government overreach. Cross-sector
collaboration strengthens the normative force of agreed upon human rights best practices
and standards, intensifying pressure on both governments and peer companies to comply.
4. Mitigation strategies106
64. To the extent that companies handle content regulation and user data requests,
specific policies and practices to mitigate the harms of government restrictions may be
Ensure that requests for content restrictions and customer data are in strict compliance
with the law
65. Companies should ensure that all requests for content restriction and customer data
comply not only with procedural and legal requirements specified under local law, but also
internationally established due process standards.107 Given the intrusion on human rights,
such requests should be authorized by independent and impartial courts or adjudicatory
bodies. Furthermore, companies should require that requests be made in writing and present
a clear explanation of the legal basis, and the name, title and signature of the authorizing
official. Companies should also seek to verify that the relevant official or government entity
is authorized to issue this request.108 These formalities should be requested even if they are
not required by law. Additionally, companies should preserve a written record of all
communications between them and the requester relating to each request and logs of access
to user data when executing the request, provided that such a record does not pose undue
privacy risks.109
Interpreting the scope of government requests and laws
66. Vague and open-ended government requests and legal frameworks make it difficult
for companies to determine whether they are in compliance with local law. However,
companies can mitigate this uncertainty by adopting company-wide policies that direct all
business units, including local subsidiaries, to resolve any legal ambiguity in favour of
respect for freedom of expression, privacy and other human rights. Such policies are based
not only on the provider’s human rights responsibilities, but also the State’s obligation to
comply with applicable human rights laws and relevant protections under local law (such as
constitutional, criminal procedure and data protection laws).
67. In practice, companies should as far as possible interpret requests in a manner that
ensures the least restriction on content and access to customer data. For example, when
requests appear overbroad, Global Network Initiative recommends that companies seek
clarification on their scope and obtain appropriate modifications.110
105 Telecommunications Industry Dialogue submission, p. 12; and Global Network Initiative submission,
p. 7.
106 The guidance provided in this section benefited greatly from the Telecommunications Industry
Dialogue submission and the Global Network Initiative, “Implementation guidelines for the principles
on freedom of expression and privacy“.
107 See, for example, the Manila Principles on Intermediary Liability and the International Principles on
the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance, co-authored by a number of non-
governmental organizations.
108 Global Network Initiative, “Implementation guidelines“, pp. 5-6; also Telecommunications Industry
Dialogue submission, pp. 8-10.
109 Telecommunications Industry Dialogue submission, pp. 8-9.
110 Ibid.
Challenge requests and underlying laws
68. Companies have an interest in operating in a legal environment that is human rights
compliant, consistent due process and rule of law norms. Companies should explore all
legal options for challenging requests that are excessively intrusive — such as requests for
shutdowns of entire services or platforms, website takedowns that are clearly targeted at
criticism or dissent or customer data requests that cover broadly unspecified users.111
69. Like any decision to bring legal proceedings, companies may take into account a
range of considerations, such as the “potential beneficial [human rights] impact, the
likelihood of success, the severity of the case, cost, the representativeness of the case and
whether the case is part of a larger trend”.112 However, companies should assign substantial
overall weight to human rights considerations in their decision-making processes and
carefully assess both the potential benefits and risks to human rights. For example,
companies should be inclined to challenge overbroad requests where there is a reasonable
likelihood of success, even if these challenges might be resource intensive; on the other
hand, companies might pursue alternative options if a challenge is likely to create adverse
precedent or backlash and undermine expression and privacy.
5. Transparency
70. Transparency is a key feature of the digital access industry’s responsibility to
respect. Information about government activities that require corporate assistance or
involvement should be disclosed to the maximum extent allowed by law. Companies
should be mindful that such information is primarily used by civil society to challenge
human rights abuses in court, register grievances before domestic or international
mechanisms on behalf of users or seek alternative means of accountability. Accordingly,
such disclosures should be regular and ongoing, and in an accessible format that provides
appropriate context.
71. Even if local law limits full transparency, companies should nonetheless disclose all
relevant and publishable information. For example, if companies are prohibited from
disclosing the origin or basis of a shutdown request, they should nevertheless seek to
provide regular updates about the services affected or restored, the steps they are taking to
address the issue and explanations after the fact. Innovative transparency measures, such as
the publication of aggregate data and the selective withholding of information, 113 also
mitigate the impact of gag orders and other non-disclosure laws. Companies should disclose
all the local laws with which they comply and, where possible, challenge any law or
regulation that prevents or hinders them from being transparent to users and the general
72. Companies should disclose their policies and actions that implicate freedom of
expression. Relevant disclosures include data retention and use policies, network
management practices and the sale and purchase of network filtering and interception
technologies.115 Companies should also disclose information about the frequency, scope and
subject matter of due diligence processes and a summary of high-level findings. In general,
companies should consult the growing number of resources that study valuable
transparency indicators and other transparency best practices. Users, civil society and peer
companies should also be consulted on the design and implementation of transparency
111 Yael Ronen, “Big Brother’s little helpers” (February 2015), p. 81.
112 Global Network Initiative, “Implementation guidelines”.
113 For example, when “Telia Company was required to suspend services, the company did not state that
this was the result of technical problems”, Telecommunications Industry Dialogue submission, p. 14.
114 Telecommunications Industry Dialogue, “Information on country legal frameworks pertaining to
freedom of expression and privacy in telecommunications” (2016).
115 Ranking Digital Rights submission.
6. Effective remedies
73. While certain aspects of corporate responsibility have advanced in recent years,
remedial steps often seem omitted from the private sector’s agenda. Yet remedies are a key
pillar of corporate responsibility and should be provided whenever businesses “have caused
or contributed to adverse impacts” (see A/HRC/17/31, annex, principle 22). States bear the
primary duty to remediate business-related human rights abuses, particularly those they
instigate, such as overbroad content restriction, unlawful user data requests and
disproportionate surveillance. Yet companies that fail to implement appropriate due
diligence measures and other safeguards may also cause or contribute to such abuses. In
those situations, companies should “provide for or cooperate in their remediation through
legitimate processes” (Ibid.).
74. Remedies may include both financial and non-financial means (Ibid., principle 27).
When freedom of expression is impaired, appropriate remedies may include access to
grievance mechanisms and information about the violation and guarantees of non-
repetition.116 Users whose accounts have been wrongly suspended may want the satisfaction
of being heard and provided with explanations and assurances of non-repetition.117
75. Pre-existing policies and mechanisms could also be reformed or strengthened to
address violations of freedom of expression. For example, a provider could make
improvements to its content restriction policy and the training of its content moderation
teams to reduce the likelihood of unfair website takedowns or overbroad content
restrictions such as filtering. Customer complaint mechanisms could also be updated to
allow users to flag network traffic management practices, commercial filtering
classifications and other content restrictions they deem to be unduly restrictive or unfair.
V. Conclusions and recommendations
76. Individuals depend on digital access to exercise fundamental rights, including
freedom of opinion and expression, the right to life and a range of economic, social
and cultural rights. They also regularly face obstacles to access: from shutdowns to
surveillance. The present report is largely concerned with the obstacles that deny,
deter or exclude expression through blunt reliance on digital censorship. The present
report has not addressed other serious obstacles — such as the lack of adequate
connectivity infrastructure, high costs of access imposed by government, gender
inequality, and language barriers — that also may constitute forms of censorship.118
Much of it therefore focuses on the roles and obligations of States. But States
increasingly exercise censorship through the private sector. The report has aimed not
only to address the constraints on State action under human rights law but also the
principles that private actors should observe in respecting human rights. Key
recommendations, already highlighted in the analysis above, are set out below.
States and the Human Rights Council
77. The Human Rights Council, in its resolution 32/13, condemned unequivocally
measures to intentionally prevent or disrupt access to or dissemination of information
online in violation of international human rights law, and called upon all States to
refrain from and cease such measures. This condemnation, which is critical to the
Council’s promotion of human rights online, should be supplemented and specified.
Intentional prevention or disruption of access includes any action that shuts down or
116 Telecommunications Industry Dialogue submission, p. 17.
117 Peter Micek and Jeff Landale, “Forgotten pillar: the Telco remedy plan”, Access Now (May 2013), p.
118 Global Commission on Internet Governance submission; Arco Iris Libre de Cuba, Centro de
Información Hablemos Press, Centro de Información Legal CubaLex, Mesa de Diálogo de la
Juventud Cubana Plataforma Femenina Nuevo País, “Situación del derecho a la libertad de opinion y
expression en Cuba” (Situation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression in Cuba) (July
2016), p. 20.
renders ineffective access to telecommunications networks, mobile services, social
media platforms and so forth. Future work of the Council that clarifies the rules that
apply to digital access, as outlined in this report, would advance the right to freedom
of opinion and expression online.
78. It is also critical for the Council and States to draw the connections between
privacy interference and freedom of expression. To be sure, interferences with privacy
must be assessed on their own merits under article 17 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights and other norms of human rights law. But certain
interferences — such as overbroad requests for user data and third party retention of
such data — can have both near- and long-term deterrent effects on expression, and
should be avoided as a matter of law and policy. At a minimum, States should ensure
that surveillance is authorized by an independent, impartial and competent judicial
authority certifying that the request is necessary and proportionate to protect a
legitimate aim.
79. The Special Rapporteur is particularly concerned about reports of threats and
intimidation of companies, their employees and their equipment and infrastructure.
Also, the Council’s emphasis on the important role — and need for protection — of
the private sector deserves consideration. States should review all activities to obtain
network access to ensure that they are lawful, necessary and proportionate, paying
particular attention to whether these activities are the least intrusive means for
protecting a legitimate aim.
80. The protective role that States may exercise over the private sector can only go
so far. They should not be promoting the economic gain of private entities over users’
rights to freedom of opinion and expression. Thus, States should prohibit attempts to
assign priority to certain types of Internet content or applications over others for
payment or other commercial benefits.
81. The intersection of State behaviour and corporate roles in the digital age
remains somewhat new for many States. One profitable way forward, at both the
international and domestic levels, would involve the development of national action
plans on business and human rights in order to establish meaningful avenues for all
categories of the digital access industry to identify and address their respective human
rights impacts.
Private actors
82. For years now, individuals and companies within the digital access sector have
understood that they play an essential role in the vast expansion of access to
information and communications services. They are in a business in which the model
for success should involve expanding access, efficiencies, diversity and transparency.
They should take the principles identified in the present report as tools to strengthen
their own roles in advancing users’ rights to freedom of expression. In this spirit, in
addition to high-level policy commitments to human rights, the industry should
allocate appropriate resources towards the fulfilment of these commitments, including
due diligence, rights-oriented design and engineering choices, stakeholder
engagement, strategies to prevent or mitigate human rights risks, transparency and
effective remedies. In doing so, the design and implementation of corporate human
rights accountability measures should draw on both internal and external expertise,
and ensure meaningful input from customers and other affected rights holders, civil
society and the human rights community.
83. This is not to say that private companies do not face pressures. They do. But
when States request corporate involvement in censorship or surveillance, companies
should seek to prevent or mitigate the adverse human rights impacts of their
involvement to the maximum extent allowed by law. In any event, companies should
take all necessary and lawful measures to ensure that they do not cause, contribute or
become complicit in human rights abuses. Arrangements with corporate partners
should be structured to ensure that all parties uphold their human rights
responsibilities. Companies should also seek to build leverage in pre-existing business
relationships to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts.