40/32 Habilitation and rehabilitation under article 26 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Document Type: Final Report
Date: 2019 Jan
Session: 40th Regular Session (2019 Feb)
Agenda Item: Item2: Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General, Item3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development
Human Rights Council Fortieth session
25 February–22 March 2019
Agenda items 2 and 3
Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the
High Commissioner and the Secretary-General
Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil
political, economic, social and cultural rights,
including the right to development
Habilitation and rehabilitation under article 26 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights*
The present report, submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 37/22,
provides an overview of the obligation to provide habilitation and rehabilitation under
article 26 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It contains guidance
on a human rights-based approach to habilitation and rehabilitation for persons with
disabilities and recommendations to assist States in implementing their obligations under
international human rights law.
* Agreement was reached to publish the present report after the standard publication date owing to circumstances beyond the submitter’s control.
United Nations A/HRC/40/32
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
II. Understanding habilitation and rehabilitation ............................................................................... 4
A. International legal framework for habilitation and rehabilitation ......................................... 4
B. Forms of rehabilitation interventions .................................................................................... 5
III. Unpacking the obligation to provide habilitation and rehabilitation ............................................. 7
A. Elements of rehabilitation ..................................................................................................... 7
B. Ensuring a human rights-based approach to rehabilitation ................................................... 9
IV. Implementation measures .............................................................................................................. 13
A. Policy and legal framework .................................................................................................. 13
B. Coordination ......................................................................................................................... 13
C. A multidisciplinary and trained rehabilitation workforce ..................................................... 14
D. Funding mechanisms ............................................................................................................ 14
E. Awareness-raising ................................................................................................................. 15
F. Research and data ................................................................................................................. 15
V. Conclusions and recommendations ............................................................................................... 16
I. Introduction
1. In its resolution 37/22, the Human Rights Council requested the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare its next annual thematic study on
the rights of persons with disabilities on article 26 of the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities, to be submitted prior to its fortieth session.
2. Article 26 of the Convention provides that States parties must take habilitation and
rehabilitation measures to enable persons with disabilities to attain and maintain maximum
independence, full physical, mental, social and vocational ability, and full inclusion and
participation in all aspects of life. States parties have an obligation to organize, strengthen
and extend comprehensive habilitation and rehabilitation services and programmes,
particularly in the areas of health, employment, education and social services (art. 26 (1)).
States parties are further obliged to promote the availability, knowledge and use of assistive
devices and technologies (hereafter “assistive products”) as they relate to habilitation and
rehabilitation (art. 26 (3)).
3. In this report, habilitation and rehabilitation are approached from the perspective of
the human rights of persons with disabilities, including with respect to the removal of
attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in
society on an equal basis with others (Convention, preamble, para. (e)). To understand the
appropriate scope and role of habilitation and rehabilitation vis-à-vis other enabling
measures, they are viewed in the context of a broad array of strategies adopted in the
Convention to ensure and promote the full autonomy, independence and inclusion of
persons with disabilities, including accessibility and reasonable accommodation,
awareness-raising, inclusive education, access to justice, supported decision-making, and
in-home, residential and other community support services. The report also covers the need
to distinguish between action related to rehabilitation and wider community development
strategies for the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
4. For the purposes of this report, habilitation and rehabilitation are understood to be a
set of interventions designed to optimize the functioning of individuals with impairments in
interaction with their environment. The aim of habilitation is to assist individuals who
acquire impairments congenitally or in early childhood to learn how to better function with
them. The aim of rehabilitation, in the strict sense, is to assist those who experience a loss
in function as a result of acquiring an impairment to relearn how to perform daily activities
to regain maximal function. By providing or restoring functions, or compensating for the
loss or absence of a function or a functional limitation, habilitation and rehabilitation
ultimately equip persons with disabilities to achieve a higher level of independence. While
rehabilitation is of particular relevance to persons with disabilities, not all persons with
disabilities need habilitation and rehabilitation. In this report, the term “rehabilitation” is
used to designate both habilitation and rehabilitation, unless the discussion is specific to
5. For the preparation of the present report, a note verbale requesting input was sent to
all Member States, and written contributions were received from 17 States. Submissions
were also received from civil society organizations. In addition, the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights held an in-person consultation on 5 and 6
November 2018 in Geneva to discuss substantive aspects of the report. The contributions
received and a summary of the meeting will be made available on the website of the Office
of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.1
1 www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Disability/Pages/StudiesReportsPapers.aspx.
II. Understanding habilitation and rehabilitation
A. International legal framework for habilitation and rehabilitation
6. Access to rehabilitation has long been understood to be an intrinsic element of the
right to health. Although rehabilitation is not expressly mentioned in article 12 of the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Committee on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights explained in its general comment No. 5 (1994) on
persons with disabilities (para. 34) that the right to physical and mental health also implies
the right to have access to, and to benefit from, medical and social services, and that
persons with disabilities should be provided with rehabilitation services that would enable
them to reach and sustain their optimum level of independence and functioning. In its later
general comment No. 14 (2000) on the right to the highest attainable standard of health
(para. 17), the Committee further affirmed that the provision of equal and timely access to
basic rehabilitative health services fell under article 12 (2) (d) of the Covenant on the
creation of conditions which would assure to all medical service and medical attention in
the event of sickness.
7. Rehabilitation has also been recognized as part of redress for victims of serious
human rights violations. In particular, under the Convention against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, victims of torture are guaranteed
an enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation, including the means for as full
rehabilitation as possible (art. 14 (1)). The right of victims to rehabilitation has been
recognized in the contexts of sexual violence (A/70/222, para. 25), human trafficking
(A/HRC/7/8) and slavery (A/HRC/24/43, paras. 62–66).
8. The Convention on the Rights of the Child became the first United Nations human
rights treaty to include an explicit obligation to provide rehabilitation services to persons
with disabilities. Under article 23, States parties must ensure that children with disabilities
have effective access to and receive education, training, health-care services, rehabilitation
services, preparation for employment and recreation opportunities. Under that article,
rehabilitation is treated as being separate from health care. It has long been understood that
rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is not confined to the medical realm.2
9. Under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a cross-sectoral
approach to rehabilitation is recognized and reinforced. During the drafting of the
Convention, the initial proposal to address rehabilitation alongside health in one provision
was quickly rejected. There was a shared understanding within the Ad Hoc Committee on a
Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of
the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities that rehabilitation had social,
educational, vocational and other non-health components. In the end, it was agreed that a
separate article specifically dedicated to rehabilitation was the most appropriate solution.
10. While elements of rehabilitation are present in other articles under the Convention,
article 26 increases its visibility as an important strategy for ensuring the inclusion and
participation of persons with disabilities to attain, maintain and maximize their
independence, full physical, mental, social and vocational ability, and full inclusion and
participation in all aspects of life. The result is the creation of a unifying framework for the
provision of coordinated and comprehensive rehabilitation services that are voluntary,
individualized and community-based. The services and programmes should begin at the
earliest stages possible and be based on a multidisciplinary assessment while supporting
participation and inclusion. Article 26 also requires that States parties promote the
development of initial and continuing training for professionals and staff working in
habilitation and rehabilitation while promoting the availability, knowledge and use of
assistive devices and technologies.
2 World Health Organization (WHO), “WHO Expert Committee on Medical Rehabilitation: second report” (Geneva, 1969), p. 6. See also the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for
Persons with Disabilities, rule 3.
11. Article 25 expressly guarantees health-related rehabilitation as an element of the
right to health, requiring that States parties take all appropriate measures to ensure access
for persons with disabilities to health services that are gender-sensitive, including health-
related rehabilitation. Article 16 obliges States parties to promote the rehabilitation of
persons with disabilities who become victims of exploitation, violence and abuse. Article
27 lists the promotion of vocational and professional rehabilitation as one of States parties’
positive obligations related to the right of persons with disabilities to work. In the context
of the right to education, reference is made in article 24 (3) to measures to enable persons
with disabilities to learn life and social development skills to facilitate their full and equal
participation in education and as members of the community, which could be considered
habilitation and rehabilitation. Article 20 requires States parties to facilitate access to
personal mobility aids, devices and assistive technologies, whereas the provision of a
broader spectrum of assistive technology and devices is one of the general obligations
under article 4.
B. Forms of rehabilitation interventions
12. Rehabilitation involves a wide range of functional interventions, both medical and
non-medical. For example, some people may need rehabilitation to learn or relearn skills
such as coordinating leg movement to walk, learn new ways of performing tasks such as
bathing and dressing, or learn how to communicate when their use of language has been
affected. Rehabilitation is not only for persons with physical impairments. For instance,
torture, sexual exploitation and trafficking survivors may be in need of psychosocial
rehabilitation in the form of counselling, peer support and other measures.
13. Rehabilitation is an evolving concept and is interrelated with the enabling or
restrictive conditions of the environment. Rehabilitation processes include measures with
respect to the immediate environment of the person concerned, such as the provision of
communication aids, accessible features in the person’s home environment (for example,
installing a toilet handrail) or job accommodations (for example, having accessible
14. It may not always be evident to distinguish where rehabilitation ends and other
forms of support begin. Differentiating them contributes to better policy programming and
implementation. For example, a person may require in-home rehabilitation, including
access to assistive devices and personal assistance to contribute to that process. At the same
time, these services and goods may contribute to the person’s participation in society
beyond the rehabilitation process and should also be available after the rehabilitation ends.3
1. Health-related rehabilitation interventions
15. Health-related rehabilitation has been defined as a set of interventions designed to
optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health conditions in
interaction with their environment.4 Rehabilitative interventions can be distinguished from
other medical interventions insofar as rehabilitation is not aimed at curing or treating the
underlying causes of a health condition or managing a disease process.
16. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that health-related
rehabilitation services should be available in both community and hospital settings. 5
Evidence shows that rehabilitation outcomes are often better in home-based or community
settings, and that rehabilitation provided at home is generally the preferred and more highly
valued option for users.6 The presence of rehabilitation services in hospitals often means
that interventions can start at the earliest stage possible, thus accelerating recovery and
3 See H.M. v. Sweden (CRPD/C/7/D/3/2011), paras. 8.8 and 8.9, on the breach between the provision of rehabilitation under article 26 and support under article 19 of the Convention.
4 WHO, Rehabilitation in Health Systems (Geneva, 2017), p. 35. 5 Ibid., pp. 17–18. 6 Ibid, p. 17.
optimizing outcomes.7 Evidence has also shown that hospitals should include specialized
rehabilitation units for persons with complex rehabilitation requirements. 8 The need to
provide some rehabilitation in hospitals must not be conflated with the concentration of
rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities within institutional settings. The latter
practice is incompatible with the Convention because institutionalization, also when based
on the need for rehabilitation services, is in contradiction of articles 26 and 19 (A/73/161,
para. 58).9
17. According to the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, access
to essential habilitation and rehabilitation and access to essential assistive devices should be
considered as core obligations that are not subject to progressive realization (A/73/161,
para. 18). The obligation to ensure access to health-related rehabilitation for persons with
disabilities on a non-discriminatory basis is a core obligation of immediate effect.10
2. Non-health rehabilitation interventions
18. In addition to health, under article 26 access is guaranteed to rehabilitation in areas
such as employment, education and social services, which may not be health-related. Some
non-health-related interventions can be done in rehabilitation centres, but they can also be
provided in other settings. For example, mobility orientation can be provided both in
rehabilitation centres and in schools. Rehabilitation in employment can be done in a work
training centre or in the context of the job itself. As rehabilitation is a cross-sectoral and
environment-dependent process, it should be tailored to the person concerned and kept
flexible as to where the best expected outcome could be achieved.
19. Vocational rehabilitation is not defined in the Convention. In the past, vocational
rehabilitation was often understood to be a broad set of measures relating to the
employment of persons with disabilities.11 In the Convention, a narrower view is taken of
the role and place of vocational rehabilitation in the implementation of the right of persons
with disabilities to work, and it is bundled with job retention and return-to-work
programmes (art. 27 (1) (k)), to support those who acquire an impairment when already in
the labour market for their inclusion on an equal basis with others. Vocational rehabilitation
includes techniques such as the provision of advice in support of returning to work, support
for self-management of health conditions, adjustments related to the medical and
psychological impact of an impairment, psychosocial interventions, functional and work
capacity evaluations, and career counselling, job analysis, job development and placement
20. It should be recognized that not all the services that persons with disabilities require
to have better chances of being included in their communities have to do with
rehabilitation. For example, to enter the labour market, they will benefit from inclusive
education (including equal access to general tertiary education, vocational training, adult
education and lifelong training, as per article 24 (5)) and from inclusive vocational
guidance and placement programmes, reasonable accommodation and other support
envisaged in article 27 (1), which should not be read as rehabilitation services.
21. In the context of education, rehabilitation measures may come under measures that
enable persons with disabilities to learn life and social development skills to facilitate their
full and equal participation in education and as members of the community, such as Braille,
alternative script, augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats of
communication and orientation and mobility skills (art. 24 (3)). In Ireland, for instance, the
Department of Education and Skills provides a range of support measures to enable
7 Ibid, p. 18. 8 Ibid, p. 21. 9 See also Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 5 (2017) on
living independently and being included in the community, paras. 21 and 30.
10 Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 14, para. 43 (a). 11 International Labour Organization, Vocational Rehabilitation (Disabled) Recommendation, 1955 (No.
99); see also Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983 (No.
participation in mainstream education from primary level through to higher and further
education, including resource teachers, in-school speech and language therapies,
occupational therapies and assistive technology.
22. National practices show that some rehabilitation services can be integrated into the
social protection system. For example, in Germany, distinctions are drawn between medical
rehabilitation assistance, occupational integration assistance and social integration
assistance. The latter includes the provision of non-medical and non-vocational aids,
assistance in developing the practical knowledge and skills necessary for maximum
participation in community life, and assistance in obtaining, adapting, furnishing and
maintaining a home that accommodates specific requirements.
3. Rehabilitation as a component of community-based inclusive development
23. As stated above, it should be recognized that not all policies and services enabling
the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community amount to rehabilitation. The
term “rehabilitation” has come to be used broadly to designate policies aimed at the
inclusion of persons with disabilities or disability-related policies in general. This is linked
to the context in which habilitation and rehabilitation emerged, whereby action and policies
related to persons with disabilities were primarily focused on “fixing” a person’s
impairment as a precondition for their participation in society. Using the term
“rehabilitation” in this broad manner is a throwback to the medical model of disability: the
application of the term in this manner is thus outdated and incompatible with the
Convention, and risks perpetuating stereotypes relating to persons with disabilities.
24. In recent years, umbrella concepts such as disability-inclusive policies (A/71/314)
and community-based inclusive development have been used to frame a broad range of
disability-related policies and measures, of which rehabilitation in the sense of article 26 of
the Convention is only one of its many elements. For example, community-based
rehabilitation evolved from a strategy that focused on increasing access to rehabilitation
services in the community for persons with disabilities in resource-constrained settings to a
multisectoral strategy within general community development to achieve equity and social
inclusion. While community-based rehabilitation is much broader than rehabilitation within
the meaning of the Convention, the strategy continues to be identified with rehabilitation
services. Community-based inclusive development builds on community-based
rehabilitation, adopting the latter’s principles as the key tool for its implementation. 12
Further research and methodological frameworks from the perspective of the rights of
persons with disabilities are required to better evaluate the outcomes of community-based
rehabilitation and community-based inclusive development.13
III. Unpacking the obligation to provide habilitation and rehabilitation
A. Elements of rehabilitation
1. An individualized approach to rehabilitation
25. Article 26 (1) of the Convention stipulates that rehabilitation services and
programmes must be based on the multidisciplinary assessment of individual needs and
strengths. Rehabilitation interventions should be based on individual rehabilitation plans
12 See www.cbm.org/Community-Based-Inclusive-Development-250825.php. 13 See, inter alia, Valentina Iemmi and others, Community-based Rehabilitation for People with
Disabilities in Low- and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review, Campbell Systematic
Reviews, 2015:15 (Oslo, Campbell Collaboration, 2015); Marie Grandisson, Michèle Hébert and
Rachel Thibeault, “A systematic review on how to conduct evaluations in community-based
rehabilitation”, Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 36, No. 4 (2014), pp. 265–275; and Sally Hartley
and others, “Community-based rehabilitation: opportunity and challenge”, Lancet, vol. 374, No. 9,704
(28 November 2009), pp. 1,803–1,804.
that are person-centred, goal-oriented and fit to achieve their purpose. Access to
rehabilitation must be based on the actual needs of an individual and official recognition or
certification as a person with a disability must never be a precondition for accessing
rehabilitation services.
26. Rehabilitation interventions are typically geared towards full or partial recovery, and
therefore tend to be of a limited duration. It is a good practice for individual rehabilitation
plans to have a defined time frame. For some persons with disabilities, however,
rehabilitation is required on a long-term or continuous basis in order to maintain a certain
level of functionality. In such cases, it remains advisable to review the rehabilitation plan
regularly to adjust the established goals at each stage in a series of cycles. The emphasis on
time frames must not lead to interruptions in or the discontinuation of required
rehabilitation support.
2. Early intervention
27. Article 26 (1), in recognition of the importance of early intervention, stipulates that
habilitation and rehabilitation services and programmes begin at the earliest possible stage.
While early interventions are crucial for all people, it is particularly important for children
with disabilities who have acquired impairments congenitally or in early childhood. Early
intervention, including through the use of assistive products, allows the identification of
risks of developmental delays, reduces developmental gaps and improves the child’s
chances of benefiting from their education, and also reduces further support requirements
and provides focused habilitation interventions (A/71/314, para. 44).
28. States should establish mechanisms for early identification and individualized
assessment of developmental and learning support requirements and provide child- and
family-centred comprehensive habilitation and support aimed at helping the child reach
their full potential. In accordance with respect for the evolving capacities of children with
disabilities and to provide support to enable and strengthen their independent decision-
making, children with disabilities should be empowered to participate in their habilitation
and rehabilitation from the earliest age.14 Early intervention mechanisms must not reinforce
the medical model of disability that leads to segregation and exclusion from education and
other mainstream services.
3. Assistive products
29. Under article 26 (3) of the Convention, States parties are required to promote the
availability, knowledge and use of assistive devices and technologies, designed for persons
with disabilities, as they relate to habilitation and rehabilitation. Access to assistive
products is further guaranteed as part of the general obligations of States parties in article 4
(1) (h) and (g), in the context of personal mobility in article 20 (facilitating access to quality
mobility aids, devices and assistive technologies, including by making them available at
affordable cost), and as part of the right to social protection under article 28 (ensuring
access to appropriate and affordable services, devices and other assistance for disability-
related needs).
30. WHO has defined assistive devices as any external product, including devices,
equipment, instruments and software, specially produced or generally available, the primary
purpose of which is to maintain or improve an individual’s functioning and independence
and thereby promote well-being and contribute to preventing secondary health conditions.15
Assistive products allow individuals to perform an activity that they would otherwise be
unable to do, or increase the ease and safety with which these activities are performed
(A/71/314, para. 44). Wheelchairs, walkers, prosthetics, hearing aids, alarm devices,
spectacles, voice recognition software, communication boards and speech synthesizers are
all examples of assistive products.
14 Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard, para. 21.
15 WHO, Rehabilitation in Health Systems, p. 35.
31. Although comprehensive data on unmet needs for assistive devices do not exist,
there is evidence that many people with disabilities across the world, even in high-income
countries, do not have access to basic assistive products.16 To ensure the affordability of
assistive products, States should include assistive devices in the coverage of national health
insurance and/or social protection schemes, and consider other cost-reducing measures such
as waiving import duties and taxes on assistive products manufactured abroad, supporting
local producers through grants, loans and tax credits, or improving procurement-managed
expenditure (A/71/314, para. 47).
32. Assistive products must suit the environment and the user. The availability of
follow-up care and affordable local maintenance is important for ensuring safe and efficient
use (ibid., para. 46). Trained personnel are essential for the proper prescription, fitting, user
training, follow-up and maintenance of assistive products.17
4. Peer support
33. In article 26 (1), reference is made to peer support as one of the potential elements of
the provision of rehabilitation services. Peer support can be defined as the social, emotional
or practical support that people with lived experience of disability are able to give to one
another. States must recognize the voluntary nature of the activity and fully respect the
freedom of association and expression of peer support groups, while taking positive
measures to support and promote peer-led rehabilitation services.18 Peer support in the form
of self-help groups has proven an effective strategy for providing certain forms of
rehabilitation in low-income countries as part of community-based inclusive development.19
34. The benefits of peer support are widely recognized. Experience shows that peer
support can be successfully integrated in comprehensive rehabilitation programmes in a
number of ways. It can be an independent means of providing certain types of
interventions, support or help with certain elements of rehabilitation provision, such as
awareness-raising. Peers can also work alongside professionals, including in health settings,
assisting in the communication between the client and the rehabilitation personnel and
helping overcome barriers such as learned helplessness, anxiety and mistrust.20
B. Ensuring a human rights-based approach to rehabilitation
1. Free and informed consent
35. All rehabilitation services and programmes must be voluntary and based on free and
informed consent. 21 This requires that the individuals be provided with adequate
information about the suggested intervention(s) in a manner that is accessible and
understandable to them and they are enabled to exercise free choice in the matter.
Information provided by rehabilitation personnel must include a full and impartial
explanation of the reason for the suggested intervention, its expected outcomes including
potential benefits and risks, the methods to be used (including the likely duration and
frequency of sessions), the consequences of not undergoing the intervention, and the
available alternative interventions. Consent is not a once-and-for-all activity, but it should
be regularly reviewed to ensure the individual’s wish to continue, particularly when
circumstances change. A person has the right to withdraw from receiving the service at any
time, as well as to re-engage the process.
16 WHO, “Priority assistive products list”, May 2016, p. 3.
17 WHO, “Priority assistive products list”, p. 3. See also WHO, Rehabilitation in Health Systems, p. 26. 18 For instance, by providing public funding to organizations of persons with disabilities, including
child- and youth-led organizations, or by providing training.
19 WHO, Community-based Rehabilitation: CBR Guidelines – Empowerment Component (Geneva, 2010), pp. 37–47.
20 WHO, Community-based Rehabilitation: CBR Guidelines – Health Component (Geneva, 2010), p.
21 Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 5, para. 90.
36. All adults with disabilities, including those with intellectual or psychosocial
disabilities, must enjoy full autonomy in decisions about rehabilitation interventions. The
practice of restricting or removing the legal capacity of a person because of their
impairment and transferring the decision-making powers to a third party (such as a legal
guardian) is contrary to article 12 of the Convention, also in rehabilitation.22 Some persons
with disabilities may wish to seek support, including peer support, for decision-making
regarding their rehabilitation (A/HRC/37/56, para. 27). Support arrangements can enhance
communication between the individual and rehabilitation personnel – which is key to the
principle of free and informed consent – at all stages of the rehabilitation process. It can
also assist the individual to evaluate available rehabilitative options (ibid., para. 41).
37. Children with disabilities, regardless of their age, must be enabled to fully
participate in decisions relating to their habilitation and rehabilitation (Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art. 7 (3); and Convention on the Rights of the Child,
art. 12).23 They should be provided with information about proposed interventions in a
manner and format that are understandable and accessible to them. The child’s opinions,
preferences, wishes and concerns must be given due weight in accordance with their age,
maturity and evolving capacities, during the development of the habilitation or
rehabilitation plan and throughout the rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation service
providers should create a secure, respectful and inclusive environment to enable the child’s
participation,24 and to ensure respect for the right to preserve his or her identity (Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art. 3 (h)). Children with disabilities who are
victims of violence or abuse should be free to access counselling and rehabilitation
envisaged in article 16 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities without
the consent of their parents or legal guardians.25
38. Rehabilitation cannot be regarded as consent-based if a person must accept the
intervention to avoid institutionalization. Similarly, undergoing rehabilitation should not be
a precondition for accessing social benefits and other forms of essential social protection
(A/70/297, para. 68).
2. Non-discrimination
39. States must ensure that persons with disabilities can access all rehabilitation
services, both public and private, on an equal basis with others, regardless of their
impairment, sex, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other grounds.
Multiple and intersecting grounds of discrimination should be identified and addressed to
prevent these individuals from falling between policy gaps. Any discrimination in accessing
rehabilitation services must be prohibited in law and eliminated from legislation, policies
and practice.26 Inherently discriminatory practices that affect how persons with disabilities
receive rehabilitation, such as institutionalization, substitute decision-making and
segregated education, must be abolished, but until this has been achieved their application
must be immediately discontinued in the rehabilitation context.
40. Reasonable accommodation is also an intrinsic part of the non-discrimination
principle and is therefore a duty of immediate effect (A/73/161, para. 58). Reasonable
accommodation may involve modifications and adjustments to the delivery of rehabilitation
services to meet the specific requirements of an individual. It may also involve
accommodation within settings unconnected to the rehabilitation service provider, such as
the person’s school or workplace, in order to enable them to receive the rehabilitation they
require (for example, flexible office hours or additional tutoring to make up for missed
classes) or as a direct component of their rehabilitation programme (for example, changes
to the working environment or to the person’s job description).
22 Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 1 (2014) on equal
recognition before the law, para. 41.
23 See also Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 12, para. 100.
24 Ibid., paras. 22, 23 and 25.
25 Ibid., para. 101.
26 A/HRC/34/58, paras. 65–66; see also A/73/161, paras. 58–60.
3. Availability and affordability
41. Habilitation and rehabilitation services in all rehabilitation disciplines as well as
assistive products should be made available in adequate quantities to fully meet existing
needs. In many countries, there continue to be serious gaps in the provision of rehabilitation
services, including concerning the availability of professionals. 27 In addition, persons
requiring certain types of rehabilitation can be further disadvantaged because specific
services are underrepresented.28
42. The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has repeatedly highlighted
the lack of certain types of rehabilitation services, such as recovery-oriented and
community-based rehabilitation services for persons with psychosocial disabilities
(CRPD/C/POL/CO/1, para. 24; and CRPD/C/MKD/CO/1, para. 26), rehabilitation support
in places of detention (CRPD/C/POL/CO/1, para. 27), rehabilitation services for women
and girls with disabilities exposed to gender-based violence (CRPD/C/BGR/CO/1, para. 38;
and CRPD/C/PHL/CO/1, para. 31), and medical rehabilitation for persons with disabilities,
in particular those with chronic, genetic and rare diseases (CRPD/C/BGR/CO/1, para. 54).
43. In their strategic planning, allocation of funding, professional training and
procurement policies, States must ensure that rehabilitation services and assistive products
are available for a broad spectrum of persons with disabilities. They should also ensure
their equitable geographic distribution so that rural or remote communities are not
excluded. States must adopt a gender-sensitive approach to developing and implementing
rehabilitation programmes, as women and girls with disabilities often face additional
barriers in accessing rehabilitation services and assistive products.29
44. Rehabilitation services and assistive technologies and devices should be affordable
to persons with disabilities, who often face higher living costs in general. Universal health
coverage should include access to essential rehabilitation services and assistive
technologies and devices. States should use the WHO “Priority assistive products list” to
guide their procurement. States should legally ensure that health insurance covers essential
rehabilitation for persons with disabilities. In Slovenia, for example, access to assistive
devices and their maintenance are covered by the national compulsory health insurance
system. In Ireland, persons with disabilities may be eligible for a medical card that gives
access to free assistive products and community care services, among other entitlements.
45. Digital technologies can help to make home-based rehabilitation more available and
affordable. The Internet has been used to provide a wide range of rehabilitation services,
including psychosocial support and counselling, speech and language therapy, cardiac
rehabilitation, and remote assessments to provide home modification services. 30 The
Internet also facilitates the creation and operation of peer support groups, which in
themselves are an effective solution to address both the costs and the availability of certain
categories of rehabilitation. However, the use of digital technologies must also respect the
right of persons with disabilities to privacy as set out under article 22 (2) of the Convention,
under which States parties are required to protect the privacy of personal, health and
rehabilitation information of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.
4. Accessibility and access to rehabilitation in the community
46. States should ensure that all rehabilitation services and health-care services and
programmes are fully accessible to persons with disabilities, whether they are delivered
publicly or privately.31 This includes accessible infrastructure, equipment and information
27 Realization of the Sustainable Development Goals by, for and with Persons with Disabilities: UN
Flagship Report on Disability and Development 2018. Available from
28 For example, physical therapies tend to be more commonly available than other interventions, such as speech and language therapy. See also A/73/161, para. 24.
29 Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, general comment No. 3 (2016) on women and
girls with disabilities, para. 57.
30 WHO, World Report on Disability (Geneva, 2011), p. 119. 31 A/HRC/34/58, paras. 51–52; see also A/73/161, paras. 56–57.
and communications. All information and communications related to the provision of
rehabilitation services and assistive devices must also be made accessible through the use of
sign language, Braille, accessible electronic formats, alternative script, Easy Read formats
and augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats of communication, including
non-verbal communication. This includes awareness-raising campaigns and general
information about available services, instructions and forms to request services, the
websites of service providers, user manuals for assistive products, and communications
between rehabilitation personnel and individual users.
47. Under articles 25 and 26 of the Convention, the need is emphasized for
rehabilitation services to be provided as close as possible to people’s own communities,
including in rural areas. In practice, however, rehabilitation services in communities are
often scarce or unavailable, and where they do exist they tend to be concentrated in urban
areas.32 Accessible transport must be guaranteed to bridge this gap. The pressing need to
develop community-based rehabilitation services with equitable geographic coverage
should be reflected in the allocation of financial resources, training programmes for
rehabilitation professionals and labour policies (for example, creating additional incentives
for rehabilitation professionals to stay in or relocate to rural or remote communities).
Community-based inclusive development has proven a successful strategy for improving
access to rehabilitation services and assistive products in low- and middle-income
countries, including in rural communities. Community-based inclusive development fosters
and relies on a participatory and inclusive approach to rehabilitation, in particular by
promoting peer support.
48. States must be strategically committed to – and have a specific action plan for –
deinstitutionalization, which must include the creation and expansion of adequate and
appropriate community-based rehabilitation services. New investments in rehabilitation
services should be channelled into the development of rehabilitation services that are
human rights-based. The provision of high-quality community-based rehabilitation services
and assistive products must also be recognized as one of the positive measures that States
need to take in order to abolish these discriminatory practices. Those services should
include interventions specifically designed to help individuals overcome the negative
consequences of institutionalization, such as learned helplessness and psychological
traumas caused by psychological, physical or sexual violence experienced within the
institution. For instance, in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, rehabilitation is
integrated into deinstitutionalization programmes to prepare children and adults with
disabilities for living in the community.
5. Participation
49. In accordance with article 4 (3) of the Convention, States must actively involve and
closely consult organizations of persons with disabilities, including organizations
representing children with disabilities, in the development and implementation of
legislation, policies and other public measures. Participation by persons with disabilities,
however, is not only a legal obligation but also a matter of good governance
(A/HRC/31/62, paras. 25–33). It is an overarching principle whose application is not
limited to legislative and policymaking processes but extends to all aspects of the planning,
organization and delivery of rehabilitation services.
50. Persons with disabilities can provide crucial first-hand information about their
rehabilitation requirements, the barriers that they face, their experience of rehabilitation
services and the effectiveness of proposed solutions and suggest alternatives that work for
them in their environment. Moreover, participation raises awareness about future and
existing laws and policies within the disability community, enabling more people to benefit
from them. Some States have established permanent mechanisms for involving persons
with disabilities in policymaking. For example, the Danish Parliament set up a disability
council that advises Parliament and other public bodies and monitors the implementation of
32 WHO, WHO Global Disability Action Plan 2014–2021: Better Health for All People with Disability
(Geneva, 2015), para. 40.
legislation and policies related to persons with disabilities. In Germany, organizations of
persons with disabilities provide recommendations that delineate the responsibilities of
different rehabilitation providers. When consulting with persons with disabilities,
policymakers should ensure that they gather views across a wide spectrum that are
representative of the diversity of the disability community, including in terms of age,
gender, geographic location and rehabilitation requirements. Steps should be taken to reach
out to and meaningfully engage with those persons with disabilities who are usually
excluded, such as women and girls, children, older persons, persons with intellectual or
psychosocial disabilities, autistic persons and deafblind persons.
IV. Implementation measures
A. Policy and legal framework
51. States should put in place a legislative framework for the establishment,
organization and delivery of comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary and inclusive
rehabilitation services (see, for example, CRPD/C/MKD/CO/1, para. 44). When the State
has chosen to address rehabilitation services primarily in the framework of health
legislation, it should ensure that their non-health aspects are equally recognized and funded.
To this end, it is advisable that, where appropriate, rehabilitation is further addressed in
labour, education and social protection legislation and in laws and policies establishing a
general framework for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. States should
avoid framing their general law and/or policy on the rights of persons with disabilities
around rehabilitation, as the latter is just one among many strategies that contribute to their
inclusion, as recognized in the Convention.
52. Legislation on rehabilitation should introduce minimum requirements for the quality
of services and entrench a human rights-based approach to their provision, including with
respect to free and informed consent, non-discrimination, availability, affordability,
accessibility, access in the community and participation. The legislative framework for
rehabilitation should include oversight and accountability mechanisms with regard to the
quality of rehabilitation services. It must include effective remedies to allow persons with
disabilities to obtain adequate redress for violations of their rights in the context of
rehabilitation. For complaints relating to rehabilitation in health settings, a judicial or quasi-
judicial body is needed rather than purely administrative mechanisms (A/69/299, para. 17).
53. States should develop rehabilitation policies that emphasize participation and
inclusion as the underlying principles and the aims of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation policies
should prioritize early intervention and promote a comprehensive and individualized
approach to service delivery, access to accessible, adequate and affordable assistive devices
and technologies, the integration and decentralization of rehabilitation services, and the
availability of services as close as possible to communities, including in rural areas
(A/73/161, para. 52).33 It is good practice to adopt an evidence-based national plan on
rehabilitation that covers key aspects of rehabilitation provision such as leadership,
financing, information, service delivery, products and technologies, and the rehabilitation
workforce. 34 Rehabilitation legislation and policies should be developed with the
participation of persons with disabilities, including children, by closely consulting with and
actively involving their representative organizations.35
B. Coordination
54. The cross-sectoral nature of rehabilitation means that a number of State agencies can
be involved in its provision, including those working in the fields of public health, social
33 See also WHO, World Report on Disability, p. 105. 34 Ibid., p. 105. 35 Article 4 (3) of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
protection, employment and education. 36 Effective coordination improves the functional
outcomes and reduces the costs of rehabilitation services. It allows for a more effective and
user-friendly referral system and enables persons with disabilities to receive the full scope
of rehabilitation services that they need in a comprehensive manner. When several
providers are involved, coordination also helps ensure the continuity of care.37
55. States should establish a coordinated, efficient and user-friendly referral system that
ensures that a person with disability can have timely access to high-quality services. In low-
income countries, community-based inclusive development has proven to be a successful
strategy for bringing rehabilitation activities to communities and facilitating referrals to
more specialized rehabilitation services.38 Models relying on not-for-profit organizations
and charities do not absolve the State from its obligation to ensure that rehabilitation
services and assistive products are available and affordable.
C. A multidisciplinary and trained rehabilitation workforce
56. The availability of personnel skilled in multiple rehabilitation disciplines is
instrumental in providing high-quality rehabilitation services that fully meet the diverse
requests of persons with disabilities. 39 The need for a multidisciplinary rehabilitation
workforce is implicitly recognized in article 26 (1) of the Convention, under which
rehabilitation services and programmes are required to be based on the multidisciplinary
assessment of individual needs and strengths.
57. A skilled multidisciplinary workforce requires adequate training. Professional
education at the university level is typically required to gain qualifications in specific
disciplines such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, prosthetics and orthotics,
psychology, and speech and language therapy. In addition, many countries have responded
to the severe shortage of rehabilitation personnel and limited financial resources by
introducing mid-level programmes that train multipurpose rehabilitation workers in a range
of disciplines or profession-specific assistants that provide rehabilitation services under
supervision. A third level of training that helps improve access to rehabilitation in rural
areas is for community-based workers who can work at the intersection of health and social
services to provide basic rehabilitation.40 Training should be aimed at ensuring the human
rights-based approach to rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, as described above, to
reflect the elements discussed above to contribute to the implementation of the Convention.
The inclusion of content on the social, political, cultural and economic factors that affect
the health and quality of life of persons with disabilities can make the curriculum more
relevant to the context in which rehabilitation personnel will work.41 Training programmes
should be accessible and inclusive to enable and encourage persons of disabilities to train as
rehabilitation personnel.
58. In some countries, rehabilitation personnel are predominantly men. This can
negatively affect access by women with disabilities to rehabilitation services. States should
take specific measures to ensure better gender balance in the rehabilitation workforce,
including by facilitating women’s access to training programmes and mainstreaming gender
in employment policies.
D. Funding mechanisms
59. States should develop funding mechanisms to ensure adequate access to affordable
rehabilitation services for all persons with disabilities. This is usually achieved through a
combination of various proven solutions such as public funding, health insurance, social
36 WHO, WHO Global Disability Action Plan 2014–2021, para. 41. 37 WHO, World Report on Disability, p. 114. 38 See www.who.int/disabilities/cbr/en.
39 WHO, Rehabilitation in Health Systems, pp. 14–15. 40 WHO, World Report on Disability, pp. 110–111. 41 Ibid., p. 112.
insurance, public-private partnership for service provision, and reallocation and
redistribution of existing resources. 42 The Sustainable Development Goals include an
explicit commitment to achieving universal health coverage (target 3.8). When designing
and implementing universal health coverage, States should ensure that it covers
rehabilitation and assistive products (A/73/161, para. 55).
60. It is good practice to allocate designated funding for rehabilitation services within
the State budget that are sufficient to ensure equitable access to services of the same quality
for all users, including for persons with disabilities living in poverty.43 Policymakers should
consider and measure the broader positive economic impact of investing in rehabilitation,
such as increased participation in labour markets and education, longer independent living
and fewer or shorter hospital admissions.
E. Awareness-raising
61. In accordance with article 8 of the Convention, States must adopt immediate,
effective and appropriate measures to raise awareness regarding persons with disabilities
and their health and rehabilitation needs. Awareness-raising campaigns must adopt a human
rights-based approach, promoting persons with disabilities as rights holders and not as
patients or objects of charity and care. In this regard, public fundraising campaigns in
support of rehabilitation services or public delivery events of assistive devices and
technologies can reinforce a charity approach and a pathologizing view of disability
(A/73/161, para. 69). General awareness-raising campaigns should aim to inform end users
of the available services and their rights, and more personalized campaigns should aim to
change the attitudes of rehabilitation professionals and families towards a human rights-
based approach to disability.
F. Research and data
62. Reliable high-quality research and data are necessary for the development and
implementation of effective evidence-based rehabilitation policies and programmes. Under
article 31 of the Convention and Sustainable Development Goal 17, States parties are called
upon to make available high-quality, timely and reliable data, disaggregated by gender, age,
disability and other characteristics forming the basis for discrimination, in order to identify
gaps and improve policy formulation. Such data remains scarce.44 States should increase
rehabilitation-related research, especially in priority areas identified by WHO, such as the
types and impacts of different service delivery models, governance structures and financial
allocation; cost-benefit analysis of rehabilitation; and facilitators and barriers to accessing
rehabilitation. 45 States should also increase research on the development of affordable
assistive products (Convention, art. 4 (1) (g)). Wherever possible, research should be led by
researchers with disabilities, be participatory and include the views of persons with
disabilities and their representative organizations in all phases. States should collect
disaggregated data on people’s rehabilitation requirements and the types and quality of
rehabilitation services provided. Expenditure data on rehabilitation services should be
disaggregated from other health-care services. 46 States should ensure the accessible
publication and systematic dissemination of research results and data so that clinical
42 Ibid., p. 122. 43 WHO, Rehabilitation in Health Systems, p. 22. The Committee on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities has expressed concern that the income criteria for eligibility for rehabilitation services put
an undue financial burden on persons with disabilities, and recommended that such criteria be
eliminated (CRPD/C/POL/CO/1, paras. 45–46).
44 WHO, Rehabilitation in Health Systems, p. 33. 45 Ibid.
46 WHO, World Report on Disability, p. 123.
practice can be evidence-based and people with disabilities can influence the use of
research,47 and for the purposes of monitoring and accountability.
V. Conclusions and recommendations
63. Habilitation and rehabilitation are a set of interventions designed to optimize
the functioning of individuals with impairments in interaction with their environment.
Their purpose is to contribute to the independence of persons with disabilities and
their participation in society. Forms of habilitation and rehabilitation include health-
and non-health-related interventions. The fact that habilitation and rehabilitation are
contained in a stand-alone article under the Convention increases their visibility as an
important strategy for ensuring the participation of persons with disabilities in
society. However, achieving maximum functioning is not enough to ensure the
meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in society, as there are attitudinal
and environmental barriers that prevent it. Consequently, habilitation and
rehabilitation should not be misinterpreted as the only strategy to achieve that goal.
64. The organization, provision and delivery of comprehensive services that are
voluntary, non-discriminatory, available, affordable, accessible, community-based
and participatory is consistent with a human rights-based approach to the habilitation
and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Further, habilitation and rehabilitation
programmes and services must be tailored to the individual and should include early
intervention for children with disabilities. States should ensure the development,
availability and provision of assistive products as well as peer support as essential
elements of habilitation and rehabilitation services.
65. There is a pressing need to scale up habilitation and rehabilitation services for
persons with disabilities, particularly in health settings and other relevant contexts
such as education and employment. Such efforts should be made as part of broad
policies that are inclusive of persons with disabilities and their rights.
66. In implementing the provisions of article 26 of the Convention, it is
recommended that States parties should establish or strengthen:
(a) A policy and legal framework that provides for comprehensive, high-
quality habilitation and rehabilitation services that are voluntary and guarantees
equal access for persons with disabilities, while promoting a person-centred, rights-
based and participatory approach to rehabilitation that is gender- and age-sensitive;
(b) Coordination mechanisms for a comprehensive approach between State
agencies in implementing high-quality habilitation and rehabilitation services, given
their cross-sectoral nature, including agencies working in the fields of public health,
social protection, employment and education;
(c) A multidisciplinary and trained habilitation and rehabilitation
workforce, requiring adequate training that promotes a person-centred, gender- and
age-sensitive perspective and a human rights-based approach to disability;
(d) Funding mechanisms to provide equitable and adequate access to
habilitation and rehabilitation services through a combination of various proven
solutions such as public funding, health insurance, social insurance, public-private
partnership for service provision, and reallocation and redistribution of existing
(e) Awareness-raising through immediate, effective and appropriate
measures, with all campaigns focusing on a human rights-based approach to disability
and not framing persons with disabilities as patients or objects of charity and care;
(f) Research and the collection of data that is habilitation- and
rehabilitation-related, disaggregated by people’s habilitation and rehabilitation
47 Ibid., p. 121.
requirements, types and quality of habilitation and rehabilitation services provided,
gender, age and disability, especially in priority areas identified by WHO, with
systematic dissemination of the results.