Original HRC document


Document Type: Final Decision

Date: 2011 Oct

Session: 18th Regular Session (2011 Sep)

Agenda Item: Item5: Human rights bodies and mechanisms


Human Rights Council Eighteenth session

Agenda item 5 Human rights bodies and mechanisms

Decision adopted by the Human Rights Council*

18/121 Procedural decision on the annual cycle of the Advisory Committee

At its 38th meeting, on 30 September 2011, the Human Rights Council decided to adopt the following text:

The Human Rights Council,

Recalling its resolution 16/21 of 12 April 2011, on the review of the work and functioning of the Human Rights Council and, in particular, section III of the annex to that resolution, entitled “Advisory Committee”, providing for the annual report of the Advisory Committee to be submitted to the Council at its September session and to be the subject of an interactive dialogue with the Committee Chairperson,

Taking note of the letter addressed by the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee to the President of the Human Rights Council on 12 August 2011 concerning the Committee cycle,

1. Decides that the cycle of the Advisory Committee shall be adjusted to run from 1 October to 30 September, to ensure that the annual reporting of the Committee to the Council and the interactive dialogue thereon will take place at the end of the cycle;

2. Also decides that, as a transitional measure, the period of office of members of the Advisory Committee ending in March 2012 will be exceptionally extended until 30 September 2012.”

[Adopted without a vote.]

* The resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council will be contained in the report of the Council on its eighteenth session (A/HRC/18/2), chap. I.