Original HRC document

Document Type: Final Decision

Date: 2007 Jan

Session: 2nd Regular Session (2006 Sep)

Agenda Item:

Human Rights Council

Human Rights Council

Decision 2/102. Reports and studies of mechanisms and mandates

At its 29th meeting, on 6 October 2006, the Human Rights Council decided to adopt the following generic text without a vote:

The Human Rights Council,

“1. Recalls its decisions 1/102, 1/104 and 1/105 of 30 June 2006;

“2. Notes all the reports and studies presented at its second session and the substantive interactive dialogue with mandate-holders as well as with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights;*

“3. Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the

High Commissioner to continue with the fulfilment of their activities, in accordance with all previous decisions adopted by the Commission on Human Rights and to update the relevant reports and studies;

“4. Decides:

“(a) To transmit the views of the Sub-Commission on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights on the Human Rights Council’s future expert advice mechanism to the Working Group established pursuant to Human Rights Council decision 1/104;

“(b) To take note the draft decisions transmitted by the Sub-Commission pertaining to previously authorized activities, with a view to allowing their continuation in accordance with Council’s decision 1/102;

“5. Notes the updates provided on the progress of the informal consultations of Working groups on the universal periodic review established by its decision 1/103 and on implementation of paragraph 6 of General Assembly resolution 60/251 established by its decision 1/104.”


* See summary records of the second session of the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/2/SR.2-27 and Corrigendum).