Original HRC document

Document Type: Final Decision

Date: 2007 Apr

Session: 4th Regular Session (2007 Mar)

Agenda Item:

Human Rights Council

Human Rights Council

Decision 4/105. Postponement of consideration of draft proposals

At its 32nd meeting, on 30 March 2007, the Human Rights Council decided, without a vote, to take note of the deferral of the following draft proposals:

To the fifth session of the Human Rights Council:

  • A/HRC/2/L.19 entitled “The use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination”;

  • A/HRC/2/L.30 entitled “World Programme for Human Rights Education”;

  • A/HRC/4/L.3 entitled “The Israeli violations of religious and cultural rights in Occupied East Jerusalem”;

  • A/HRC/4/L.4 entitled “Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”; and

To one of the coming sessions of the Human Rights Council:

  • A/HRC/2/L.33/Rev.1 entitled “Right of the child”;

  • A/HRC/2/L.37 entitled “Sri Lanka”;

  • A/HRC/2/L.38/Rev.1 entitled “Impunity”;

  • A/HRC/2/L.42/Rev.1 entitled “Freedom of opinion and expression”;

  • A/HRC/2/L.43 entitled “The rights of indigenous peoples”.
