Original HRC document


Document Type: Final President's Statement

Date: 2009 Mar

Session: 10th Regular Session (2009 Mar)

Agenda Item:

Human Rights Council Tenth Session

PRST/10/1. Reports of the Advisory Committee

At the 45th meeting, on 27 March 2009, the President of the Council read out the following statement:

The Human Rights Council,

1. Takes note of the report of the first session of the Advisory Committee (A/HRC/10/2-A/HRC/AC/2008/1/2) and notes that some suggestions therein have been incorporated in the report of the Advisory Committee on its second session or other decisions and resolutions of the Council, and other suggestions could be considered in future sessions;

2. Also takes note of the report of the second session of the Advisory Committee (A/HRC/AC/2/2), which includes five suggestions related to the following:

(a) A draft declaration on human rights education and training;

(b) A draft set of principles and guidelines for the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members;

(c) Gender mainstreaming;

(d) Expert consultation on the issue of protection of civilians in armed conflict;

(e) A study on the food crisis.

3. Notes that:

(a) The first and the fifth suggestions have been addressed by draft resolutions A/HRC/10/L.16 and A/HRC/10/L.25, respectively, while the second suggestion has been addressed in the context of Council resolution 8/13;

(b) The suggestion for the Advisory Committee with regard to the gender mainstreaming may be addressed in the context of the work of the Council at its future sessions;

(c) With respect to the suggestion concerning the participation of an expert of the Advisory Committee in the expert consultation on the issue of protection of civilians in armed conflict, convened in accordance with Council resolution 9/9, with the understanding that it would be implemented within the existing resources.

It is my understanding that, after consulting with Member States, this procedure does not set any precedent for the future reports of the Advisory Committee which will be dealt with in accordance with Council resolution 5/1.”
