Original HRC document


Document Type: Final President's Statement

Date: 2014 Oct

Session: 27th Regular Session (2014 Sep)

Agenda Item: Item1: Organizational and procedural matters

GE.14-18029 (E)


Human Rights Council Twenty-seventh session

Agenda item 1

Organizational and procedural matters

Statement by the President

PRST 27/1

Twenty-fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the

Rights of the Child

At the 42nd meeting, on 26 September 2014, the President of the Human Rights

Council made the statement below:

“The Human Rights Council:

1. Reaffirms the obligations and commitments of States to promote and

protect the rights, dignity and well-being of every child;

2. Emphasizes that the Convention on the Rights of the Child constitutes

the standard in the promotion and protection of the rights of the child;

3. Recalls that the Convention on the Rights of the Child enjoys near

universal ratification;

4. Notes with appreciation the work of the Committee on the Rights of

the Child;

5. Welcomes the efforts made by all countries to effectively promote and

protect the rights of the child, and calls upon all States to increase such efforts;

6. Urges States that have not yet become parties to the Convention on the

Rights of the Child to consider doing so;

7. Recalls in this context the forthcoming twenty-fifth anniversary of the

adoption of the Convention on Rights of the Child by the General Assembly, and

welcomes the unprecedented level of support given by States Members of the United
