Original HRC document


Document Type: Final President's Statement

Date: 2014 Oct

Session: 27th Regular Session (2014 Sep)

Agenda Item: Item1: Organizational and procedural matters

GE.14-18041 (E)


Human Rights Council Twenty-seventh session

Agenda item 1

Organizational and procedural matters

Statement by the President

PRST 27/4

The Ebola epidemic

At the 42nd meeting, on 26 September 2014, the President of the Human Rights

Council made the statement below:

“The Human Rights Council:

1. Deplores the fact that the Ebola virus has claimed, and continues to

claim, the lives of so many people in West Africa, including health workers, and is

deeply concerned at the horrifying loss of life and the impact that the spread of the

disease has on life and health, as well as on the enjoyment of all human rights by

persons in the States concerned, in particular the rights to the enjoyment of the

highest attainable standard of health and to an adequate standard of living;

2. Calls upon all States to respect, protect and promote all human rights

on the basis of equality while combating the epidemic on the ground;

3. Expresses concern at the panic caused in reaction to misinformation

and inadequate communication about the Ebola virus, with the consequence of

worsening the situation and undermining the right of persons to the enjoyment of the

highest attainable standard of health;

4. Expresses grave concern at the negative impact of Ebola on the

enjoyment of rights by individuals in the countries affected, and on trade and food

security, the disruption to mining, agriculture, domestic and cross-border trade, air

travel, investments as well as the diversion of public funds to fight the epidemic;

5. Notes that the Ebola outbreak has been declared a public health

emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization;

6. Welcomes the tireless work of Governments of the States affected by

the Ebola crisis, the World Health Organization, Médecins Sans Frontières and the

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to ensure that

adequate treatment is provided to victims, support is provided to their families and

international organizations are given access to work freely and unhindered within

their territories;

7. Commends the work of all individuals and organizations around the

world committed to preventing the spread of Ebola, as well as the work of those

providing treatment to persons affected by the disease;

8. Commends all States, organizations, including non-governmental

organizations, other entities and individuals that have provided assistance in cash

and in kind, including the large number of medical professionals, in response to the

emergency, and urges the international community to increase and escalate its

assistance to ensure the containment of the virus;

9 Calls upon health service providers to ensure that health workers are

provided with adequate training and the protective gear necessary to minimize their

risk of infection by the disease;

10. Calls upon Governments of the States affected to provide adequate

security to protect all health workers from violence;

11. Acknowledges the steps being taken by the Economic Community of

West African States and the African Union to halt and fight the spread of the Ebola

virus, and urges urgent action on their plans;

12. Urges States to be mindful of the human rights and fundamental

freedoms of citizens of the States affected when implementing measures to limit the

spread of the virus and of the negative effects of inappropriate actions that could

result in the stigmatization of victims, including not only those directly affected by

the current epidemic but also the families of infected persons, the communities in

which they live and the citizens of the States and regions most affected by the

disease, as such inappropriate actions that lead to stigmatization will only deepen the

negative impact of the Ebola crisis on the enjoyment of human rights;

13. Requests States and international organizations to take all the steps

necessary to support the rapid establishment of an African centre for disease control

and prevention, including the enhancement of the early warning systems to address,

in a timely and effective manner, all health emergencies and the coordination and

harmonization of domestic health regulations and interventions, as well as the

exchange of information on good experiences and best practices;

14. Calls upon the international community, the special procedures

mandate holders of the Human Rights Council, the Office of the United Nations

High Commissioner for Human Rights and relevant United Nations specialized

agencies and regional and subregional organizations to make the greatest effort,

within their specific mandates, to reverse the impact of the Ebola virus on the

enjoyment of human rights in affected countries by providing them with technical,

material and financial assistance;

15. Calls upon Member States, relevant international and regional

organizations, regional economic communities, partners of Africa, the public sector

and other relevant actors on the ground, including the private sector, to work closely

together to mobilize adequate resources to respond to the Ebola virus crisis, in the

spirit of international solidarity and in a well-coordinated and transparent manner;

16. Calls upon States to implement the recommendations of the World

Health Organization and international health regulations in taking measures of

prevention and containment.”