PRST/28/2 Seventieth anniversary of the end of the Second World War
Document Type: Final President's Statement
Date: 2015 Apr
Session: 28th Regular Session (2015 Mar)
Agenda Item: Item1: Organizational and procedural matters
GE.15-06890 (E)
Human Rights Council Twenty-eighth session
Agenda item 1
Organizational and procedural matters
Statement by the President
PRST 28/2. Seventieth anniversary of the end of the Second World War
At the 55th meeting, held on 26 March 2015, the President of the Human Rights
Council made the following statement:
“The Human Rights Council:
1. Recalls that 2015 marks the seventieth anniversary of the end of the
Second World War, a war that brought untold sorrow to humankind, particularly in
Europe, Asia, Africa, the Pacific and other parts of the world;
2. Pays tribute to all victims of the Second World War, including the
victims of the Holocaust, of war crimes and crimes against humanity;
3. Stresses that this historic event established the conditions for the
creation of the United Nations, designed to save succeeding generations from the
scourge of war and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights and dignity and the
worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations
large and small;
4. Calls upon the States Members of the United Nations to unite their
efforts in dealing with the challenges and threats to international peace and security,
with the United Nations playing a central role, and to refrain in their international
relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political
independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of
the United Nations, and to settle all disputes by peaceful means in conformity with
the Charter of the United Nations;
5. Underlines the progress made since the end of the Second World War
in overcoming its legacy and in promoting reconciliation, international and regional
cooperation and democratic values, human rights and fundamental freedoms, in
particular through the United Nations, and the establishment of regional and
subregional and other appropriate frameworks.”