Original HRC document


Document Type: Final President's Statement

Date: 2007 Sep

Session: 6th Regular Session (2007 Sep)

Agenda Item:

Human Rights Council

President’s Statement 6/PRST/2. The twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

At the 21st meeting, on 28 September 2007, the President of the Council made

a statement reading as follows:

1. The Human Rights Council notes with deep appreciation that the

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or

Punishment has been in force since 26 June 1987 as a central instrument in global

efforts to eradicate torture.

2. The Human Rights Council warmly welcomes the work of the

Committee against Torture for its impressive contribution to combat torture


3. The Human Rights Council urges all States parties to the Convention

to comply strictly with their obligations under the Convention.

4. The Human Rights Council urges all States that have not yet done so to

become parties to the Convention and to give early consideration to signing and

ratifying its Optional Protocol.

5. The Human Rights Council invites all States parties to the Convention

that have not yet done so to make the declarations provided for in articles 21 and 22

concerning inter-State and individual communications.

6. The Human Rights Council invites all States parties to the Convention

that have not yet done so to notify the Secretary-General of their acceptance of the

amendments to articles 17 and 18 as soon as possible in order to enhance the

efficiency of the Committee against Torture.

7. The Human Rights Council requests the Secretary-General to ensure,

within the overall budgetary framework of the United Nations, the provision of

adequate staff and facilities for the bodies and mechanisms involved in combating

torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and assisting

victims of torture, commensurate with the strong support expressed by Member States

for combating torture and assisting victims of torture.
