Original HRC document


Document Type: Final President's Statement

Date: 2008 Jun

Session: 8th Regular Session (2008 Jun)

Agenda Item:

Human Rights Council

8/PRST/2. Terms of office of special procedure mandate-holders

At the 27th meeting, on 18 June 2008, the President of the Council made a statement

reading as follows:

1. In accordance with General Assembly resolution 60/251 and Human Rights Council

resolution 5/1, a special procedure mandate-holder’s tenure shall not exceed six years in a

particular position (two terms of three years for thematic procedures).

2. The Council guarantees the integrity and independence of the system of special

procedures. It will also follow up on the implementation of the code of conduct for special

procedure mandate-holders, as contained in Council resolution 5/2.

3. In this regard, the President will convey to the Council any information brought to his or

her attention, including that by States and/or by the coordination committee of special

procedures, concerning cases of persistent non-compliance by a mandate-holder with the

provisions of Council resolution 5/2, especially prior to the renewal of mandate- holders in


4. The Council will consider such information and act upon it as appropriate. In the absence

of the above-mentioned information, the terms in office of the mandate-holders shall be extended

for a second three-year term by the Counci1.