Original HRC document


Document Type: Final President's Statement

Date: 2008 Sep

Session: 9th Regular Session (2008 Sep)

Agenda Item:

Human Rights Council

PRST/ 9/1. Situation of human rights in Haiti

At the 22nd meeting, on 24 September 2008, the President of the Council read out the

following statement:

“1. The Human Rights Council welcomes recent political developments in Haiti, marked

by the formation and installation of a new Government.

2. The Council commends the reaffirmation by the Haitian authorities of their

commitments and their determination to improve living conditions for Haitians, with a

special emphasis on respect for human rights.

3. The Council notes with satisfaction the cooperation between the Haitian National

Police and the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) in curbing

violence, crime and banditry.

4. The Council welcomes the adoption of the regulations on the judiciary and the new

Act on the High Council of the Judiciary, as well as the reopening of the Judicial Training

College. It encourages the authorities to continue their efforts, in particular as regards

reinforcing inspection units within the police and justice systems, eliminating prolonged

pre-trial detention, introducing a legal aid scheme and strengthening the Office of Citizen


5. The Council thanks the outgoing independent expert for his important contribution to

consolidating the rule of law in Haiti through his judicious recommendations, in particular

with regard to judicial reform.

6. The Council is deeply concerned at the deterioration of Haitians’ standard of living

and quality of life in recent months, partly as a result of the serious economic crisis and

acute food shortage. It deplores the heavy loss of life and material damage caused by the

consecutive passage of hurricanes Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike.

7. The Council is aware of the many obstacles to development in Haiti and the

difficulties encountered by its leaders in daily governance. It recognizes that full

enjoyment of human rights - civil and political, economic, social and cultural - is a factor

of peace, stability and progress in Haiti.

8. The Council strongly encourages the international community as a whole, and in

particular international donors, friendly countries and United Nations specialized agencies,

to step up their cooperation with the constituted authorities of Haiti for the full realization

of human rights.

9. The Council welcomes the Haitian authorities’ request to extend the mission of the

independent expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti to September 2010 and

decides to support that request.

10. The Council also welcomes the appointment of Mr. Michel Forst as independent

expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti.

11. The Council invites the new expert to continue the work undertaken and to carry out

his mission by bringing his experience and expertise to bear and contributing to the cause

of human rights in Haiti, with a particular emphasis on economic, social and cultural


12. The Council also invites the new expert to undertake a mission to Haiti in the near

future and report to it each year in accordance with its programme of work. It encourages

the Haitian authorities to cooperate with the new independent expert.”
