GE.A/HRC/23/31. 3-15256

Human Rights Council Twenty-third session Agenda item 10 Technical assistance and capacity-building

Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council

23/24. Technical assistance and capacity-building for South Sudan in the field of human rights

The Human Rights Council,

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,

Guided also by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and relevant human rights treaties,

Emphasizing that States have the primary responsibility for the promotion and protection of human rights,

Recalling Human Rights Council resolutions 18/17 of 29 September 2011 and 21/28 of 28 September 2012 on technical assistance and capacity-building for South Sudan,

Recognizing the challenges of institution- and State-building facing South Sudan, including the administration of justice and the rule of law, the protection of the rights of women and children and the enjoyment of civil, political, social and economic rights, and commending the steps being taken to address those challenges,

Welcoming the commitments made by the Government of South Sudan to strengthen national mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights, and calling upon the Government to implement those commitments,

Calling on the Government of South Sudan to investigate the alleged human rights violations by the security forces against civilians and to bring the perpetrators to justice, Expressing concern at the continuation of inter-communal fighting, and calling upon the Government to raise awareness and enforce appropriate legal frameworks in the country, and to promote reconciliation,

∗ The resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council will be contained in the report of the Council on its twenty-third session (A/HRC/23/2), chap. I.

Welcoming the steps taken by the Government of South Sudan in the protection and promotion of human rights, in particular to build the capacity of the South Sudan Human Rights Commission, and calling upon the Government to take steps to ensure the independence of the Commission, in accordance with the Paris Principles, and to provide it with adequate resources to fulfil its mandate,

Welcoming also the Government’s support for the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity,

1. Calls upon the Government of South Sudan to implement legally binding international and regional human rights instruments to which it is party;

2. Also calls on the Government of South Sudan to strengthen cooperation with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan on issues pertaining to the promotion and protection of human rights and to ensure the security of its members;

3. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on technical assistance and capacity-building for South Sudan;1

4. Requests the Government of South Sudan to take steps to tackle impunity and improve the justice system, including improvement in the training of government officials to foster a culture of accountability;

5. Requests Member States, relevant United Nations agencies and stakeholders to support, as a matter of urgency, the national efforts of the Government of South Sudan on technical assistance and capacity-building to include training and workshops in human rights education to overcome challenges in the areas of security and to promote respect for human rights;

6. Requests the Government of South Sudan to take steps to strengthen further the independence of the South Sudan Human Rights Commission, enabling it to contribute to promotion and protection of the human rights of the people of South Sudan;

7. Requests the High Commissioner to report on the situation of human rights in South Sudan, to work with the Government of South Sudan to provide it with technical assistance, and to identify additional areas of assistance to strengthen the capacity of South Sudan to fulfil its human rights obligations and commitments;

8. Also requests the High Commissioner to submit an interim report to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-sixth session, and a final report at its twenty-eighth session, on progress in technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights;

9. Decides to remain seized of this matter.

40th meeting 14 June 2013

[Adopted without a vote.]