GE.A/HRC/28/83 and Corr.1. 5-07401 (E) 140415 140415


Human Rights Council Twenty-eighth session

Agenda item 10

Technical assistance and capacity-building

Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council


Technical assistance and capacity-building for Mali in the field of

human rights

The Human Rights Council,

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,

Reaffirming the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant

international human rights instruments,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006,

Recalling also its resolutions 5/1 on institution-building of the United Nations

Human Rights Council and 5/2 on the Code of Conduct for Special Procedures Mandate

Holders of the Human Rights Council, both of 18 June 2007,

Recalling further its resolutions 20/17 of 6 July 2012 on the situation of human

rights in Mali, 22/18 of 21 March 2013, in which it established a mandate for an

independent expert on the situation of human rights in Mali, and 25/36 of 28 March 2014,

in which it extended the mandate of the Independent Expert,

Reaffirming that all States have a responsibility to promote and protect the human

rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Charter, the Universal Declaration of

Human Rights, the international covenants on human rights and other relevant international

human rights instruments to which they are parties,

Reaffirming also its commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and

territorial integrity of Mali,

Deeply concerned about the establishment of terrorist groups in the Sahel region,

about continued armed attacks, about human rights abuses and violations in Mali, and about

the security situation, which continue to hinder humanitarian access in the northern part of

the country,

United Nations A/HRC/RES/28/31

General Assembly Distr.: General 9 April 2015


Original: French

2 GE.15-07401

Welcoming the signing of the ceasefire agreement of 23 May 2014 and the

declaration of cessation of hostilities of 19 February 2015,

Acknowledging the Peace and National Reconciliation Agreement signed in Algiers

on 1 March 2015 upon the culmination of an inclusive process of international mediation

between the Malian parties led by Algeria,

Noting the commitments made by the Government of Mali during various sessions

of the Council to place priority on dialogue and national reconciliation in resolving the


Noting also the commitments made by the Government of Mali to restore the rule of

law and to combat impunity effectively,

Noting further the initiation in January 2013 of an investigation by the Prosecutor of

the International Criminal Court into crimes committed in the territory of Mali since

January 2012, and recalling that it is important for all Malian stakeholders to lend the Court

their support and cooperation,

Taking note with appreciation of the report of the Independent Expert on the

situation of human rights in Mali,1

1. Strongly condemns the armed attacks and all acts of violence that have been

perpetrated in Mali, particularly in the northern regions of the country, as well as the abuses

and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law that have been

committed against civilians, including women and children, and the recruitment of the


2. Reiterates its call for an immediate halt to such abuses and to all human

rights violations and acts of violence and for the strict observance of all human rights and

fundamental freedoms;

3. Calls upon the Government of Mali to continue its efforts to protect human

rights and to promote national reconciliation, in particular by strengthening the judiciary,

developing transitional justice mechanisms and effectively redeploying government

services throughout the country;

4. Notes the efforts made by the Government of Mali to bring all perpetrators of

human rights violations before impartial and independent courts and of its continued

cooperation with the International Criminal Court;

5. Acknowledges the establishment in Mali of a ministry in charge of national

reconciliation and the efforts undertaken by the Government of Mali to place priority on

achieving a lasting peaceful settlement of the crisis;

6. Reiterates its call for an increase in the participation of women in the national

reconciliation process, in conformity with the relevant Security Council resolutions;

7. Encourages the Government of Mali to expedite the establishment of the

Commission for Truth, Justice and Reconciliation and to allow it to take up its work as

soon as possible in order to ensure that the rights of victims to justice, reparation and

guarantees of non-repetition of human rights violations are fully recognized;

GE.15-07401 3

8. Welcomes the signing of the Peace and National Reconciliation Agreement of

1 March 2015 and calls on all Malian parties to sign it;

9. Encourages the Malian authorities and all regional and international actors to

continue their joint efforts to resolve the crisis in Mali, and urges all such actors to persist

in their efforts to consolidate the gains made in the security situation in Mali;

10. Commends, in this context, the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated

Stabilization Mission in Mali on its work;

11. Requests all parties to ensure their strict observance of international human

rights law and international humanitarian law;

12. Welcomes the organization of free and democratic presidential and legislative

elections in Mali and the full restoration of constitutional order in the country;

13. Reiterates its appreciation for the humanitarian assistance already provided

to members of the population affected by the crisis, and urges the international community

to continue to deliver, in consultation with the Government of Mali and the bordering

countries concerned, appropriate and secure humanitarian assistance to refugees and

displaced persons, particularly in the north of Mali, with a view to facilitating the

population’s access to basic social services and to establishing the conditions for the

country’s gradual recovery;

14. Notes with satisfaction the close cooperation of the Government of Mali with

the Independent Expert in the fulfilment of the mandate entrusted to him;

15. Acknowledges the commitments made by the Government of Mali to act

upon the recommendations made by the Independent Expert following his visits to the


16. Decides to extend the mandate of the Independent Expert on the situation of

human rights in Mali for a period of one year to permit the evaluation of the human rights

situation in Mali and to assist the Government of Mali in its efforts to promote and protect

human rights and to strengthen the rule of law;

17. Calls upon all parties in Mali to cooperate fully with the Independent Expert

and to assist him to carry out his mandate;

18. Requests the Independent Expert, within the bounds of his mandate, to work

closely with all entities of the United Nations, the African Union, the Economic

Community of West African States, neighbouring States and all other international

organizations concerned and with Malian civil society and to report thereon to the Human

Rights Council at its thirty-first session;

19. Invites the Secretary-General and the United Nations High Commissioner for

Human Rights to continue to provide the Independent Expert with all the assistance he

needs in order to discharge his mandate fully;

20. Requests the High Commissioner to provide technical assistance to the

Government of Mali, in particular to the Commission for Truth, Justice and Reconciliation,

and to work with the Government to identify other areas of assistance with a view to

supporting Mali in its efforts to promote and protect human rights and to strengthen its

institutional capacity;

4 GE.15-07401

21. Urges the international community to continue to provide assistance to Mali

to ensure its stability with a view to promoting respect for all human rights and the

determined struggle against impunity, which paves the way for national reconciliation,

peace and social cohesion;

22. Decides to remain seized of this matter.

58th meeting

27March 2015

[Adopted without a vote.]