Original HRC document

Document Type: Final Resolution

Date: 2007 Apr

Session: 3rd Regular Session (2006 Nov)

Agenda Item:

Topic: HRC Institutional Issues

Human Rights Council

Human Rights Council

Resolution 3/4. Implementation of General Assembly resolution 60/251: agenda, annual programme of work, methods of work and rules of procedure of the Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council,

Recalling its decisions 1/103, 1/104 and 1/105 of 30 June 2006,

Underlining the importance of a comprehensive implementation of General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006,

Taking into account the debate held during its third session on these issues,

1. Decides to establish an open-ended intergovernmental, intersessional working group to formulate concrete recommendations on its agenda, its annual programme of work, its methods of work as well as its rules of procedure in accordance with General Assembly resolution 60/251, and to undertake transparent, well-scheduled and inclusive consultations, with the participation of all stakeholders;

2. Decides also that the working group shall have at its disposal 10 days of fully serviced meetings, half of them to be scheduled before the fourth session of the Human Rights Council and half of them before its fifth session, which shall allow sufficient time and flexibility for the fulfilment of its mandate;

3. Requests the President of the Council to chair the working group, with the assistance, if necessary, of one or more facilitators;

4. Requests also the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide the working group with any background information it may require on these issues;

5. Requests further the working group to report to the Council at its fourth session on progress made thereon.

Adopted without a vote 13th meeting
8 December 2006
