RES/30/28 The right to development
Document Type: Final Resolution
Date: 2015 Oct
Session: 30th Regular Session (2015 Sep)
Agenda Item: Item3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development
Topic: Right to development, Sustainable Development Goals
- Main sponsors1
- Co-sponsors64
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Côte d'Ivoire
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Dominican Republic
Equatorial Guinea
El Salvador
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
South Africa
South Sudan
Tanzania, United Republic of
- In Favour
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
Côte d'Ivoire
El Salvador
Russian Federation
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Viet Nam
- Abstaining
Korea, Republic of
Human Rights Council Thirtieth session
Agenda item 3
Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on 2 October 2015
30/28. The right to development
The Human Rights Council,
Recalling the Charter of the United Nations and the core human rights instruments,
Reaffirming the Declaration on the Right to Development, adopted by the General
Assembly in its resolution 41/128 of 4 December 1986,
Reaffirming also Human Rights Council resolutions 4/4 of 30 March 2007 and 9/3
of 17 September 2008, and recalling all Commission on Human Rights, Council and
General Assembly resolutions on the right to development, the most recent being Council
resolution 27/2 of 25 September 2014,
Recognizing the renewed commitments to achieve the remaining Millennium
Development Goals, as set out in the outcome document adopted at the high-level plenary
meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development
Emphasizing the urgent need to make the right to development a reality for
Emphasizing also that all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the
right to development, can only be enjoyed in an inclusive and collaborative framework, at
the international, regional and national levels, and in this regard underlining the importance
of engaging the United Nations system, including United Nations funds, programmes and
specialized agencies, within their respective mandates, relevant international organization
including financial and trade organizations, and relevant stakeholders, including civil
society organizations, development practitioners, human rights experts and the public at all
levels, in discussions on the right to development,
Welcoming the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
Recognizing that achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including
the Millennium Development Goals and the sustainable development goals, requires
effective policy coherence and coordination,
Recognizing also that extreme poverty and hunger are one of the greatest global
threats and require the collective commitment of the international community for its
eradication, and therefore calling upon the international community to contribute towards
achieving that goal in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals,
Underlining the imperative need for raising awareness of the progress made, still
existing difficulties and accelerating action towards the achievement of the unmet
Millennium Development Goals and the transition to the Sustainable Development Goals,
Emphasizing that all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to
development, are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated,
Underlining that the successful implementation of the sustainable development
goals will require the strengthening of a new, more equitable and sustainable national and
international order, as well as the promotion and protection of all human rights and
fundamental freedoms,
Emphasizing that the right to development should be central to the implementation
of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
Taking note of the commitment declared by a number of United Nations specialized
agencies, funds and programmes and other international organizations to make the right to
development a reality for all, and in this regard urging all relevant bodies of the United
Nations system and other international organizations to mainstream the right to
development into their objectives, policies, programmes and operational activities, as well
as into development and development-related processes, including the follow-up to the
Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries,
Stressing the primary responsibility of States for the creation of national and
international conditions favourable to the realization of the right to development,
Recognizing that Member States should cooperate with each other in ensuring
development and eliminating lasting obstacles to development, that the international
community should promote effective international cooperation, in particular a global
partnership for development, for the realization of the right to development and the
elimination of obstacles to development, and that lasting progress towards the
implementation of the right to development requires effective development policies at the
national level as well as equitable economic relations and a favourable economic
environment at the international level,
Encouraging all Member States to constructively engage in the discussions for the
full implementation of the Declaration on the Right to Development with a view to
overcoming the existing political impasse within the Working Group on the Right to
Recalling that the thirtieth anniversary of the Declaration on the Right to
Development presents a unique opportunity for the international community to demonstrate
and reiterate its unequivocal commitment to the right to development, recognizing the high
profile it deserves, and redoubling its efforts to implement this right,
Stressing that, in General Assembly resolution 48/141 of 20 December 1993, the
Assembly decided that the responsibility of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights shall be, among others, to promote and protect the realization of the right to
development and to enhance support from relevant bodies of the United Nations system for
that purpose,
1. Takes note of the consolidated report of the Secretary-General and the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the right to development;
2. Requests the Office of the High Commissioner to continue to submit to the
Human Rights Council an annual report on its activities, including on inter-agency
coordination within the United Nations system, that have direct relevance to the promotion
and the realization of the right to development;
3. Urges the High Commissioner to pursue his efforts, in fulfilment of his
mandated responsibility, to enhance support for the promotion and the protection of the
realization of the right to development, taking as reference the Declaration on the Right to
Development, all resolutions of the General Assembly, the Commission on Human Rights
and the Human Rights Council on the right to development, and agreed conclusions and
recommendations of the Working Group;
4. Requests the Office of the High Commissioner, in the implementation of the
Declaration on the Right to Development, to take sufficient measures to ensure balanced
and visible allocation of resources and due attention to ensure visibility of the right to
development by identifying and implementing tangible projects dedicated to the right to
development, and to provide regular updates to the Council in this regard;
5. Recognizes the need for renewed efforts towards intensifying deliberations in
the Working Group to fulfil, at the earliest, its mandate as established by the Commission
on Human Rights in its resolution 1998/72 of 22 April 1998 and the Human Rights Council
in its resolution 4/4;
6. Acknowledges the need to strive for greater acceptance, operationalization
and realization of the right to development at the international level while urging all States
to undertake at the national level the necessary policy formulation and to institute the
measures required for the implementation of the right to development as an integral part of
all human rights and fundamental freedoms;
7. Takes note with appreciation of the oral update given by the Chair-
Rapporteur of the Working Group on its sixteenth session;
8. Welcomes the newly elected Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group and
commends him for his able stewardship in guiding the deliberations of its sixteenth session,
and appreciates all the work accomplished by the outgoing Chair-Rapporteur, including the
draft framework presented at the sixteenth session of the Working Group;
9. Also welcomes the commencement of the second reading of the draft criteria
and corresponding operational subcriteria;
10. Recalls that the Working Group continues its mandate and requests the
Chair-Rapporteur to prepare a document containing a set of standards for consideration by
the Working Group at its seventeenth session to implement the right to development based
on relevant United Nations resolutions and documents, including the Declaration on the
Right to Development, relevant international conventions and decisions as well as
internationally agreed development goals and United Nations resolutions, in consultation
with Member States, relevant international organizations and other stakeholders;
11. Also recalls that the above-mentioned document would be prepared without
prejudice to the ongoing discussions on the criteria and operational subcriteria, in the
context of which the Working Group shall complete its second reading at its seventeenth
session and decide on further action thereafter, with the objective of elaborating a
comprehensive and coherent set of standards for the implementation of the right to
12. Acknowledges the need to have the contributions of experts, regrets the low
attendance of invited experts from international organizations at the sixteenth session of the
Working Group, and in this context urges their broader engagement;
13. Also acknowledges the recommendation of the Working Group at its
sixteenth session to discuss the post-2015 development agenda in the context of the right to
development, and urges all relevant United Nations agencies, international organizations,
civil society and other stakeholders to contribute actively to these deliberations and the
further recommendation of the Working Group to the Office of the High Commissioner;
14. Decides:
(a) To continue to act to ensure that its agenda promotes and advances
sustainable development and the achievement of the remaining Millennium Development
Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals, and in this regard lead to raising the right to
development, as set out in paragraphs 5 and 10 of the Vienna Declaration and Programme
of Action, to the same level and on a par with all other human rights and fundamental
(b) To endorse the recommendations of the Working Group adopted at its
sixteenth session;
(c) That the Working Group will continue, at its seventeenth session, to
accomplish its mandate, including to complete its second reading of the draft right to
development criteria and corresponding operational subcriteria and to consider the
document containing the draft set of standards requested in paragraph 10 above for the
elaboration of a comprehensive and coherent set of standards for the implementation of the
right to development;
(d) That the Working Group shall take appropriate steps to ensure respect for and
practical application of the comprehensive and coherent set of standards, which could take
various forms, including guidelines on the implementation of the right to development, and
evolve into a basis for consideration of an international legal standard of a binding nature
through a collaborative process of engagement;
(e) To convene a two-day formal meeting of the Working Group, after the
seventeenth session, to consider further and discuss the document containing the draft set of
standards requested in paragraph 10 above;
15. Requests, as part of the activities to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of
the Declaration on the Right to Development:
(a) The High Commissioner to seek the views of Member States in preparing a
paper on the realization and implementation of the right to development, as elaborated in
the Declaration on the Right to Development, in particular its article 4, and submit it to the
Working Group for consideration at its seventeenth session;
(b) The General Assembly to consider holding a high-level segment on the right
to development during the general debate at its seventy-first session;
16. Encourages Member States to convene, individually and collectively, events
with their own resources for the commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the
Declaration on the Right to Development;
17. Also encourages Member States to pay particular consideration to the right to
development in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
18. Encourages relevant bodies of the United Nations system, within their
respective mandates, including United Nations funds, programmes and specialized
agencies, relevant international organizations, including the World Trade Organization and
relevant stakeholders, including civil society organizations, to give due consideration to the
right to development in the implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
to contribute further to the work of the Working Group, and to cooperate with the High
Commissioner in the fulfilment of his mandate with regard to the implementation of the
right to development;
19. Decides to review the progress of the implementation of the present
resolution, as a matter of priority, at its future sessions.
43rd meeting
2 October 2015
[Adopted by a recorded vote of 33 to 10, with 4 abstentions. The voting was as follows:
In favour:
Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Botswana,
Brazil, China, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gabon,
Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Maldives, Mexico, Morocco,
Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi
Arabia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela
(Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam
Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Montenegro, Netherlands, the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, United States of America
Albania, Japan, Portugal, Republic of Korea]