RES/39/23 Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights
Document Type: Final Resolution
Date: 2018 Oct
Session: 39th Regular Session (2018 Sep)
Agenda Item: Item10: Technical assistance and capacity-building
Topic: Somalia, International Cooperation
- Main sponsors2
- Co-sponsors64
Korea, Republic of
North Macedonia
New Zealand
Palestine, State of
Saudi Arabia
Syrian Arab Republic
United Arab Emirates
Human Rights Council Thirty-ninth session
10–28 September 2018
Agenda item 10
Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on 28 September 2018
39/23. Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights
The Human Rights Council,
Guided by the Charter of the United Nations,
Reaffirming the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Acknowledging that peace and security, development and human rights are the
pillars of the United Nations system,
Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political
independence and unity of Somalia,
Reaffirming also its previous resolutions on Somalia,
Recalling its resolutions 5/1 and 5/2 of 18 June 2007,
Recognizing that the primary responsibility for promoting and protecting human
rights in Somalia rests with the Federal Government of Somalia and that enhancing the
legal framework, human rights protection systems and the capacity and legitimacy of
institutions is essential to help to combat impunity and to improve accountability for human
rights violations and to encourage reconciliation,
Recognizing also the need for all authorities engaged in security to uphold
international human rights commitments and obligations and to address abuse and the
excessive use of force against civilians,
Recognizing further the importance and effectiveness of international assistance to
Somalia and the continued need to step up the scale, coordination, coherence and quality of
all capacity development and technical assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights at
the national and federal Member State levels, and in that regard welcoming the Somalia
Partnership Forums held in Mogadishu and Brussels, at which Somalia and international
partners reaffirmed their commitment to the New Partnership for Somalia, which sets out
the terms of international support for Somali priorities, including on human rights, and the
Security Pact to provide Somali-led security and protection in accordance with international
humanitarian law and international human rights law, as appropriate,
Recognizing the sustained and vital commitment of the African Union Mission in
Somalia and the loss and sacrifice of personnel killed in action, and recognizing also that
the commitments of the Mission and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development are
United Nations A/HRC/RES/39/23
creating the conditions for Somalia to establish political institutions and to extend State
authority, which are key to laying the foundations for a staged transfer of security
responsibility to Somali security forces,
Recognizing also the role that women have played and will continue to play in
community mobilization and peacebuilding in Somali society, the need to take special
measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence and all other forms of
violence in situations of armed conflict, to end impunity and prosecute those responsible for
violence against women and girls, and the importance of promoting their economic
empowerment and participation in political and public decision-making processes,
including within Parliament and at all levels of government, in accordance with Security
Council resolution 1325 (2000) of 31 October 2000 on women, peace and security,
1. Welcomes the commitment of the Federal Government of Somalia to improve
the situation of human rights in Somalia, and in that regard also welcomes:
(a) The progressive improvement in the human rights context in Somalia, not
least through progress towards the ambitious goals set out in the New Partnership for
Somalia and the National Development Framework of Somalia to promote stability and
development with respect for human rights by, inter alia, strengthening the rule of law,
promoting inclusivity in political decision-making, particularly for women, young persons,
minorities and persons with disabilities, delivering a constitutional settlement that
guarantees freedoms of expression and association, and addressing security threats in a
manner that respects human rights obligations and protects civilians;
(b) The landmark political agreement between the Federal Government and
federal Member States, which paves the way for the drafting, consultation and passage of
an electoral law by December 2018 as a first step towards realizing historic one-person,
one-vote elections in 2020 and, in particular, the commitment of the Federal Government,
federal Member States and the National Independent Election Commission to protect
inclusivity in terms of ensuring equal participation and representation of women in
decision-making, as well as of displaced persons, young persons, persons with disabilities,
minorities and all members of disadvantaged groups, at all stages of the electoral cycle;
(c) The cooperation between representatives of the Federal Government and
federal Member States, youth groups, women, civil society organizations, professional
associations, religious scholars, members of the Somali diaspora, persons with disabilities
and traditional elders convention in May 2018 to launch the constitutional review process in
Mogadishu, recognizing the importance of an inclusive and Somali-led process that delivers
a political settlement supporting ongoing efforts in peace, development and the enjoyment
of all human rights in Somalia;
(d) The formulation of the transition plan, which defines transition as the
emergence of effective Somali security institutions and the progressive handover of
responsibility from the African Union Mission in Somalia towards increased Somali
ownership for its citizens’ security, appreciating, in particular, that this approach is
underpinned by a focus on the rule of law, reconciliation, justice, respect for human rights
and the protection of women and girls, and children;
(e) The continued commitment of the Federal Government, federal Member
States and the Banadir Regional Authority to improve representation, inclusion and the
participation of women in public and political affairs and, in particular, in leadership roles;
(f) The Federal Government’s endorsement of the Charter for Change at the
Global Disability Summit in July 2018, and its commitment to entrench the rights of
persons with disabilities in social, educational, political and economic life through the first-
ever bill on national disability for Somalia and other legislative mechanisms, improving the
collection of data on persons with disabilities and by approving the creation of a national
disability agency;
(g) The work undertaken by the Ministry for Women and Human Rights
Development as the lead body of the Federal Government to advance the human rights
agenda in Somalia, together with the progress in the establishment of a national human
rights commission to monitor and provide accountability for violations and abuses,
including a recruitment process that guarantees the representation of women, marginalized
groups and persons with disabilities;
(h) The development of and agreement on key policies and plans, including a
post-transition human rights road map, a national gender policy and a national plan of
action on eradicating sexual violence in conflict;
(i) Progress on key legislation, including the enactment of the child protection
bill, progress towards the adoption of a bill on sexual offences and the implementation of a
media law, through consultation with media organizations and civil societies, in order to
provide a framework for upholding freedom of expression;
2. Also welcomes the continued commitment of the Federal Government to the
universal periodic review process, and in this regard further welcomes its acceptance of the
many recommendations made during the review and encourages their implementation;
3. Expresses concern at reports of violations and abuses of human rights in
Somalia, and underscores the need to end impunity, to uphold respect for human rights for
all and to hold accountable all those responsible for such violations and abuses and related
4. Expresses particular concern at the abuses and violations perpetrated against
girls and women, including sexual and gender-based violence, child, early and forced
marriage and all forms of female genital mutilation;
5. Also expresses particular concern at the abuses and violations committed
against children, emphasizes the need for accountability and justice for all such violations
and abuses, including the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers and children in
armed conflict, killing and maiming, rape and other sexual and gender-based violence,
abductions, and in the treatment of children recaptured from non-State armed groups, and
also emphasizes the importance that such children be recognized as victims and the need to
establish and implement rehabilitation and reintegration programmes, including by taking
into account the specific needs of girls;
6. Expresses concern that internally displaced persons, including the most
marginalized and vulnerable, which may include women, children and persons belonging to
minority groups, are the most at risk of violence, abuse and violations;
7. Also expresses concern at the attacks against and harassment of human rights
defenders and the media in Somalia, including journalists, especially in the form of
arbitrary arrest or prolonged detention, and emphasizes the need to promote respect for
freedom of expression and opinion and to end impunity, holding accountable those who
commit any such related crimes;
8. Recognizes the efforts of those States hosting Somali refugees, urges all host
States to meet their obligations under international law relating to refugees, and urges the
international community to continue to provide financial support to enable host States to
meet the humanitarian needs of Somali refugees in the region, to support the reintegration
of those returning to Somalia when conditions are suitable, and to support internally
displaced persons in Somalia;
9. Calls upon the Federal Government, with the support of the international
(a) To continue progress towards settling outstanding constitutional issues and
completing the constitutional review process in an inclusive manner that promotes the
building of peace and the rule of law, protects the freedoms of expression and association
and includes targeted provisions that enable and facilitate the advancement of women,
children, young persons, persons with disabilities, minorities and all members of
disadvantaged groups in the areas of access to justice, education, health, security and
economic recovery;
(b) To secure constitutional provisions for the equal representation, participation
and inclusion of women, particularly in leadership and decision-making roles in public and
elected offices and the civil service through the constitutional review and other ongoing
political and legislative processes;
(c) To meet commitments to deliver legislation by December 2018 that will pave
the way for historic one-person, one-vote elections in 2020, and to ensure that this and other
measures promote the inclusivity of these elections, particularly by ensuring the equal
participation and representation of women in decision-making and in leadership positions,
as well as of internally displaced persons, young persons, persons with disabilities,
minorities and all members of disadvantaged groups at all stages of the electoral cycle;
(d) To realize commitments to security sector reform, including by ensuring the
active participation of women in the implementation of the national security architecture, to
ensure that Somali security forces and institutions comply with applicable national and
international law, together with international human rights law, including on the protection
of individuals from, inter alia, sexual and gender-based violence, and on the prevention of
extrajudicial killings, and the strengthening of internal and external accountability of all
relevant security forces and institutions;
(e) To continue measures to implement the plans of action to prevent the
unlawful recruitment and use of children in the national armed forces, and to work with
specialist agencies, such as the United Nations Children’s Fund, to ensure that former child
soldiers and children under 18 years of age used in armed conflict are treated as victims and
rehabilitated in accordance with international standards;
(f) To realize commitments to ending the prevailing culture of impunity, to hold
accountable those who commit human rights violations and abuses, ensuring prompt,
independent, impartial, thorough and effective investigations into human rights violations
by urgently concluding the establishment of a resourced and independent national human
rights commission and by reforming State and traditional justice mechanisms to increase
the representation of women in the judiciary, and to improve access to justice for women
and children;
(g) To prioritize the enactment of legislation and undertake reforms that respect,
protect and promote women’s and girls’ full enjoyment of all human rights and to allow for
the response to and the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence and
discrimination against women and girls, including by adopting a zero-tolerance approach to
sexual and gender-based violence, child, early and forced marriage and all forms of female
genital mutilation, ensuring that those responsible for sexual and gender-based violence,
exploitation and abuse are held to account, regardless of their status or rank;
(h) To meet commitments to complete the national reconciliation plan by the end
of 2018 in order to promote reconciliation and dialogue at the federal, federal Member State
and subnational levels, while recognizing the importance of the valuable assistance
provided by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development;
(i) To increase the support and resources allocated to the ministries and
institutions responsible for the administration of justice and the protection of human rights,
particularly the Ministry for Women and Human Rights Development at the federal and
State levels, the judiciary, the police and correctional services;
(j) To implement fully the media protection law, to protect and uphold freedom
of expression and a free media, to create a safe and enabling environment in which
journalists and human rights defenders can operate free from hindrance and insecurity, to
continue efforts to prohibit, prevent and protect against all kidnappings, killings, attacks,
acts of intimidation and harassment of journalists, to initiate timely, effective, impartial and
transparent investigations into the killings of journalists, and to prosecute all those
responsible for unlawful acts in a manner that is in accordance with the provisions in the
media protection law and is consistent with other applicable national and international legal
(k) To consider acceding to and ratifying the Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
(l) To realize commitments made at the Global Disability Summit, particularly
by enacting a national disability bill in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities and in consultation with organizations of disabled persons, and by
establishing a national disability agency;
(m) To finalize the review of and raise awareness about the new sexual offences
bill, to ensure that any bill passed into law reflects international obligations and
commitments on the protection of children, women and girls, and to implement it and other
laws as necessary to prevent sexual and gender-based violence;
(n) To harmonize national and federal Member State-level political policies and
legal frameworks with applicable human rights obligations and other commitments;
(o) To treat former combatants in accordance with applicable obligations under
national and international law, in particular international human rights law and international
humanitarian law;
(p) To implement the Declaration on Durable Solutions for Somali Refugees and
the Reintegration of Returnees in Somalia, adopted in Nairobi on 25 March 2017;
(q) To promote the well-being and protection of all internally displaced persons,
including from sexual and gender-based violence, and also from exploitation and abuse
committed by State or international military or civilian personnel, to facilitate the voluntary
reintegration or return of all internally displaced persons, including the most vulnerable, in
safety and with dignity, to ensure a fully consultative process and best practice for
relocations, to provide sites that provide safe access to essential food and potable water,
basic shelter and housing, appropriate clothing and essential medical services and
(r) To ensure unhindered access for humanitarian organizations, to recognize
the acute vulnerability of internally displaced persons, to facilitate full, rapid and
unimpeded humanitarian access to people in need, wherever they are in Somalia, and to
safeguard the neutrality, impartiality and independence of humanitarian actors from
political, economic and military interference while remaining sensitive to the needs of
persons belonging to ethnic minorities requiring humanitarian assistance;
10. Stresses the important role of joint monitoring and reporting on the situation
of human rights in Somalia by national and international experts and the Federal
Government, and the vital role that those monitoring human rights can play in evaluating
and ensuring the success of technical assistance projects, which in turn must be for the
benefit of all Somalis;
11. Underlines the importance of the realization by the United Nations
Assistance Mission in Somalia of its mandate throughout Somalia and the need to ensure
synergy with the work of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
12. Commends the engagement of the Independent Expert on the situation of
human rights in Somalia;1
13. Decides to renew the mandate of the Independent Expert, under agenda item
10, for a period of one year to assess, monitor and report on the situation of human rights in
Somalia with a view to making recommendations on technical assistance and capacity-
building in the field of human rights;
14. Requests the Independent Expert to continue to work closely with the Federal
Government at the national and subnational levels, with all United Nations bodies,
including the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia, with the African Union, the
Intergovernmental Authority on Development and other relevant international
organizations, civil society and all relevant human rights mechanisms, and to assist Somalia
in the implementation of:
1 See A/HRC/39/72.
(a) Its national and international human rights obligations;
(b) Human Rights Council resolutions and other human rights instruments,
including associated routine reporting;
(c) Recommendations accepted in the context of the universal periodic review;
(d) Other human rights commitments, policies and legislation to promote the
empowerment of women, young people and marginalized groups, freedom of expression
and assembly, the protection of the media, access to justice for women, and increasing the
capacity of ministries and institutions responsible for the administration of justice and the
protection of human rights;
15. Also requests the Independent Expert to report to the Human Rights Council
at its forty-second session and to the General Assembly at its seventy-fourth session;
16. Requests the Office of the High Commissioner and other relevant United
Nations agencies to provide the Independent Expert with all the human, technical and
financial assistance necessary to carry out his mandate fully;
17. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
41st meeting
28 September 2018
[Adopted without a vote.]