RES/7/27 Human rights and extreme poverty
Document Type: Final Resolution
Date: 2008 Mar
Session: 7th Regular Session (2008 Mar)
Agenda Item:
Topic: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Main sponsors1
- Co-sponsors50
- Albania
- Andorra
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Burkina Faso
- Cameroon
- Chile
- Congo
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Djibouti
- Ecuador
- Finland
- Gabon
- Germany
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Haiti
- India
- Italy
- Korea, Republic of
- Luxembourg
- North Macedonia
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Moldova, Republic of
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Morocco
- Nicaragua
- Norway
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Senegal
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- Zambia
Human Rights Council
Resolution 7/27. Human rights and extreme poverty
The Human Rights Council,
Deeply concerned that extreme poverty persists in all countries of the world,
regardless of their economic, social and cultural situation, and that its extent and
manifestations are particularly severe in developing countries,
Reaffirming in this regard the commitments made at relevant United Nations
conferences, summits, including those made at the World Summit for Social
Development, held in Copenhagen in 1995, and in the United Nations Millennium
Declaration adopted by the General Assembly on 8 September 2000 and the 2005
World Summit Outcome adopted by the Heads of State and Government at the 2005
World Summit,
Takes note of the draft guiding principles on extreme poverty and human
rights: the rights of the poor annexed to resolution 2006/9 adopted by the Sub-
Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights on 24 August 2006,
Recalling its resolution 2/2 of 27 November 2006,
1. Affirms that the fight against extreme poverty must remain a high
priority for the international community;
2. Notes with satisfaction the report of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights on the draft guiding principles on extreme poverty
and human rights: the rights of the poor (A/HRC/7/32);
3. Welcomes the substantial contributions of States, relevant
United Nations agencies, intergovernmental organizations, United Nations treaty
bodies, the independent expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty,
national human rights institutions, non-governmental organizations, especially those
in which people in situations of extreme poverty express their views, and other
relevant stakeholders;
4. Invites the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights:
(a) To further consult the above-mentioned relevant stakeholders and
allow them to comment also on the report of the High Commissioner, including
through the organization of a three-day seminar on the draft guiding principles, before
March 2009;
(b) To submit a report to the Council, no later than its last session of 2009,
to allow it to take a decision on the ways forward with a view to a possible adoption
of guiding principles on the rights of persons living in extreme poverty.
41st meeting 28 March 2008
Adopted without a vote.