RES/7/35 Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights
Document Type: Final Resolution
Date: 2008 Mar
Session: 7th Regular Session (2008 Mar)
Agenda Item:
Topic: Somalia
- Main sponsors54
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Côte d'Ivoire
Equatorial Guinea
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
South Africa
South Sudan
Tanzania, United Republic of
- Co-sponsors17
Human Rights Council
Resolution 7/35. Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights
The Human Rights Council,
Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the relevant
human rights instruments,
Recalling all the previous resolutions of the Commission on Human Rights,
the last of which was resolution 2005/83 of 21 April 2005,
Welcoming the commitment and efforts undertaken by the African Union to
support Somali-led efforts towards reconciliation and stability and the efforts made by
international and regional stakeholders to help Somalia re-establish stability, peace
and security in its national territory,
Welcoming also the Declaration on the situation in Somalia, adopted by the
Heads of State and Government of the African Union during the tenth ordinary
session of the Assembly of the African Union, held in Addis Ababa from 31 January
to 2 February 2008,
Emphasizing that the above-mentioned declaration, adopted by the Assembly
of the African Union, stressed the need for the deployment of a United Nations
peacekeeping operation in Somalia that would take over from the African Union
Mission to Somalia and support the long-term stabilization and post-conflict
reconstruction of the country,
Reiterating that humanitarian, human rights and development assistance is of
paramount importance to alleviate poverty and to promote a more peaceful, equitable
and democratic society in Somalia,
Welcoming the steps taken within Somalia, including the convening of the
National Reconciliation Congress, in July and August 2007, the recent appointment of
a new Prime Minister, Nur Hassan Hussein, and the subsequent formation of a new
Government, as well as the efforts made by the African Union, notably through the
deployment of the African Union Mission in Somalia,
Reiterating that, despite the daunting challenges confronting the peace and
reconciliation process, the opportunity that arose in December 2006, when the
Transitional Federal Government regained control of Mogadishu and other parts of
the country in order to find a lasting solution to the crisis in Somalia, still exists,
Stressing the need for both the Somali stakeholders and the international
community as a whole to seize this opportunity to address decisively the conflict in
Somalia and to take all steps required to this end,
Seriously concerned about the human rights and humanitarian situation in
Noting with concern that the security situation remains fragile throughout the
Emphasizing that efforts to combat terrorism in Somalia must respect
international law, including human rights and fundamental freedoms, which are
inseparable from the establishment of peace in Somalia,
Bearing in mind paragraph 6 of General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15
March 2006,
Recalling Council resolutions 5/1 on institution-building of the United Nations
Human Rights Council and 5/2 on the Code of Conduct for Special Procedures
Mandate-holders of the Human Rights Council, of 18 June 2007, and stressing that the
mandate-holder shall discharge his/her duties in accordance with those resolutions and
the annexes thereto,
1. Expresses its serious concern at the human rights and humanitarian
situation in Somalia, and calls for an immediate end to all ongoing violations;
2. Demands that all parties in Somalia reject and stop all acts of violence,
abstain from engaging in hostilities, prevent any act likely to increase tension and
security and fully respect their obligations under international human rights law and
international humanitarian law;
3. Urges all parties in Somalia to uphold the principles and spirit
enshrined in the Transitional Federal Charter and to work towards genuine national
reconciliation within that framework, including by holding fair, national multiparty
elections in 2009, as envisaged by the Charter;
4. Calls upon the international community to stand by the legitimate
Somali institutions and to provide adequate and concrete support in order to enhance
their capacity, including that of the Transitional Federal Government, as part of an
integrated approach that encompasses political, security and programmatic
5. Appeals to the partners of the African Union to provide increased
logistical and financial support for the African Union Mission in Somalia, especially
in view of the fact that the African Union, in deploying an operation in Somalia, is
also acting on behalf of the international community at large;
6. Urges the international community to provide, as a matter of urgency,
development assistance to Somalia, so as to effectively contribute to the
reconstruction of Somalia, the rebuilding of its institutions and technical assistance in
the field of human rights;
7. Also urges the international community to provide humanitarian
assistance to the needy population and to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to
create conditions conducive to the provision of humanitarian assistance, including
unhindered access to the needy population and security for humanitarian workers and
8. Acknowledges the work undertaken by the independent expert on the
situation of human rights in Somalia, including his report to the current session
9. Decides to renew the mandate of the independent expert for a period of
one year, with a view to maximizing the provision and the flow of technical assistance
to Somalia in the field of human rights, and requests him/her to submit a report to the
Council at its sessions in September 2008 and March 2009;
10. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the independent expert with
all necessary human, technical and financial assistance in carrying out his/her
11. Requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights to strengthen its presence in Somalia with a view to providing
technical assistance and advisory services to the relevant Somali institutions;
12. Invites relevant United Nations bodies and agencies to provide support
and technical assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights.
42nd meeting 28 March 2008
Adopted without a vote.