Original HRC document


Document Type: Final Resolution

Date: 2008 Jun

Session: 8th Regular Session (2008 Jun)

Agenda Item:

Topic: HRC Institutional Issues

Human Rights Council

Resolution 8/1. Conference facilities and financial support for the Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council,

Bearing in mind General Assembly resolutions 60/251 of 15 March 2006 and Council

resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007,

Recalling Council decision 3/104 of 8 December 2006 on conference facilities and

financial support for the Council and the report of the Secretary-General on its implementation


1. Reaffirms the need to ensure the provision of necessary financial resources to the

Council and its working groups in order to discharge its mandate fully, as stipulated in General

Assembly resolution 60/251 and implemented by Council resolution 5/1;

2. Expresses its concern at the delays in the submission of documents to the Council,

including those relating to the universal periodic review, and in particular the delays in the

translation of documents into the six official languages of the United Nations, and in this context

requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the

Conference Services Division at the United Nations Office at Geneva to make an assessment of

the situation and to report back to the Council at its ninth session with proposals for adequate

measures, bearing in mind the necessity of maintaining financial efficiency, to address these


3. Reaffirms that the Council will consider favourably the adoption of a decision on the

webcasting of all public proceedings of its various working groups, taking into account the

principles of transparency, equal treatment and non-selectivity and, in this context, requests the

Department of Public Information of the United Nations Office at Geneva to make an assessment

of the situation and to report back to the Council at its ninth session with proposals for adequate

measures, including the necessary resources to establish a permanent capacity for webcasting.

28th meeting 18 June 2008

[Adopted without a vote.]
