Original HRC document


Document Type: Amendment Resolution

Date: 2006 Dec

Session: 4th Special Session (2006 Dec)

Agenda Item:



General Assembly Distr. LIMITED

A/HRC/S-4/L.3 11 December 2006

Original: ENGLISH

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL Fourth special session 12 December 2006

The human rights situation in Darfur

Algeria (on behalf on the African Group): amendments to draft resolution A/HRC/S-4/L.1

1. In the first preambular paragraph after the words “15 March 2006” insert the following

phrase: “in its paragraph 10, provided for the Council to be able to hold special sessions when

needed, at the request of a member of the Council with the support of one third of the

membership of the Council” and delete the end of the paragraph;

2. After the first preambular paragraph insert the following paragraph :

Recalling Human Rights Council decision 2/115 of 28 November 2006 on Darfur,

3. In the second preambular paragraph, after the word “Council” delete the words “to

continue and”;

4. In paragraph 1, before the word “concern” delete the word “grave”, and after the word

“Darfur” replace the existing text by the following: “in spite of the conclusion of the Darfur

Peace Agreement which some parties have yet to sign”;

5. At the end of the second paragraph insert the following: “and also calls upon the parties

which have not yet signed the Darfur Peace Agreement to do so and upon all parties to observe

the ceasefire”;


A/HRC/S-4/L.3 page 2

6. After paragraph 2, insert the following paragraph:

Calls upon the international community at large and on the donor countries and

peace partners in particular to honour their pledges of support, inter alia to the African Union

Mission in Sudan whose mandate has been recently extended to provide urgent and adequate

financial and technical assistance to the Government of the Sudan and to the relevant State and

non-State agencies in the promotion of human rights;

7. In paragraph 3, before the word “assessment” delete the word “urgent”; after the words

“headed by” insert the following phrase: “the President of the Council and to include the

members of the Bureau and the regional group coordinators that are members of the Council as

well as”.

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